Ren'Py - Completed - After the Inferno [v1.0] [Classy Lemon]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Surprisingly good game. I'm not a big fan of models (in dev's next project there is huge improvement in this area) but the story and dialogues are top notch, sex scenes are great and in general it's one of the most entertaining porn games I've ever played. I was hooked to the monitor after the first minute, the humour, the banter and the main plot are just that good. Erotic scenes are hot and even women models somehow grew on me.

    + Story that is in the top 1 percentile
    + Dialogues and humour (this game will brighten your day)
    + Sex scenes that are animated
    + No filler here or stupid minigames

    - Some models could use a bit more work but after a while I found them hot so it's not a big flaw in my eyes
    - Cutscenes are unnecessary IMO but they can be skipped so it's not much of a flaw either
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    (Version Reviewed: Completed Game)

    Good game from a great dev.

    I liked the story and the voice acting. The renders do look a little odd, I think it's a problem with the eyes of the characters. The animations look good. Dialogue and humor are on point. However, I did not enjoy the sandbox and felt that the story could've been told in a VN format. The sandbox made it feel like the city was empty, so more NPCs would've been a good move. The romances feel underdeveloped, it often feels like it's too rushed other than romance with the fire mage which had a bit of a backstory to it.

    Solid game. 8/10 is a fair rating.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    +Writing style is efficient and enjoyable. I was expecting things to be pretty dry with lots of reading in what looked to be a fantasy epic but was pleasantly surprised with a much lighter approach and good amounts of humor while still keeping things serious when they needed to be. The humor and style got me particularly hooked in the earlier parts of the game but became less pronounced as the game progressed while still being there from time to time.

    +Lore entries are unlocked as things are mentioned in the game which make for a terrific way of providing background and world-building for those of us that care without bloating dialogue with unnatural exposition.

    +Animations are surprisingly well done. The lewd ones are somewhat straight-forward (each scene is one to two positions shown at various angles and a finishing animation) but satisfying. Things jiggle as they should and things like speed and impact are just right. My only slight knock is that the quality is somewhat compromised in some cases by compression artifacts. Things move fast enough though that they're usually not noticeable.

    +Voice acting was well done for an AVN. Sounds were overall solid. Sounds and moans/voices during sex scenes were excellent.

    +Bonus points from me for a few decent animated facials.

    =Renders are overall decent enough but not great. Some look terrific but a lot are lacking in various aspects. Aesthetic choices particularly with some of the models themselves can take a bit of getting used to as well. The amount of renders used per scene can seem pretty low compared to other AVNs but they generally get the job done. Render choice was a bit hit or miss with some seemingly unneeded large shots of barren landscapes and not enough in scenes with interactions with other characters. Use of sprites in certain dialogues did help make up for the lack of renders in some of these scenarios though.

    =Most of the lewd material and flavors catered to are fairly vanilla aside from a few exceptions.

    =It's hard to tell if one of the storylines in the final battle is an homage or just a fantasy rip off that other parts of the game were included just to set up. ;) It worked in the context of the game world but hardly felt remotely original.

    -Despite being fairly succinct, parts of the story and dialogue still feel meaningless and boring. There are also occasionally things mentioned that are quickly explained away that make no sense if you stop to think about them at all. A couple things that are brought up are then explicitly not explained within the game (which would be fine if there was meant to be a sequel - and I'd love to see one someday).

    -Romantic progression with LIs is extremely rushed and largely formulaic. There's rarely time or reason to get invested in them, chemistry is nearly non-existent, and how quickly they come to trust or care for the MC rarely seems earned or believable. It works fine for some of the more casual sexual relationships in the game but not so much for others.

    -A bunch of the sex scenes don't feel organic or built up to but rather there because it's just time for a sex scene. There's also little very in the way additional renders, descriptive text, or even dialogue during the scenes. While I like that the animations have the characters clearly not afraid of getting after it, the only build up before most of these animations is usually one or two renders and a bit of text hinting at some foreplay which I would rather have seen more of (just some more renders and text would do the trick). Scenes also have no choices/options to speak of.

    -City seems empty and lifeless. The handful of characters you can interact with in the few locations you can go to freely have dialogue options that disappointingly never change as the game progresses. I liked the map and journal interface but it seemed wasted as you only ever have at most a few simple choices of where to go and what to do at any given time.

    -Panning/Zooming effects are used way too much on static renders. It works well in the cases where there's a reason to pan/zoom as well as in the scenes with more lengthy dialogue on top of an otherwise static background but it's very frequently used completely unnecessarily. After playing for a while you may start to feel like images even in other programs are moving when they aren't. :p

    -Renders and animations both suffer in certain lighting conditions. Frequent low light combined with bright glowing elements seems to be particularly problematic.


    There's a lot to like and a lot to pick at critically. Writing and world-building had more pros than cons. Animations and audio were impressive. LI progression was generally a let down but sex scenes were satisfying if a bit generic and short. Renders were decent but a bit infrequent at times and often hampered by lighting, quality issues, and obsession with panning/zooming.

    This was a good first time outing from a new dev. There are certainly things left to be improved upon but what was already accomplished and learned from here certainly bodes well for future projects. This was also a game which was completed in a very reasonable length of time but as a result unfortunately did feel a bit like an experimental project that could have been much more. It did a good enough job of telling its story and wrapping it up in a fairly satisfying manner but it felt like a lot of potential was still left on the table (especially for the amount of thought that went into building out the world). Nonetheless, the game felt fresh and quite enjoyable for what it was and I'm looking forward to the dev's next project.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    While the renders, animations and overall visuals (except maybe the background) actually quite good the game wastes a lot of potential. Several story elements or side storys could have been much deeper and fleshed (like the cult and so on). It's also sad that your choices don't really matter that much. This game could have been much more but wasted all of its potential.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    Carried by animation and voices, the game itself I found broody and dull. So many opportunities and mechanic potential wasted. All you do is speak to someone back to back, go to sleep, new event. The choices are near negligible and pointless, it makes maybe a inch of difference with no real consequence. It's more of a VN that a game, you almost do nothing but read text and select 1 option every 5 mins on top of that you don't even interact with the characters after their story is done, you only see them again end game.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Really enjoyed this visual novel. Enjoyed the story & lore. Story had a beginning, middle, end which was nice.

    The animations really helped imo with the story telling, and i appreciate animations for non-sex scenes!

    Would be cool if the story continues.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent VN.

    Good and varied cast of female, "romancable" characters, as well as some fun supporting male ones. The prose is some of the best I've seen on this site and the models and animations are outstanding. The voice acting is nothing to sneeze at either.

    The story is well done with a variety in locations and arcs as well as a certain amount of player choice that amounts to more than just altered dialouge. It doesn't break new ground concept-wise but the execution is near flawless.

    It has some fun humor and suprisingly good lore, I am especially a fan of the depiction of the Death-God.

    My only real gripes with the game is the fact that the ending of the game does not have enough buildup in my opinion and that the final girl Izumi, really does not have a lot of "Screentime".

    These criticisms however pale in comparison to the good aspects. I am very excited to play the next game of this Team, it looks very promising.

    Still salty the Death Priestess isnt romancable though.
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    A most excellent first game by this Dev. Barring a few issues, it's almost great, and definitely worth a play.

    The Good

    Story is solid if a bit short. Likeable MC and well-developed ladies, put it well above average.
    Girls are gorgeous and with good variety, with mostly decent backstory and interactions.
    Music is good and sound is great, especially in the lewd scenes. ;)
    Ending is solid, if a bit abrupt. Nice to not really need a walkthrough to get the good ending. Just use common sense and be a decent dude and you will get it.
    Lewds are plentiful, though most all of them could be a bit longer. I have seen a lot worse sexy time.

    The not so Good

    Dialogue is a bit wooden, and writing could use a bit of help. It's pretty bare bones, though the story makes sense, and a lot of thought went into the world building and lore. Some more exposition and dialogue more suited to the individual characters would have been nice.
    Need more renders for the sex scenes, especially foreplay. The animations are pretty good but need more variety and longer loops. Changing up the positions and more dirty talk in the sexy scenes, would make them more fap worthy. They were just too short to properly get off on them.

    Those small issues aside, it's still a very good game. Looking forward to more from this Dev. (y)
  9. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 573745

    I'm like 15 minutes in and the only thing I can think about is why is this game lacking the 'Gay' tag. "That's fucking gay" is literally the only thing I have been groaning the entire time. The game literally opens with the MC leering at another mans junk, nuff said. This game consists wholly of visceral cringe. The main character is the demon love child of Geralt and Rob Stark, which absolutely had me in stitches. Then he fucks an ugly bitch, and I'm like... Okay! I see you game. Respect Its about time ugly bitches get love too. But then they straight up reuse models with the slightest paintjobs. There were 3 voice actors in Oblivion and there are 3 women in this game. It's like a bad one women show. Every 4 seconds the already non existent pacing grinds to a halt for some dramatic music and some stupid fucking manufactured bullshit. I'm 5 seconds into the game, I don't know anything about these characters, other then the fact they are all deeply closeted. I. Don't. Give. A. Fuck. For an adult game, it sure does blow its load too soon. Although... I'm sure it only gets worse. I'll probably give it one more go for shits and giggles... But I have a very strong feeling that this is another 'acting lessons' type game where it is absurdly overhyped to the point of absolute insanity and is actually an embarrassment to the culture.

    (EDIT: +1 Star for big D MC. -1/2 star for shape changing cock, it's different in literally every scene. 1 scene it is thick and veiny and the next its slick with a purple head. +1 star for decent animations. +1 star for positions. +1 star for aggressive insemination. -1/2 star for 0 creampies, facials sure, but ZERO cum in coochies, unacceptable. 1/2 star for limited voice work. -2 stars for the purest cringe. +1 star for blind ambition. +1 star for translucent bitty, -1/2 star for lack of visual insemination. -2 star for the story without factoring the cringe. - 2 star for formulaic nature of gameplay. It's just pure repetition with extra unnecessary steps: look in journal, do what journal says, choose sex, rest at inn. Rinse. Repeat. Having a map was worthless, just make a f'ing VN next time. +2 stars for skippable cut-scenes, it was the only way I could finish the game. -3 stars for having cutscenes that need to be skipped. I don't know how many that is, and I genuinely don't care. But I know its negative and I can't accurately reflect that in the rating.)
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    As of this review I've only played past the prologue and the Cressa story

    Story, Art, and Audio

    I'm the type to try and put my attention into a games story and see through the MC as Devran is written to make that easily possible, where I found myself quite surprised at a few reveals (His comedic timing brings for a pretty fun break with all of the seriousness that you encounter). The other characters (so far) are pretty good to level out Devran constantly being in your face as everything is told and seen from his perspective (First Person POV). An important part of his character right now (As of this review) is revealed that makes a game element quite clever along with his design.

    The art is quite tame but suits the purpose that it was pretty much made for as after about an hour I was already accustomed to the character designs and found their charm, though some don't particularly fit well more than others and that's honestly okay in the grand scheme of things. The audio, music, and sounds are used sparingly and are perfect for where they are used, as ambience isn't overpowering and plays quite well with immersion while the voice acting I find quite a bit rocky and awkward (so far).

    The game is pretty good and I honestly would recommend it to anyone on this site to give it a go if they like story over gameplay and of course sex scenes as there a quite a number that can easily be missed. The humor I think is great when its used but my own might just end up being skewed. My only gripe with the game is primarily on how a lot of things don't really fit together as much art-wise and few inconsistencies with necks and a bit of spelling errors but this can all be forgiven as it was graciously provided for free to anyone looking to play. This game is great for this time played (4 hours) and I would hope my review helps others pick it up for a decent read and experience.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    That was a good game. It wasn't too long or too short, the LI's were nice and the story was good. I have no complaints for this game. I would've like some free roam sex scenes but that's more of a feature that would have been nice and doesn't effect my rating.

    It's a completed game and I'm gonna give it a 5/5.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent medieval fantasy game from Classy Lemon.
    Story is very good, characters are all different and very likeable, renders and cutscenes are very well made (with the latter fully voiced!).
    The game is a visual novel with very little (and very simple) sandbox elements; sex scenes are really nice, well animated and well integrated in the story.
    Even if the tone is serious there are lighter and humorous moments which i thoroughly appreciated.
    There are one good ending and one bad ending (with some differences in how you interact with each of the other characters).
    Congratulations to the Dev and good luck for his next title Projekt Passion!
    5 stars!!
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This man has vision. I can respect that. Voiced, fully animated cutscenes? Say whaat???

    It is rather cool I must say. Im not sure if this has been ever done to this extent and it is undeniably quite impressive. My only wish would be that it was a proper visual novel without sandbox elements in the slightest but the sandbox is not obscene by any means, just a slight annoyance.

    This one is for sure worth checking out, perhaps just for the novelty of it. In terms of the fetish content or evil/good playthroughs there isnt much there but the animations are very impressive and the VA is good.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is well made, art, history, sounds, 3D graph, and most importantly, the storyline, I wish there was a sequel to it.
    So if you want fantasy, good humor, a game you made a choice that will impact the story, go for it.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    A lot of fun. Played straight through. Medieval fantasy rarely interests me, but the characters, light humor in a grim world, and strong renders carried it for me. I see some people didn't enjoy the character designs, but I found them unique and immersive. They made it feel like more of a fantasy, more animated, the sort of place it isn't too surprising someone might turn their arms into living-fire because they didn't like being told they smell like cooked chicken.

    Also enjoying Classy Lemon's current Projekt: Passion. This dev is doing a lot right, and I hope he keeps it up.
  16. 4.00 star(s)


    Rating 4-4.5*

    Love the medieval setting
    Good Story
    Great Renders
    Great Cutscenes
    voiced Characters
    Good looking Characters
    Many Characters
    Good Animations
    Good Sex Scenes

    I wish there were more sex position options.

    The Map feels a bit pointless because there are locations like the market or the libary that you visit once in the Story and there is nothing you can do there after that.
    The village feels too empty and there´s not much you can do.
    When you talk to the people there, you only can ask the same questions and do the same actions which doesn´t make the world feel immersive.

    I really like the game and can recommend playing it.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    Good story in a medieval fantasy setting. Graphics were good, cut-scenes very well done, sex-scenes even better.

    Voice acting added a lot and was really well made. Plot al little to short for me.

    Overall would recommend.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    I figured out how to review games for this one.
    Probably spoilers ahead.

    So, some people are more critical of this game, and they're not wrong at all. Completely valid things are brought up, things like writing complexity, tone shift, thematic headscratchers like the idea of the noble mercenary, clashes between world building and writing style.

    But I ain't here to play through a game written by the greatest writers in the world, I'm here to NUT

    So going by the criteria of I'm playing this 18+ Adult visual novel game for the purposes of 18+ adult reasons, this fantasy adventure VN is one of the best I've ever had the pleasure of experiencing. I can only imagine the developers wanted to do a specific thing here, and in my mind they have achieved it extremely well.

    The game lured me in, like most games on F95, with the promise of adult content, and the fantasy medieval theme. And then I got hooked on the worldbuilding, as it slowly introduced more and more aspects of the world and it's political sphere, and where our protagonist and his company fit into it.

    Sure, it's no GRRM's Song of Ice and Fire, but I bring up my original criteria, I'm here to NUT, not to read a thousand pages of historically accurate political scheming and warfare. I got my nut and then more, and the game never forgets why I'm playing an adult visual novel in the first place. I give it a lot of credit for that, for slipping in aspects of worldbuilding in while not forgetting why we're all here in the first place.

    So , from the standpoint of a very simple, does it satisfy?
    It does satisfy, it has incredible animations, light hearted writing that won't keep you up at night, moments of seriousness just enough to give the scenes gravity, a varied cast of characters and body types. A paragon aligned protagonist that can bring out the best in the people around him, someone who isn't stupid or blind.

    I know I said simplicity comes first in this review, but the protagonist is someone who's sticking with me, someone who is a mercenary, he knows the world is a rough place, but he trusts and is kind anyways. He could very easily be a brooding, edgy mercenary commander, who only seeks out money and glory. But no, he doesn't. He has the skill to, the people strong enough to, but he doesn't lead them down that path. In a world where the overwhelmingly powerful rule, why doesn't he seek to be among their number? I'm reminded of the film EEAAO, how Waymond says his kindness is how he fights. Strategic, and necessary. And just like Paragon Shepard in Mass Effect, it's not the strength of our MC's sword arm or the thickness of his armor that is his true power. It's his kindness, willingness to trust others, his capacity to slow down and help others, that earns him the loyalty of his companions, and thus adding their strength to his. In this world where the strong and wealthy clearly do the best, our MC fights back not with righteous crusade or brutal rampage, but by being a nexus. By binding others to him, with some chatting and then sex, because this game doesn't forget it's here to fuck, he's binding others to each other, through him. Without him, the city would have never succeeded against the challenges presented against it, because everyone would have stood alone. For a game that has sex as a major selling point, I think it certainly does a good job at a bunch of other stuff too.

    And I'd really like to see a sequel to this, our lad still has adventures to go on, and I'd like to see them. Our MC in this game is a great Paragon protagonist, actually refreshing to be with. And he is an adherent follower of that anonymous Japanese 4chan poster, the one that said, "Through dick, unity." Unlike most Male Protag games in the sphere of adult gaming, the protagonist in this was actually a highlight for me.

    If you want a pretty lighthearted romp through a fantasy world, this is one of the best. And it has an ENDING. My god, there's so many games where it wants you to dump some crazy amount of time like 50 hours in order to get anywhere, and sure some people are into that but not here, this VN doesn't meander about. It has a story to tell and goes and does it, and if you've liked it like I did, it leaves you wanting more.

    tldr my probably incoherent review
    Liked it a lot. Straightforward fantasy VN. Strong paragon protag makes me feel good.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    Fun little adventure, avoids most of the pit falls of the uncanny Valley with some nice scenes.

    The world building clearly had a lot of time and effort put in it although the story is generic whit a few flashes of potential, overall it doesn't overstate its welcome and its serves its propose.

    Had a good nut, would recommend.
  20. 3.00 star(s)


    Bit of a love & hate relationship with this game.

    - Animations are well made. Much more fluid and longer than what you're used to with 3-4 second loops on other titles. Most definitely this game's strong suit.
    - I don't normally like voice acting in adult games as its usually pretty corny and very amateurish. Twitter porn VAs would either robotically read the script or they would overact by overemphasizing words/phrases in a exaggerated manner. Admittedly, its been well handled here and VAs actually sound true to their ingame roles.

    - Writing is very subpar. Characters feel empty, just fall onto the MC's lap, and there generally isn't good enough context or backstory or sufficient character development to really care about them. The writing would transition awkwardly from goofy jokes to abrupt lore dumping to suddenly getting serious cause some lady we don't care about apparently died? This game's plot just has an identity crisis and, as consequence, is all over the place.
    - Endings are not what you'd expect from an adult VN where the MC selects his chosen waifu and they ride off to the sunset. There are just 2 endings, largely concerning the plot only (he saves the city or doesn't save the city) and then you get a bunch of fanservice sex scenes in the tavern with the characters. That's it. The fate of MC and the LIs are kinda forgotten. Pretty underwhelming.
    - What's the point of the free roam mechanic besides extending gameplay time? Adds nothing to the game.