I have never written a review on here before but this game frustrated me so much that I feel compelled to do it.
I really like the concept and the graphics. The story isn't all bad even though the quests can be really unintuitive.
First of all, like everyone else has already said, the grind is way too much. In addition to receiving very little money per day, you have to wait for every transition and dialogue box every day that you go through it. It's honestly very draining - it feels like work.
My other big issue with this game is how convoluted and nonsensically complicated it is. I have an example that sums up my experience perfectly with this game:
In this game you have two stats that you can level up; strength and intelligence. Once you progress in the game you can level up your strength at the college and your intelligence at the library but once you unlock these two places you can't actually study to increase your intelligence. There's simply no option for it.
At the same time a friend of yours gets hurt by something your character says and a dialogue box says that you should give her something in order to apologize.
The first thing I do is I go to the store and look around for what the friend might want and I end up buying a box of chocolates. That has no effect so I buy up other things (feeding into the grind) in order to try to find out how to solve it.
In my mind I needed to apologize to the friend (that you can find at the library) in order to continue leveling up your intelligence.
But no, that's not how it was. I had to progress through the "mom" storyline far enough to unlock one of the "sister" storylines. Then I had to progress through that while jumping through tons of hoops while also searching every day for parts of other quests to progress. After grinding for days doing almost nothing but work and occasionally some small dialogue progress I managed progress far enough in the "sister" storyline. That's when your "mom" has you do a quest for her and after you do that quest you can talk to one of the aliens who tells you that you should level up your intelligence at the library.
At this point I almost lost my shit but I keep it together and continue on and start leveling up my intelligence while also grinding for more money.
Once I reach level 10 in intelligence a dialogue option pops up in the library that I should get my friend a gift in order to apologize.
What does the game suggest that I buy for my friend? A FUCKING BOX OF CHOCOLATES.
Phew... Okay, cooling down now.
I don't mind games that have a linear storyline and you have to do everything in order. But when you can sometimes do multiple quests at the same time and sometimes you can't and there's no reason given for it, not even in the game - it just boggles me. It's so hard to get over.
I think it's a fantastic game that is being REALLY held back from it's potential and these issues drag it from 4/5 down to 2/5 in my opinion.
I really like the concept and the graphics. The story isn't all bad even though the quests can be really unintuitive.
First of all, like everyone else has already said, the grind is way too much. In addition to receiving very little money per day, you have to wait for every transition and dialogue box every day that you go through it. It's honestly very draining - it feels like work.
My other big issue with this game is how convoluted and nonsensically complicated it is. I have an example that sums up my experience perfectly with this game:
In this game you have two stats that you can level up; strength and intelligence. Once you progress in the game you can level up your strength at the college and your intelligence at the library but once you unlock these two places you can't actually study to increase your intelligence. There's simply no option for it.
At the same time a friend of yours gets hurt by something your character says and a dialogue box says that you should give her something in order to apologize.
The first thing I do is I go to the store and look around for what the friend might want and I end up buying a box of chocolates. That has no effect so I buy up other things (feeding into the grind) in order to try to find out how to solve it.
In my mind I needed to apologize to the friend (that you can find at the library) in order to continue leveling up your intelligence.
But no, that's not how it was. I had to progress through the "mom" storyline far enough to unlock one of the "sister" storylines. Then I had to progress through that while jumping through tons of hoops while also searching every day for parts of other quests to progress. After grinding for days doing almost nothing but work and occasionally some small dialogue progress I managed progress far enough in the "sister" storyline. That's when your "mom" has you do a quest for her and after you do that quest you can talk to one of the aliens who tells you that you should level up your intelligence at the library.
At this point I almost lost my shit but I keep it together and continue on and start leveling up my intelligence while also grinding for more money.
Once I reach level 10 in intelligence a dialogue option pops up in the library that I should get my friend a gift in order to apologize.
What does the game suggest that I buy for my friend? A FUCKING BOX OF CHOCOLATES.
Phew... Okay, cooling down now.
I don't mind games that have a linear storyline and you have to do everything in order. But when you can sometimes do multiple quests at the same time and sometimes you can't and there's no reason given for it, not even in the game - it just boggles me. It's so hard to get over.
I think it's a fantastic game that is being REALLY held back from it's potential and these issues drag it from 4/5 down to 2/5 in my opinion.