1: I have a spycam, but i cant place it..... It not have no star.....the quests tells you what to do literally, in the first picture, buy a spycam from the store and go visit the neighbors house during "evening/night".
Second one is similar to it except that it's triggered when she's in the shower, you take the key and talk to TI about duplicating it then you put it back.
1- guess you might not see the stars due to the tile colors, it's right in the middle of the bathroom, if you still can't, try switching to russian language and see if that does it.1: I have a spycam, but i cant place it..... It not have no star.....
2: I have already placed a spycam in sis room, but nothing come up on the computer......
told ya, color of the tile screws with it
Thanks man.....told ya, color of the tile screws with it
I found the problem, I had to stand on the sewer drain.How do you move the furniture to the sewers?
It doesn't let me pick them up or go to the sewers.
pretty sure it's Milly's room(the sister with the glasses), not the momI’ve run into a problem with the quest “Call of the aliens” it’s telling me to return the key in Judith’s room I can go in there and click on the desk but nothing happens?
Holly's the one with glasses. Milly's the one without glasses.pretty sure it's Milly's room(the sister with the glasses), not the mom
yup, thanks couldn't quite rememberHolly's the one with glasses. Milly's the one without glasses.
And it turns out I missed the lady in the bushes at the Park.Ok, I just can't seem to find Lisa alone in the library only to tutor me so I can raise my Int to 15, I go to the libaray on Tuesday and Thursday but Suol is there every time, I argue with him and at the end its suggested I should add Lisa to the experiment. Nothing from the aliens saying I need to upgrade or anything, I feel like I'm missing something obvious.