Others - Aesthetic Life [v3.0] [nonhumans]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Short Version: There is no game, there is literally a couple of scenes and the rest you gotta pay up on the "dev" patreon.

    The game seems like it is a demo of a demo, there is absolutely nothing to do in it other than teleport to other places and see a few H scenes. Most of wich you cannot see because they are behind a pay wall. It says that this is a 3.0 version, but if this is what the "DEV" is calling anything past 0.1 it is a shitty game, there is no game to be played at all.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Calling this a 'game' makes even the most basic of visual novels devoid of any choice look generous filled to the brim with so many things to do.

    To elaborate a little bit:
    * The five stats at the bottom of the game only determine how much money you make or stats change with every action you take
    * There are a grand total of SEVEN sex scenes spread out across EIGHT 'maps' that are available without subscribing to the patreon, although I cannot imagine there would be double this number in the two additional 'maps' and the three inaccessible scenes viewable elsewhere
    The balance in the game in practically nonexistent and strongly against you. Unless you figure out how to get some cash fast before your stats completely drain, you will never have enough money to buy the appropriate items to increase your stats needed to make more money... both of which are useless in the long run
    * The sex scenes are on the level of Flash player works, the ones that look nice but play like a powerpoint presentation

    Overall, there is barely two minutes worth of content here hidden behind ten times as much grinding and whatever paywall is set up for a nebulous increase in presumed grinding and nothingness. I can't even give this a Good, Bad, or Ugly rating breakdown as there is quite literally not enough of anything to fit into either category.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    There's basically nothing here.
    And there are pay walls.
    Complete waste of time. Pointless. There is no gameplay. The art is mediocre. The sheer audacity of putting paywalls on this just, empty nothing of a product is ridiculous.
  4. 1.00 star(s)

    Jason Jefferson

    "Need extended version to unlock this review".

    There is no gameplay, it's just drag your character to a place and click on the action button to see a scene. The majority of scenes are behind a paywall. Cannot recommend in the current state at all
  5. 3.00 star(s)


    Tried the 2.0 extended version and here are some of my thoughts:

    The good:
    Developed in Godot engine.
    Interesting build your room mechanic.
    Has great potential

    The bad:
    Half backed
    The sex is just a set of pngs
    Limited in scope with no story and repetitive tasks

    You should wait for the developer to add more stuff to the game before buying it. The free version is very limited.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    Very barebones, this is more like tech demo.
    3 scenes that are just really short, 1-2 seconds animations on a loop, drag to an NPC and just click for a scene, one scene in the intro so 2 scenes in the actual "game". Nothing more. That's the whole game.

    Technically there is also needs system (that's bad), warderobe (mostly empty and annoying to use, it kicks you out of the clothing menu after clicking any clothes), room building menu (you start the game with an empty room, first few days in game are just spamming the same scene to earn enough for a bed, bathtub and a fridge).

    On the other hand, there are pop ups to get premium version, promising more content.