Recommending Agnai - the underrated, uncensored AI RP chatbot service

Aug 19, 2023
The purpose of this thread is to recommend Agnai, a.k.a. Agnaistic, as an AI chatbot service, purely because it isn't nearly talked about as much as it deserves for the service it offers, and I think plenty of people other than me have also gone through the pain of looking for a decent AI service, but don't want to sift their way through the crap that is out there, which there is a LOT of. I have gone through this journey myself, and I have finally found something which I genuinely want to stick to, so I just want to save you the hassle, and tell you why I think Agnai is a S-tier site compared to the rest.

First of all, here is the website link so that you don't have to scroll down to find it:

Now let's have a comprehensive breakdown of the features:

- Let's start with the most important stuff. Agnai is completely free to use and completely uncensored. Agnai's purpose is precisely NOT to have censorship - it exists solely because censorship elsewhere has forced that.

- Agnai is mainly made in mind for roleplay chats with characters, like Character AI, but it can be shoehorned to do whatever you want due to its customizability. There is no built in character library (use a site like or characters imported from other services, those should also work, you can also create your own).

- You do not get access to all the features on the free tier, but that is purely limited to better models, and seeing ads (no pop-ups or anything). For the free tier, you get two models, and they are really decent (7B and 13B parameters respectively, 13B being comparable in size to a model like NovelAI Kayra), especially considering you can use them all you want for free (again, unlike something like NovelAI which forces you to pay after a mere 50 generations). The first tier, Supporter, for 5 dollars a month, offers an increase in context on the 7B and 13B models (from 4k to 8k tokens), priority in queues and no ads. The 20 dollar tier, Aesthete, provides you with a better model too, the 70B model, which is an upgrade if you want to handle more complex chats/scenarios, and just about as big a model you can get on an online uncensored service if you want to have unlimited use after subscribing. And bigger is usually better. It also gives you access to experimental features such as currently a new mode, more resembling a game than a conversation, being tested. Personally, I think the pricing scheme is rather generous compared to what I have seen elsewhere, but you are not forced to subscribe at all, and can keep using it for free.

- If you do not like the Agnai models, or have an API key from another service, no problem! You can plug in OpenAI, Claude, NovelAI, Mancer, OpenRouter, Horde, your local model... whatever floats your boat. Agnai stands for Agnaistic, and it is because it was first made as an AI-agnostic site (and UI, which, coincidentally, is on GitHub and open source: , you can run it locally or contribute if you wish), which means it is made to be compatible with anything, theoretically. But then again, unlike some sites, it also provides its own services, so you can just use those and start right away with minimal hassle, which I find to be super useful personally.

- In a similar vein, image and voice generation can also be plugged in from external services such as NovelAI, ElevenLabs, or even your local Stable Diffusion setup if you set that up. There are default free external options such as Horde.

- Agnai is ridiculously customizable. You can create your own characters, chat with one or more of them at the same time, make use of scenario events, memory/lore books, and tons of advanced sliders. You can even craft your own prompt templates, changing the way your chat works under-the-hood. If you want to have the freedom to do whatever the hell you want, Agnai provides that. Everything is private unless you share it manually. You can also customize your UI and image generation settings.

- Agnai is actively developed by one person (+ contributors) and updates are fairly frequent frequent. There is a nice, active, helpful Discord community to help you with any questions you might have, including the dev, who often responds to people if asked about stuff.

- You do not require an account to use it.

- You can pay through Stripe or Patreon, the latter not requiring a credit card.

- The servers are stable and issues are minimal.

The only criticisms you could have of Agnai are:

- not as easy to learn as some other services. Agnai has a lot of features, and it can be overwhelming at first, but the community can help you out with any issues you have.

- no internal character library, so you have to import from chub or elsewhere, or create your own.

- image generation can be slow and lacking as it uses Horde by default which is an external service, but it is one of the things being worked on currently. Nevertheless it isn't that bad.

- it has ads on the free tier.


Agnai is a character chat service. Good because:

-unlimited, fully uncensored free tier

-good value for money if you sub for Agnai services, and gives you bigger context for 5 dollars and a better model on the highest tier for 20

-entirely customizable, including plugging in many AI services for text, voice, images, and having your conversation with whatever character, in whatever format, with whatever settings you desire

-helpful community, actively developed

Bad because:

-no character library (you need to import/create)

-somewhat challenging to figure out all the stuff

-ads on free tier

Overall, I think it is the best service currently on the market. I think others are either censored (OpenAI, Claude, Character AI), less powerful (most stuff except the censored ones and pay-per-token/local stuff), or less value for money (like NovelAI. Granted, might be better at story telling, I have no idea, never tried it, and it has better image/voice, but no free tier and less powerful model for 25 dollars.) I have scoured for AI services a lot, and Agnai is the best of the bunch by some distance for me.

The purpose of this thread is purely because Agnai does not get nearly enough exposure compared to competition, and is a hidden gem as it stands. I've had lots of trouble finding it, and I hope that this thread helps out whoever is looking for a good AI chatbot. Seriously, try it. There's nothing to lose, it's free.


Feb 14, 2018
Thanks for this post - I'm trying it out now, and supporting it on patreon (at lest for now). It seems pretty interesting. I love the lack of censorship and amount of content out there for it. Is there a trick for when it starts to loop with some of the stuff, especially the RP out there? Tried going in the settings to tweak the repeat weights but it didn't do anything, and it happens with a lot of the RP stories in there.


New Member
Apr 9, 2018
Thanks for this post - I'm trying it out now, and supporting it on patreon (at lest for now). It seems pretty interesting. I love the lack of censorship and amount of content out there for it. Is there a trick for when it starts to loop with some of the stuff, especially the RP out there? Tried going in the settings to tweak the repeat weights but it didn't do anything, and it happens with a lot of the RP stories in there.
In presets select the one you use, go to advanced and increase Repetition Penalty, but do not increase it too much because it can prevent you from repeating essential words. You can still modify Temperature
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