Dec 7, 2018
After select the hero game stucks in here, I can rotate the light on mask by right click and make it nod with wheel but nothing happens is it bug or should i do something


Sep 12, 2022
This is often happen becasue you delete everything in save folder (You must leave at least 1 file in ...Age Of Dragon\Age Of Dragons_Data\StreamingAssets\Save folder)
You can fix this by creating one text file in ...Age Of Dragon\Age Of Dragons_Data\StreamingAssets\Save
Let me know if above solution fix that!
I tried your way but still nothing happens


Sep 12, 2022
This is often happen becasue you delete everything in save folder (You must leave at least 1 file in ...Age Of Dragon\Age Of Dragons_Data\StreamingAssets\Save folder)
You can fix this by creating one text file in ...Age Of Dragon\Age Of Dragons_Data\StreamingAssets\Save
Let me know if above solution fix that!
Still sound settings are not saved. The beginning of the game hits hard on the ears.


Feb 19, 2022
First of all, I apologize for using Google Translate vietnamese to English. I am very bad with English.
All you can change the resolution in game like this.
Although the image looks HDR and is shaded by the scene. Everything like my text and game experience went smoothly without any problems. ScreenShotSettingGame.png
I have experienced on the system:
- Windows 11 22621.1105 (x64)
- Fully installed C++ 2005, 2008, 2012, 2013, 2015-2022.. (x64, x86) components.
- Desktop Monitor Viewsonic FULL HD 1920x1080 (75Hz)
- CPU Intel Core I5 11400F
- GPU Zotac Nvidia GT 1030 VRAM 2Gb (Driver 528.24 WHQL)

The game is very good. I would like to thank the developer very much for releasing this game for free here.


Aug 15, 2018
Things I am working on will be released in Chapter 2 of the game (some of them or all of them).
-A 3D interactive adult scene.
-You can stop, pause, or skip video cutscene.
-Turn off adult scene anytime you want if you like to focus on RTS and RPG gameplay.
-More tutorials for casual players and more content for hardcore players
-More interaction with the main story line (right now there are 9 quests, but it's a little hard to follow).
Thank you!

I don't know where you're from or why you thought slamming/slapping xvideos into unity would be a good idea. I'm not touching this with a ten foot pole. Why don't you just start working on an actual game and not bloat it with ripped content from the internet? I can already tell you, your spelling is atrocious and this idea is going to take you forever without outside help. You're not going to finish it and it's not going to be good when you think it's done.

Why don't you just focus on making the game good before ripping off other creators?


Aug 31, 2017
Some pointers for improvement:
- add tooltips, to everything. cost, damage/effect, description, etc
- clean up the world map, reduce spawns, implement a difficulty ramp for spawns
- focus first on fixing the obvious graphics and settings issues
- writing: get help from someone who knows english, seriously
- instead adding more and more content, try to make a coherent system first. you have lots of -stuff-, but it's all just a chaotic jumble that does not "click"
- instead of scraping unrelated 3D animations from xvideos, produce your own nsfw content that fits the setting
- since you obviously need help with UI, controls and game design: just copy what the other games you mentioned do. the battle controls and UI of total war. check how they handle formations. loot and skill elements from diablo - autocollect, skill trees that make sense, side-by-side comparison of item stats


Aug 31, 2017
Yes, some other games use cobbled together works from random artists, and what do you know, they all suck, too. I don't mind piracy at all. You misunderstood the problem.

"Content" is not just nsfw videos. It is everything from items to skills and units. We don't need more of that right now, it is bloated enough as it is. Instead we'd appreciate a game that actually presents a coherent package. You misunderstood the problem.

I don't just mean the resolution issue. And while we are at it, the visuals are unappealing in general. See screenshots in this thread.
What we do get for skill and shop info is pretty useless, it's not "mostly fine". You find out what things are/do after using them.
The fights are a structureless mess, in order to enjoy it your bar must be set extremely low. The game rating reflects this. So far the solution to every fight was: select all units, give attack order, repeat.
Just pick up equipment automatically, the chore adds nothing of value to the gameplay. Just add loot screen.
This game fails to copy the good aspects of any other game.

I want the game to be worth downloading, but it is barely worth writing this much text for, at the time.


Mar 28, 2019
I love this game and i am sure there are people like me do. But I think this game is not make for everyone (It's a RPG heavy game).

This game have flaws but like any game on this site or aaa game have flaws too. You don't focus on good thing about the game just the negative thing so i guess you should try some casual game to play to relax your mind. Sometime i play another aaa game everyone love and close that after 10 minute and thing it's boring.

Anyway you could manipulate time in this game by click on the mask in the center. In order to stop time you need to go close to the enemy, select main hero and click the mask on the centre.

It's a very cool feature and i think everyone should try this :love::love::love::love::love:

View attachment 2375647

I have no idea what you find so amazing about this mess of blurry color effects, horrible textures, hundreds of enemy models coalescing into the same location with 0 collision, meaningless battle strategy, a darkness that makes it impossible to see more than a few meters in any direction ostensibly used to improve performance, stolen porn and other assets, damage numbers flying in all directions, 0 game mechanic explanations or goals, almost non existent story besides a horrible cutscene at the start, all these spells and gems that seem totally meaningless, I could go on and on....

But I'm happily surprised to see there exists at least one human being that enjoys Dragon_Creator's so called "RPG heavy game" LOL.


Mar 28, 2019
You must download new version above to fix bluury problem. It get fix 1 day after game release.

More screenshot of the game :love::love::love::love::love::love::love::love: (You must unlock angels and choose Red Mage and unlock Phoneix skill too)

View attachment 2375781
You misunderstand, I did download that patch, the game is still blurry, just look at all the screenshots YOU are posting, it's not as bad as from first release bug, but still pretty bad.


Respected User
Former Staff
Nov 11, 2017
Per communications with the Dev, this is marked as Abandoned.

Joe Steel

Engaged Member
Jan 10, 2018
I never quite "got" what the dev was trying to create. It must suck as a dev to put all that effort into making a game and have it get (rightfully, mind you) panned like this.

Hopefully, the dev will come back with something a little better-thought-out, if they are serious about designing games.


Aug 4, 2019
what i dont understand is why people come to a game thread, see its 18gb, say to themselves im not gonna download that, and instead of simply leaving, cry like a little bitch because they dont want anyone with a computer more powerful than a potato and an internet connection that isnt 2 hamster wheels connected by a thin copper wire hooked up to an antenna from a 1940s black and white television powered by 1 hamster and 1 frog with half a brain, to be able to enjoy, or at least try, something. we get it, you dont have technology, thats fine, go away.

the same for the people that dont like gaming, and prefer to watch slideshows. "make a game, or make porn, dont do both, huyuck drrrrooooooollll". plenty of things for you to look at elsewhere.

actively convinced a large portion of this "community" is actually just people so pathetic and self loathing the only thing they can get pleasure from is shitting all over something someone else made. /smfh


New Member
Aug 26, 2022
what i dont understand is why people come to a game thread, see its 18gb, say to themselves im not gonna download that, and instead of simply leaving, cry like a little bitch because they dont want anyone with a computer more powerful than a potato and an internet connection that isnt 2 hamster wheels connected by a thin copper wire hooked up to an antenna from a 1940s black and white television powered by 1 hamster and 1 frog with half a brain, to be able to enjoy, or at least try, something. we get it, you dont have technology, thats fine, go away.

the same for the people that dont like gaming, and prefer to watch slideshows. "make a game, or make porn, dont do both, huyuck drrrrooooooollll". plenty of things for you to look at elsewhere.

actively convinced a large portion of this "community" is actually just people so pathetic and self loathing the only thing they can get pleasure from is shitting all over something someone else made. /smfh

This wasn't about specs or file size.

Some games are like half-baked pizzas, possibly delicious and showing promise, some games are huge pizzas that some can't fit in their ovens. Some are rather stale and left unattended for too long.

Then there are pizzas with weird toppings, like chocolate or something. Many won't like it but some might.

This game was a pizza with a mountain of "stuff" on top, a heap of sugar for sweetness, a few spoons of pepper for zing, a handful of plastic glitter to look pretty and your favourite stuffed toy for cuteness. All blended into one enormous pile of "bad" Moreover, you could see that the stuff wasn't even chopped in properly -- assets were simply ripped and thrown in haphazardly without any care at all just to bloat up the "game" with filesize and dazzle players with glitter like one would dazzle a 1yo kid with a loud\flashy toy.
1.00 star(s) 3 Votes