There's no "best method". There's going completely silent, there's making estimates and there's just letting people know when they're about to release it which is not better than going completely silent. Starke chose to be transparent and keep people updated but honestly I am kind of tired of hearing him justify himself every podcast for the same shit because of a few individuals that are not worth making an effort for and probably never supported the game and would be the first ones to throw a fucking fit if the game had bugs or was subpar just like it happened in the bestiality patch even though the man stated a gazzillion times that he wasn't into bestiality and was only writing it for the fans of the genre. Funny enough, probably don't listen to the podcast either.
I don't understand why people need to build hype to play a porn game? It's a porn game, it's not that deep. You can go about your merry life and when it's out, it's out but then again you can do that or make unrealistic expectations that stuff doesn't happen and life doesn't happen and crucify someone for trying to be communicative and transparent and accuse them of "milking" when this game is clearly giving them financial losses and their future games will likely turn a much higher profit because big tits and milfs and incest but yeah, they must be milking, it's not obvious from the updates and the preview releases that they're actually working on the game. They released a preview yesterday, they released another one today!
A person tries to come in here to discuss the game, maybe ask others what they think about the last preview and how do you think the story will unfold and of course what does one find out? "IS IT OUT YET?" when it takes a derisory amount of effort to know the answer to that question.
What's also fucking annoying is that it's the same movie every patch. "I will never believe Starke's word again, he missed it by a week, how dare he?" but next patch here we are again, same people, same tears, same shit as always but at the risk of sounding like the white knight again or having my post deleted again I get baited into it again.
Yes, we're hyped, if we weren't then we wouldn't be here every week waiting for a release but how about instead of turning this thread into a cesspool of "is it out yet?" don't we actually talk about the fucking game and leave the disappointment for their Discord and go complain there where the dev will actually read it? It's getting fucking tiresome and I honestly hope at some point this forum makes a rule about the incessant crying.
Oh and to wrap it up, I find it fucking sad that some of the people that are here rallying behind the hate train and throwing likes at the misinformed posts are the same people that vote for more scenes and keep hyping the team up to put effort into the game, some of them part of the "PR team". You know who you are, snakes.
Okay ^^
First of all, I don't want to offend you or insult you senselessly, you have your opinion and even if I think you bring it across in an extremely offensive way, it's your opinion and how you express it is also your right.
I already said "who knows what the best method is. Aka There isn't one because it's different for every situation." Being transparent is a beautiful thing. But it is NOT transparent to say: "Guys, we'll release it early in December. Ah, folks, sometime in December. Oh no, nothing at all in December. BUT January. Or no February because a fair vote. Or 10-15 March Ah, wait, 17 etc. That's not transparency, that's just a misjudgment. It can always happen, plans can change, someone gets sick, the community decides on something else. ANY reason is good, but how many reasons should there be? Then let's find reasons until 2077?
On the one hand, he shouldn't always have to justify himself, but on the other hand, doesn't he have clear deadlines? Then tell people: Mid 2023. If we finish earlier you will get it earlier but we need time. And then in the clear sections there is always an update where the status is.
But now comes the Part were u tripping yourself up with your own logic. "I dont understand why people hyped themself for a porn game". Yeeees sure. If they just want the porn , there are 10000 other sites for getting it.
But then why come here at all???? Interested in the game, maybe support the creator? want to be part of the community ? If as a creator you don't want people to look forward to your release or hype yourself up because they're happy that something from your creator is coming out, has he clearly done something wrong???`
Can he say right away: "Why are you excited/hyped about my game? It's just a Porn game? Just look for something else in the meantime , someday i will release it" ??
Then to the part with the "I'll never believe another word from Stark". I don't know how you see it. Everyone decides that for themselves. But if a person tells me: "Friday the 10th." And then "Nono but the 14th." "aaaah no we'll do the 28th next month". Then you don't believe him when he says: "Ahh on the 15th, really!" But like i said, own opinion.
Last against your "forum crying/complaining" . I agree with you, there are certainly people who ALWAYS find something to complain about. It wasn't big enough, it wasn't as expected, something didn't fit blah blah blah. You always have people like that. But is there a difference between looking for a reason to complain or just genuine disappointment? Should people be denied that? Should they just say "Oh yes, no matter what the creator thinks or says, it has to be right"?
In the end I have to say we both rarely have the same opinion. It's not bad either, we don't have to be friends with everyone. But where I absolutely agree with you is the voting. I would have said clearly: "At some point it will be too long, finally give people something to play with". If I had been outvoted, that would just be fair. I shouldn't have found it good, but I had to accept and respect it because it's simply the system. But voting for scenes and then complaining later if it takes longer is really weak.