don't pretend this game tells rich stories.
Right there, he made sure to write it in bold so you wouldn't miss it.
So, which one is going to be? No stories or poor stories? Because I understand if you say the game doesn't have Nobel prize of literature quality stories but he stated the game doesn't have a story, you just go from one scene to the next. I think you're the one who didn't try to understand people's perspectives before you started defending one and attacking the other so let's just jump to the part of the argument where you either:
A. Go silent.
B. Realize you misunderstood and agree with me.
C. Backpedal in your argument.
D. Play dumb and address a point that wasn't even made while twisting stuff I've said, attempting to insult me somewhere in the process.
It's like who wants to be a millionaire but the internet troll argumentation 101 version.
For future reference, if you expect a mature non-sarcastic retort don't start an argument with "Says Ayame #1 Fan" which adds absolutely nothing to your arguments. I share the courtesy that's extended to me.
EDIT: Turns out you were defending a troll that copied a review made in another thread and paste it here. Go figure.