Others - Abandoned - Alice Awakening [v0.4.2 Stable] [StickJump]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Good for what it has, great style and once the progression clicks, it all comes together. Plus you aren't punished for using the Cheat Mode, since all it does it gives you a bunch of items. I will say it is worth playing to the end it was left at.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    this game is very fun its super good for passing time too lol and i love the challenge of sneaking around, and getting points without messing up everything about the game seems really good the looks, characters ,and story in some part are great
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Boring game translated by a grade school-level ESL, progression is locked behind ridiculous RNG.
    Nothing about this game is fun. Do not be fooled by the images, because the sex scenes are awful and spaced so far between you'll never be ever to cum to them.
    1/5 only because a 0/5 review isn't possible
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    The games unfinished, but its not bad at its current state neither. There are legit sex scenes in this game, so for what's its worth its not a 100% waste of time.

    The character progresses slowly, and once the relations reaches certain breakpoints your sister no longer treats you like a fucking perv jackoff, so on the emotional spectrum the game has some bright points.

    Sex scenes are limited. And the groping is basically a point n click. But the emotional progression and dialogue saves this somewhat. A decent reward for the grinding.

    Only problem here is my subjective feeling on the artwork. Could've been better. You'll never truly know what the characters are thinking without the dialogue because the faces really dont change all that much. That said, its not a deal breaker certainly.

    Games not done. But it might as well be. There's three other girls you barely get scenes with, lord knows how much further the game can go had it been completed. To be fair, I know how it feels to plan big and then losing interest in the project, so Im not going to hold the dev to task on this. At least the game progresses far enough to actually allow you to penetrate the main girl.

    All in all, a nice 4-5 hour game with decent rewards at the end. And it could be done in 2 hours max if you go full casual because the game doesn't really demand all that much grinding. Recommend for those who likes western VN, or just want to kill off some time.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    hot scenes pogu, excited for more hopefully it updates soon, but i prefer a delayed good update then a rushed bad one so i dont mind waiting. sister is best girl cashier is second best. hopefully the friend she talks to on the phone also becomes a character
  6. 4.00 star(s)


    I'd rate this game from good-average 3.5/5 and here is why.

    The game has good art, I mean the artist went through putting live2d on everything, which is quite commendable, there could be a couple of more grope options in my opinion but it's not missing that many.

    The story, is something along decent to whatever. What really bothers me is that I have to go through sleep text, grope text and waking up text boxes. Like I read this one time, there is no point of me going through those over 100 times. Why 100 times you ask?

    Well the game is really grindy. Every time you sleep and you successfully grope her by depleting you AP(Action Points) you get a rise in stats of REL, LST and lowers Chasity. By lowering those you can progress the story to further corrupt your sister and eventually bone her. I understand from developers point of view that narrowing it down, would make the game too simple and short, but, isn't there really other ways of pushing forward with progression? Like some scuffed minigame about groping her like you do in the "2nd Phase" , just not letting her notice would FAR better than going x3 times sleep mode.

    Try the game, open the walkthrough if you need help, the word file is on patreon for free, it is a decent game, it ain't really that bad if you go through those small problems. Also the gallery is just live2d animations, not re-playing the scenes, which kidna sucks.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    amazing game cant wait to see more I really enjoy the story and the h scenes and if you haven't played this game yet then I recommend that you do other than that I like the animation and character design and again cant wait to see it update
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Long story short: I'm giving it 1 star more than it deserves just because of art, and if you don't find this particular deviant-art/tumblr artsyle palatable you will just get shitty game.

    You're getting into shoes of socially awkward virgin trying to bone his sister and being even more awkward towards other character(s). By awkward I mean: this is no anime-tier awkward, dumb or dense, this is straightforwardly on autism spectrum awkward. Sister is copy-paste tsundere archetype on side of tsun. You can excuse her shitty behaviour on account of autistic brother constantly trying to stick his dick wherever it doesn't belong. Take it or leave it, because you will click through dialogues and inner voices of MC for quite some time. It won't be quality.

    Gameplay time, it's game after all. There is two parts to it: one is morning to evening routine, moving across rooms and doing stuff. Second one is sex game, and boy oh boy, what dissapointment it is.
    Let's start with positive one, room traversal. It's all about random encounter, you might get to meet your sister in room or not, all depends of her fixed routine and dice roll, whatever she's doing is also random so it might time to get scenes you want. Each room has activity that will boost your relationship status with sister or increase some stat gain (for one day). Also you can search for items - but don't bother, I got one playthrough this way and it doesn't change much, basically it's yet another layer of unnecessary randomness that doesn't add to the game. Chances are low (for quality items there basically gatcha-tier chance) and sister can always appear and steal shit from you. Bother not.

    You will use sex "game" only for increasing some semi-explained statuses. Most of them is useless. You want to unlock one of them to see her awake metter, then you see how often you can click.
    It's not a game. It's annoyance. You don't get rewarded. You just wait till meter decreases so you can safely click body part and get away with it - and then you run out of action points. Everything is then converted to points you can distribute among your stats. Rinse and repeat. You might see guide on this one because it's such a chore and, unfortunatelly, story is locked behind some stats so I wish you happy grinding.
    And don't expect much of sexual content, it's lower quality than most oldchool flash games.

    Speaking of gaming, do you own powerful rig? It doesn't matter, really. You will get loading times of AAA games EVERY time you change room. Or day. I hope you enjoy waiting.

    Last one thing is developement process, and sweet Lord, this is something else. At least 50 pages of comments is dedicated to waiting and moaning "where is dev", "where is update", "am I wasting my money on patreon" and when update finally drops after 6 months or so it's underwhelming, "wow it's fucking nothing" kind of update. It also broke gallery so... you get an idea. You will probably never get finished product out of it. Every update might be last one, by looks of things.

    Overall: Don't bother. Most importantly don't ever pay for it, EVER. If you want to play it you will pay with your precious time anyway but I don't think you can sue developer to give it back. The only thing this game is doing the best is cock blocking you - on many, many levels - and if you're into this kind of stuff you've just found your favourite game. Enjoy.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    As people mentioned the UI is slightly clunky but the content is really cool and dialogues are interesting. Most of the game is animated and the storyline is coherent. The only reason for the missing star is how the mom character literally drops from the sky at the end of the current version. Hopefully her story is more fleshed out next updates.

    Also go with the cheat start to avoid the grind.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Will give short review.

    Game has somethings to work on mostly the grind period of the game. even with cheats to enable me with max stats it felt semi like a grind. Big pro: Art is fuckin amazing and the animations is just makes it better. The dialog is good, but it being a grind can be a bit too much. Grind fests are ok when there are multiple character to water the grinding down, but since its only you and alice it feels alot worse. The game needs some kind of throwaway character to relive the players built up blue balls cause its a long way to get consistent XXX rated play.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    UI is awful sure it's a grindy game but this is GRINDY x 100! You have to keep repeating.. Here is day one in a nut shell.

    1. Go to right to pull select room
    2. Go to room to search for items
    3. Click through same text before you can click on box for item type
    4. Finally click to find items and read through dialogue clicking again
    5. Game warps you back to bedroom
    6. Repeat until night time.

    The problem is that it makes you have to click to read the same damn text over and over again. It warps you to the damn bedroom you can't just keep searching for items! This is one of the WORST UI functionality ever. I quit after day 3 it was way too much damn clicking. To summarize this game is a clicking game over and over repeatedly.
  12. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is bitter sweet for me. On the outside it looks very intriguing however the game's rating gets brought down by some poor decisions made by the dev.

    This is a pretty basic point and click game where you level up your character. The higher the level in the more you can do. The problem with this is that it is a grind which you either will enjoy or not. I don't mind but it can get tedious at times. So far so good.

    In order to make the grinding easier you can search for items in the game however this is annoying due to the game being RNG in this aspect. Several in game days can go by without you finding a single item and on top of that there is an event where Alice just walks in and takes your shit.

    Story wise this is nothing to write home about. Loads of cheap porn tropes like getting stuck/Is ThAt A bAnAnA type stories. Could have been better IMO.

    The characters on the other hand is a mixed bag. On the one hand you have Alice. A well written character that reacts like someone would if you would try to pull off the type of things the MC does. Great design and character overall however she does fall a little short later in the game. not sure if she is acting stupid at times or she actually is.

    Now on to the MC.........god this MC pisses me off. COMPLETELY OBLIVIOUS to everything around him. Making completely irrational decisions you have no say in. I'm pretty sure the MC has a cinderblock for a brain at this point and it pisses me off. Was it up to me I would completely rewrite this character but that ain't happening so I'll just have to deal with that.

    On a last note let's give credit where credit is due and that is in the art and animation department. The art/animation is without doubt the reason why I kept playing. It's absolutely amazing and I wish there were more games like this.

    Overall this is an average experience. Will come back however to see how things progress in the future updates.

  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is very good, the story is missing but apart from that, Alice's design is very, very good, I like that it has animations for everything, many games do not have it, the only "bad" thing you have is that The guide that is inside the game is not very precise since you occupy perhaps "relationship" or "lust" for some scene and it does not tell you as such, I love the game and hopefully later there will be more sex scenes with Alice and with the other girls that appeared in the story
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Probably my favorite slow burn games on this website. The relationship with alice develops throughout the game in a fun and erotic manner. The translation is off in some places, but I cant recommend this game more
  15. 2.00 star(s)


    Been grinding this game for like 2 days now and so far the only "NSFW" scene I got was in the bathroom when the MC basically stares at her when she is naked in the tub and runs away like a bitch and when she got stuck under her bed even then the game has a bug that makes your screen dark, and you can't do anything unless you spam every button. Honestly really smooth animations and arts but absolutely not worth your time. Rewards for grinding are unsatisfying, and before you even get some better scenes you will need to grind for like 3 days considering you put maybe 1-3 hours into it (and oh yeah don't even bother looking for items unless you need something for mission just start with cheats unless you want to add more hours of grind and random RNG into it).

    2 stars for effort so far really poor game in terms of content.
  16. 1.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 223118

    Game would be a 4 star if it wasn't abandoned. But it has been a quarter of a year since it was updated, and barely anything from the dev. Not even teaser art or content. Just a scam at this point
    The guy posts 'update' and content on a schedule that conforms to essentially 'how much blowback am i getting for not posting any teasers/updates'
    this is a patreon milking project. may get a game out of it eventually, might have some good art. But this dev is cancer

    Other issues: Game reverts save data every update
    Game is a grind fest
    Game doesn't enough content variety for the grind
    Getting better interactions do not scale with your relationship, you actually have to go through all the lower interaction level events in a row the same day. (EG for the 4th bathroom scene you have to go through 2 of the previous scenes that day, and there are only 3 periods in the day that CAN get bathroom events, and it isn't garaunteed.)

    Update by request. Still 1 star.

    That "update" of 0.4.1-Dev was made back in december. there is no update.


    See the post where i documented this shit here:

  17. 2.00 star(s)


    That a pretty game, that for sure! Only issues the gameplay, the "no menu". Yeah you cannot come back to the first page to start a new game or just charge your saves!
    Graphic and animation are very pleasant, but the software is build in a terrible way that let you completly down. The grinding isnt that much an issues when the game work, but it's rarely the case. The Idea and Graphic are great but without support to take them high this game fall in my point of view, hope it's improved at the last released.
  18. 2.00 star(s)


    + Great animations
    + Good character design
    + Decent amount of variety (many rooms)
    - Extremely grindy
    - Extremely vague (Hints are often incomplete or wrong)
    - Little content (but it takes ages to get through)
    - Badly optimized

    Overall not worth it in its current state. Wait until it's released, then play it.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    Art is good but not good enough to offset the absolute RNG cancer grindfest it has for gameplay. Some grind is fine but when you're literally inflating playtime by over 10+ times it's just asinine. JFC
  20. 1.00 star(s)


    If you want a ball ache, you've found it. Many of the reviews are complaining about all the RNG BS in this game yet still rate it quite well... thats called stockholm syndrome folks. Before you get into this game, go read the guide linked in the OP to get an idea of the fuckery you're about to subject yourself too.

    This is a horrible game, and an even worse H game. I cant even stoop low enough to get through the first fucking mission, on cheat mode (which just gives you 10each of a couple items it seems?). Maybe the content is awesome, maybe the story is captivating, but after 30-45min of fucking around in this "game", I've concluded that I'd rather have a meteor come crashing through my roof and splat me into a red mist than play this any longer.

    Mission 1:... What is my mission? I have no idea. The game doesn't tell you where to find your missions. Lets fuck around in the UI for a bit and... ah, here it is. Mission 1: find nirnroot. Cool. Any room allows you to search for items, I guess this is what I'm supposed to do? Or, is it a special item I find via an event? No fucking idea, game sure as hell won't tell you that. I guess since I HAPPENED to notice it in the items list, I will assume it is a normal item, here's hoping I'm not wrong! Now... where would I find nirnroot at... Sounds like a spice? Maybe I should search in the kitchen? Who fucking knows! LETS TRY IT OUT! Now I have to pick if I want to search for basic, rare, or unique items... Hmm, since it is related to a quest, it must be a unique item right? Oh wait, no we were assuming it was a normal item since we saw it on the items tab... RNG TRANSENDS THE GAME! You have a 1/3 chance of searching for the correct item category! So you select that category aaaanddd..? Yes! RNG! Who knows if you will even find an item! But wait, you find something! And whats that?.. YES, MORE RNG! CONGRATS YOU FOUND A SODA CAN (not a soda, just the can). OH WHATS THAT YOU WERENT LOOKING FOR CANS? TOUGH SHIT THATS ALL YOU'RE GOING TO FIND FOR THE NEXT 50 TIMES YOU SEARCH (AND ACTUALLY FIND SOMETHING), AND THE DIALOG BOXES IN THIS DAMN GAME ARE SO SLOW THAT SEARCHING 50 TIMES IS GOING TO TAKE YOU AN HOUR. AND YOU DONT EVEN KNOW IF YOU'RE LOOKING FOR THE RIGHT 1 OF 3 CATEGORY, OR IF THIS IS EVEN HOW YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO FIND THE DAMN ITEM. HAVE FUN DOING LITERALLY THE FIRST FUCKING MISSION.

    *stops to breathe*


    I don't even know what constructive criticism to give the dev. You've based your game around RNG, the difficulty in your game is not the player needing to figure a tricky puzzle out, or have good reflexes, or be strategic, or anything in the player's control. The difficulty is the player having the resolve to not blow their own brains out while waiting on RNG to allow them to progress.