Others - Completed - Agarest: Generations of War [Final] [Idea Factory]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Prince Vevit

    Starting off, there are no other games truly like this. If you play this and enjoy it, you will be chasing the high forever. I played this game in my youth and it never left my mind.

    The game itself has fairly difficult, almost tedious combat, that feels incredibly worth it when you set up combos with the various characters, giving spectacular visuals and massive damage. The effects and sounds used are charming and have a feel all of their own. The sometimes slog of combat is balanced out by romancing 3 girls as you follow the plot. You will inevitably choose one girl, and given that you have a good relationship, you will have a child with her. Each child has a different look, and different stats from eachother. Then you will play that child as an adult. And that child will romance 3 girls. And have a child. and that child will do the same thing. Its fucking amazing. Its actually super fucking rewarding, playing as your child and making them into beasts of units, all while playing through the generations and following the story. It is truly an addictive, unforgettable loop. Plus, the opening song for the game is an earworm that sounds amazing. You wont really find a fap here, but its good anime fun, thats easy enough to play while watching something in the background. Its a classic.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    If you like turn based old style combat like Final Fantasy Tactics with a long story this is the game for you.
    The story is good and the game itself is not hard to understand if you know how turn base combat works.
    Is a really long game, both for the story and for the combat stages, so if you start playing it prepare yourself because this one will rape your time.
    There are no explicit sex scenes but I really like how the characters are designed.
    Is overall an enjoyable game for the funs of this genre.