RPGM - Completed - Alicia and the Curse of Climax [v1.0] [Pleasure King]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Wow, boring game.
    You can finish it in about 5 minutes and without any H scenes. The cg are repetitive, some scenes are incomprehensible, there is no character evolution, or even an evolution in the H scenes, there must be about 3 variations...
    Don't waste your time with this "game"
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Thanks to the people for sharing games, in general. But this crap shouldn't even exist. Everything is AI Generated, repetitive CGs, poor performance. It's like a CG viewer but you can move around, which always has been a freaking CG room recollection. Dont waste your time on this, there are thousands of better games out there.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    There is no progression to this game it's just scene viewer but to add insult to injury the only "gameplay" is a very shit RNG "run away" from enemies in combat

    So all there is in this game is "save before the first thief and then span run away in hopes you manage to run away one, then save and talk to everyone in the village to see the scenes which are basically a set of 8/9 animations that are mashed together (or not)".

    and there is no reward to "complete" the game (no scene with thief boss, only ONE scene not available in village is 1 thief from the hideout and im pretty sure it's a mashup of animation you can have in the village anyways). So you have no reason to "progress" past that point

    there is no progression and no further corruption than wearing the ring (there are no variables being used in the save. The only couple of variable are for NPCs dialog to check if you talked to them already or not)

    And while the animations could be good, some of them are kinda cursed (like how some men are able to grab her whole wait with a single hand making her onahole sized I guess ?? but their dicks are smaller than their fingers at this point. The point is the proportions are all kind of Fucked up).

    they could have added some gameplay at least (for instance in the village you need to talk to people to get "raped" instead they could have npcs looking around and if you get spotted they engage you)

    and at least some kind of corruption meter (for instance making it so that each time she cums she gets more corrupted and more willing until she seeks pleasure in her own. At the highest point she could turn into a succubus. Each stage of corruption would unlock new scenes with mild ones early on where she just gets molested to ones where she is the one molesting).

    This game had some potential but it seems 0 effort or thought was put into it.

    PS : also she is supposed to have that cursed seal on her stomach but they never show it in any of the animations/sex scenes, it's only visible on that one standing picture. even there they went with 0 effort. I wouldn't be surprised if the animations are reused from somewhere else as they are cropped as well
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Id be fine with the scene viewer side of the game if there was an actual combat system instead of runaway and thats not a guarantee it will work. The aicg was ok enough to pass but the animations were unnatural which takes away from the game alot. This could have been a decent game if a little more work was put into it. If this was released as a proof of concept id accept it but as this is now its hard to recommend to even as a free game.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is so awful I don't even want to bother with my normal review format. But fuck it, I'll at least put in the effort which is more then I can say of the dev who made this game.

    Translation: Bread. It's MTL. But not like that new-fangled GPT that's actually tolerable, nah this is some "bread bread bread"-tier garbage.

    Story: lol. At the start she's fighting some demon. A chest magically spawns after the demon fucks off. The chest has a ring. The MC, in her infinite wisdom, puts on the ring. Shock, the ring was cursed and puts a lewd orgasming crest on her. She's forced to strip naked because her clothes now make her cum. She then tries to go to the church and pray away the curse, but she can't get through it without cumming so she's instead forced to break into the bandit hideout. She uses some magical mcguffin to inflict the same status on the, conveniently, woman thief boss. Then they cum a bunch together until they both pass out, she takes some holy water and can break the curse. But she got so addicted to it that she keeps putting the ring on after and then re-breaking it. I have now saved you 30 minutes of your life if you were somehow interested in this dumpster fire of a story.

    Gameplay: Any combat you get into, you need to run away. Trying to attack makes you cum, which leads to a gameover screen. This is a cardinal sin for me in H-Games. That alone would make this one star. But wait, you don't always get to run away. Sometimes it fails! Which leads to them hitting you and, you guessed it, an orgasm spiral into a game over. Otherwise, you get out of the starting forest by dodging the one guy and are greeted by a town full of fuckin heart symbols. You can go interact with them for sex scenes. The MC will yap about how sensitive she is an cum a bunch, then you move on with your life like nothing had happened. I didn't test it, but I'm sure the ending is identical even if you avoid all of them.

    H-Content/Art: Bad. Like I'm already not a fan of the character design, but I can live with it if the premise/execution is good enough. Maken-shi sara has a character design I don't really like, but the scenarios and gameplay from it are hot so I still like it. This on the other hand has the double of a design I don't like, incredibly jank "art" (It's AI) and what is there is repetitive as hell. If you're gonna do AI art, probably don't try to make it animated. Half the scenes make it look like she's some tiny little fairy with a single finger as long as her entire torso. This is almost certainly a result of the AI not being able to handle motion. Not that I'm a huge fan of AI art to begin wtih, but if you're gonna do it at least use it where the outcome resembles something reasonable instead of some eldritch abomination. Also desite this game's entire premise being that she has a lewd crest and that's why she cums her brains out when you breath on her, the scenes don't feature this at all.

    Random thoughts: This goes in the every growing list of games where the premise is hot, and everything else sucks. Despite how fucking common of a trope they are in art, lewd crests are almost never used meaningfully in games. It's usually some capstone of the corruption (The Quarta games, for instance) or some random one-off event. A game where it's the central driving mechanic sounds pretty dang fun. Basically the excuse for everything to try and sexually harass her in combat, which makes her cum pretty easily but doesn't lead into a game over spiral? Yeah, that sounds like I'm describing the Quarta games which are some of my favorites. Even if it didn't interact with the combat fuckin at all, and they just had scenes that used this premise in various scenarios with actually decent art would be good.

    Instead the dev shit out this. And uh, yeah it's bad. Skip it. Go play anything else. Go read some random doujin. Take a nap. Go play your least favorite game ever and you'll probably still enjoy it more.
  6. 1.00 star(s)


    All star list of tags, god awful execution.

    at least the game is quick at letting you know this will be a worthless experience VERY quickly. After suffering thru a word salad MTL introduction you are then introduced to the first enemy: a lone bandit. The act of hitting the bandit is sooo arousing that MC cums her brains out and game over.

    Well maybe this wasent meant to be a combat encounter, lets try the other option: run away. The escape chance is not 100%, you can get hit with the "couldent get away". After which you will be attacked and cum to death.

    If you manage to beat the RNG to escape you make it into town filled with <3 events! Only to be disappointed to find out that all of them are extreme close ups of laggy animations many of which are reused. I think i found maybe 3 scenes where you can see more than her pelvis, which is canceled out by the internal (no i dont mean x-ray, the pov is straight up in her guts)
  7. 1.00 star(s)


    If I can Id give it half a star since the only thing thats good about this game is the animations...thats it

    Its an afterthought of a game with little care put into it and I am not saying that because of AI but this is a make and post kind of game with all the cliches and none of the care...except for the animations Id give them that for making good animations for a game like this
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    The concept of the game is great for anyone who likes enf/exposure but dude...this game is very bad, the gameplay lags, the sex scenes are repetitive, and the game is way to short.
    Can't recomend this game even to someone who likes the genre, i can't give less than 2 stars because of it (really likes it), but still it doesn't deserve it.