Identify Alien/Monster Impregnation Game


New Member
Dec 18, 2023
I'm looking for a game I probably played around 2012, and from what I remember it was 3D animated (or potentially 2D but in a 3D style) with the gameplay consisting of just controlling the speeds and methods of actions performed.
I remember it opening with a girl finding a ruin in a forest/jungle, and then falling down a hole in the ruin into the tentacles of an alien/monster. The rest of the game is the creature breeding her in varrying ways, including oviposition and lots of tentacles. I never finished the game, with the last thing I remember happening being the girl suspended in the air by tentacles while giving birth to eggs.
I was hoping someone may also remember this game and know the name and/or have a link or file of it somewhere. I played it on a random site back in the day and have been looking for it every now and again since then with no luck.