VN - Ren'Py - Completed - All Demons Go to Heaven [v10.0.1] [Sedhaild]

  1. 4.00 star(s)

    Doom Marine

    Okay, so I know this is going to sound confusing, but when I first heard the title, "All Devils Go To Heaven!" all I could think of was that movie I saw as a kid about dogs! Either way, this game isn't a draw for that 80's animation classic! Instead, what we have here is a visual novel style game where you can make some choices and participate in some quick events to move things along. It's your typical raunchy visual novel game style, but I'm sure it has some charm for the right kind of person.

    An orphan and a succubus! Is there a tale older than that old story of an orphan boy and his succubus friend who is trying to get him into a trance? Okay, that's an exaggeration, but at the end of the day that's really the basics of what "All Demons Go to Heaven!" is offering in terms of story.

    The main character is a young man named Samwell who is all shy and innocent and doesn't have much going on. His life changes when a succubus called Grynesha enters his life and she has an ability that allows Samuel to get into all kinds of naughty and sensual situations.

    Of course, there's more going on than just your her being your naughty fiend! I think the story is fun but they should have gone for the “fun” aspect while trying to add a little drama and intrigue and it just never works.

    The First Works of a Genius The thing with lewd games and especially lewd visual novels is that there are so many of them that it can be difficult to stand out. Since All Demons Go to Heaven has a very basic art style, it can get lost in the shuffle. I'm not saying this is a bad game and there's certainly a good range of women in the game that you can see naked, but the whole thing feels like it's someone who has talent first try to make a game like this. Again, not bad, but it does have a low-budget feel.

    Oh, and samuel also seems like girls at first, which is a really weird thing as I'm not 100% sure it was intentional.

    Thinking with your brain between your legs You make several decisions in the game, for example, at the beginning you can spy or enter through a window in this house where a girl lives. If you just peek and don't hack, you'll get a goodness stat boost. I like the idea of Karma as it makes you think more about what you are going to do.

    However, you can repeat the same bits over and over again if you fail, so there's no real challenge here. You also have some QTEs that will pop up and they can be exciting, but again, you can replay them if they don't turn out the way you want.

    I think what we have here with All Demons Go to Heaven is a pretty basic game, basic doesn't always mean bad and I think there's some fun to be had here. I certainly like the premise, but the entire execution falls more into the weird than the good. Still, it can be an interesting game to chat with other people for sure.

    About the ending, well I expected more, Najtrax died like shit. being that I expected more from it, it's a super short chapter of 10 minutes or less depending on how fast you read.

    Also, I think the game will have a sequel after all, Jessica, the Angel of Heaven, helped the witch escape sealing and it seems that one wants to destroy heaven and the other hell. anyway, will know when this sequel will come!

    Pros: I liked the humor that the game has Succubus is so much fun
    There are many sex scenes
    The game is easy to pass.

    Cons: Looks very basic the models in all respects
    Samuel's appearance is ridiculous and strange at first!
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    I really enjoyed playing this one, and it's surprisingly underrated. It's a longer story than some may expect, but a welcome one for people like myself. In conclusion, I believe this game is extremely good for the budget the creator has for it and I enjoy how much passion is put into this project.
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    A goofy story about an incubus prince gaining back his powers. It's a really nice story and I feel like it gets better with each update. While the start may be a bit slow, it's worth keeping going. What I don't like is the early design of the main character. Dude looks way too young, which almost made me delete this from my computer and memory altogether, but I was interested in the story and I kept going. In the current update, he looks more adult and can pass for proper age, so that's good at least.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    So I'm doing my "version 7 review" thing just to not have to deal with this one anymore, unless any of the glaring issues I'm about to point out are fixed. Which, let's be honest, they won't be. The biggest issue, and I will talk about this more, is this is one of the worst translations for any VN I've ever read. I will "agree" with some of the other reviews that this has potential, however JUST BECAUSE SOMETHING HAS POTENTIAL, DOES NOT MEAN IT SHOULD BE RATED HIGHLY. There are more than a few times where I think the story could be interesting, but it's cheapened by the MC's nonsensical personality or the need to throw in a sex scene every few seconds. I get it's a dumb porn game but it still feels like a little too much sometimes.

    The story opens up with MC Samwell, a reincarnated incubus prince originally called Mlaxsewl because the author really like kingdom hearts 2 and thought that terrible naming scheme was a good idea. And I mean that literally because he is picked up in an alley and has the letters in his name rearranged. Anyway, he becomes an orphan and grows up in an orphanage and even though he's 18 still lives there and acts like a child. He uses words like "peepee" and doesn't understand what sex in any capacity is and is also proportioned like a toddler. And I know part of that is because Illusion can't be bothered to make a decent male player model for Koikatsu, but still. It's very weird. He's regularly physically and sexually abused by Charlotte, the girl that runs the orphanage (of one person?) And you're meant to feel bad for him but no emotion ever comes across as genuine because everything always devolves into a sexual situation.

    Eventually, through about 5 lines of dialog, Charlotte and her mother Rebecca say they can't keep the orphanage open anymore because Rebecca's mother doesn't want them in the house. It's completely unnatural and they move to Rebecca's house for about a week until MC gets kicked out because Rebecca is to horny for him. I'm not even kidding about that. And before that, they found MC an apartment for free that's filled with garbage and a job that pays him a whole $10 a day to do nothing. But he was still living at Rebecca's because... reasons? After he's kicked out, he meets Holly (technically again, but it was all dumb filler content of every girl MC meets wanting to look at his penis), Charlotte's former friend and they hate each other over a stupid misunderstanding that is cleared up later but would have been earlier if they talked for more than 5 seconds. So Holly picks him up and demands to see his penis again, then takes him home because she was told to find a big one to use by her mother, Jessica.

    Jessica is a plot device. She's an angel, she "Kingdom Hearts 2'd" Sam's name, has a bunch of answers, and is filthy rich. And none of it is apparent until chapter 4, chapter 3 has literally no story content until the end, it's all just filler until the very end. She doesn't feel pleasure from anything, even sex, until MC does stuff with her. Then why in the world would she do it at all? She goes out of her way to have sex even though it literally does nothing for her multiple times before this. I don't see a reason for anyone to do that.

    The characters. All very one note and there's actually only two "real" romantic interests the MC has. Grynesha and Christina are the only ones MC shows more than lust towards and even then not much. Again, I realize he's an incubus, but he still flip flops between innocent and demon prince personalities constantly. So I have no real idea how to take it. Charlotte and Holly are the same person, overly mean tsundere the only difference is one has balloon tis and the other is rich. Rebecca is the repressed mother type. Christina is the girl next door type that is a recent victim of sexual assault and wants to get over it by having sex? Grynesha is a succubus, nothing special. Leonore is his sex addict landlady. Rei is in love with Charlotte but gives up on it immediately after having sex with MC. Fraeya is the standoffish soldier. There's no real depth to any of them outside of "sad orphan" and Christina's story.

    Before the end of this update (7.2 at time of writing) MC is essentially a god and the stakes are nonexistent. And a lot of the choices just never make sense. Almost to the point where all the craziness gets a little boring. I don't know.

    And the biggest problem. The translation. I do not care if it's your first language or not, if you are marketing a game to any language, it is UNACCEPTABLE to not have a professional translation, proofreader, and editor in every language used. If the English was better a lot of my nit picks wouldn't feel as bad, but when the line delivery is either google translate robotic or "you sure am do" type of lines, all of the issues make me angrier than I woulda been otherwise. If the characters can't speak naturally, it takes me all the way out of anything I'm reading.

    TLDR Story-lite fapfest with terrible English translation and there's only two choices that really matter in the game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Excellent game, waiting for next episodes!! the character has a good development as she grows with her environment and the story is quite interesting, you have a good catalog of girls that cover all tastes

    Congratulations to the developer and keep bringing quality content
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    I came across this game only a couple of weeks and I already think is one of the best games (of this kind) that I played. It has a world in continuous development, so much different types of characters with their own personality and features (my favorite I think is Rei) and something I think it can't be miss that is obviously DECISIONS

    Don't lisen to the bad reviews, they are from old versions of this game with some bugs but now the game has been updated and in my opinion is very funny and very well made (I really enjoy the dialogues especially, very funny and with some references to other games or films we all know).

    Also the game is not only in english, to my surprise it has a spanish version (if you are wondering, yes, my first language is spanish), is not perfect but I guarantee you it is perfectly undestandable.

    If you played this game before and you feel it wasn't what you were expecting, I think you should give it a second chance.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Giving this 5 stars because while it started off with a few flaws that needed too be worked out, the game has so far delivered on sexy content, some pretty inspired game mechanics and a lot of the most erotic shots I have ever seen in a porn game, period. Story is also not too bad. You can tell effort was put into the lore at the very least.

    God job, dev.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    I was hopeful for this game, because I really did like the girls' models and concept, but overall it just fell flat.

    First of all, the art is kind of amateurish and gives off a "asset flipped" vibe. All of the crotches look weird when in clothes and the male protagonist's model clearly has boobs at the beginning of the game. Not to even mention that the animator made the penis waaaay too purple (why purple?). This is not even noting the kind of off-putting uncanny valley look of some of the faces.

    I've enjoyed other games with meh art, though, if they have good story or gameplay. This, unfortunately, has neither. The story is kind of boring, despite the author obviously trying their best to add some intrigue, it just doesn't make me want to play more of this. The author's first language is also clearly not English, which no hate but it just makes the dialogue even more clunky than it already is.

    Overall, it's not very good. If the author were to improve the models and work on the dialogue, I might return. But it needs a lot of work until it's worth playing.
  9. 5.00 star(s)

    Arthur Kaparo

    I loved so much this game!!! Its have an interesting history and the characters are well done in their personality. For me this is a great game and i feel like this woulde be so good like hero harem guild.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    Tried out of curiosity. Why is every review bringing up NTR, yet its not tagged as NTR? Weird.

    Its because the dev doesn't know what NTR is. He tags nearly every scene in the prologue (which is a very large amount of the content as is) with two choices; avoid ntr, don't avoid ntr.
    Girl who hates the mc, the mc hates and he's shown literally no attraction to at all gets groped by some random dude? Tagged as NTR. That's not NTR. NTR implies at least on party gives a shit about the other.
    Random woman you've never met before being groped by a dozen men who she personally knows, who stop when she asks? This one is NTR AND rape. Its not NTR. You don't know this woman. Its not rape. Its consensual. But its tagged as both.
    Or your succubus wingman gives a handjob to two random guards, when you've barely spoken to her. NTR. How the fuck is that NTR? I don't think you even know her name at this point and it takes place in a flashback.

    Its very confusing.

    Once you pass the prologue, which I'd say is 1/3rd of the content, the mc (who previously was clearly a female with a dick stuck to her; in a flash back she even has clearly visible tits) turns into some potato headed guy instead. And gets a magic succubus wingman. And magic rape powers. And a magic super tasty addictive to suck on dick (although he actually already had that bit).
    At this point it turns into a very straight forward, linear power fantasy, with I think an entire 1 singular choice that doesn't just loop back and force you to pick the option you didn't pick before.

    I think the dev would honestly be better served deleting the entire infamous, confusing, mistagged intro and just having us start the potato man and wingman succubus adventure time from day 1.

    Another complaint you'll see is the femdom aspect. Majorly over stated. There's one single girl (the green haired one the mc hates) who acts like a dick to him in nearly every interaction, but you can largely just tell her to fuck off. There's one scene where you suck her foot and one where she whips you and that's like 100% of the forced femdom in the entire thing.

    Now controversy aside, how is the game? Kind of lame. Such a shame.
    The MC's dick looks really out of place, on both models. Its like bright pink and gross looking. Offputting.
    The progression is entirely linear aside from like 2 times.
    Its very short.
    It tries to pad the length by giving you + kindness, perversion or money, then charging them for options later, but that literally just means saving when you get those choices then holding ctrl to see the other one because the game is linear. Or just cheating so you skip the tedium. I would suggest the latter.
    The sex is... meh. Standard custom koitatsu 3d fair. But the scenarios are fun for a powertrip, post-intro (during which the mc is a little bitch). A chick talks to you, you do some dumb impossible to fail (why does it even exist?) minigame, then she jumps on your dick super aggresively.

    Its really just a wholly average simplistic lazy 3d render anime game, the kind that's absurdly common around here. Its issue, aside from being meh, is the absurd dichotomy between the intro and the rest of the game.
    There are people who'd want this for the NTR, but there's basically no actual NTR.
    People who'd want it for the sub content and being a little bitch, but there's basically no sub content and you stop being a little bitch 1/3rd of the way in.
    And that just leaves the people who want a mindless 'every woman inherently wants to suck my dick' powerfantasy. But people who want that aren't likely to make it through the intro. Because its largely the exact opposite.
    A shame, because some of the latter content is pretty hot; having 6 girls you've never met before be bullied into offering their breasts to you by a woman calling you king is hot. The hottest scene in the game. And its at the end. So most people won't see it.

    It just makes you wonder who the fuck the intended audience is here?

    Raising this to 4 because by this point it has enough content that's consistently good and not confusingly jumping around to justify it.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a good game, good looking, pretty well put together; some nice sex scenes and an interesting story.
    Koikatsu games can often look a bit dated and not great but the dev has done a good job putting together a nice cast of good looking models. the game play is pretty straight forward though the QTEs could probably be gotten rid of since you can just scroll back to make sure you complete them anyway.
    Lots of complaints about NTR in the game (and the game even uses that term unfortunately) but there is no NTR in this game rn. The MC starts off very weak and almost completely naïve and asexual as such he sees some of the girls who may eventually become LIs engage in some sexual activity and other dudes having sex as part of the prologue and exposition. But no LI is ever stolen from the MC and the MC doesn't ever really feel jealous about anything or really have much of an idea what is going on in the beginning.

    Certainly not your run of the mill harem and probably not for anyone that has trouble with femdom content or anyone who can only play a game where all the LIs are virgins and there are no other men alive, but definitely worth a play for everyone else.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    Edit: This review will be updated in good faith once I have tried the new update as the developer seems like a cool dude who is trying his best.

    Games like this are not for everyone, so take my words below with a grain of salt.

    All Demons Go to Heaven has the potential to be much more than it is. It sucks as there aren't too many of these types of games available. That said, the game is still very much in development so things can and most likely will change.

    A few things I'd like to point out:
    - Completely unnecessary NTR, there are a ton of these scenes in just the Prologue alone. It feels like the developer is trying to squeeze as many fetishes in the game as he can rather than trying to tell a decent story -- at least in the prologue.

    - The male models are just females with dicks. The developer has since updated the models, they still look feminine but not to the degree they were. Kudos for the update.
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    By 5.5 the game has become nothing but a very sick GURO fest! The Dragon Girls the daughter of the Sage you are suppose to be protecting you fail to save and they get kidnapped than blown up right in front of there mother after she agrees to obey.

    Demented developer has turned this into a game where the evil is just killing for fucking pleasure. To go this far into the story line and turn it into a fucking sick murder fest.. screw that.

    I don't know about you but I play ero games for feeling good and not sick to my stomach watching good beings die!
  14. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2022930

    Pretty good game but need to add a lot of more content yet :D
    I waiting for more footjob because i like of course same with anal and pregnant thing. I think that's all because quality is very good, animation is fine and protagonist penis isn't shit like in many this type of games :D
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    A good start. At times the pacing is a bit odd but all told it is very fun game. I do hope there are more femdom elements like when the game started. There was a good foot scene that I hope to see more of. Rei is 100% bae though, I love her!
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Good Points
    + Well i can say main story (more like background story) was pretty interesting and kind of well writed. Espacily story about Mlaxsewl and Grynesha was pretty cool and i can say its surprised me. I wasn't waiting someting like that and aside from cringy details MC's journey to became himself again feels kind of interesting aswell which are one of reasons why i continued play this game even despite how MC look or how pathetic his character is. (Still prologue and first two chapter was cringy ASF: look bad points for more details)
    + Sex scenes have a lot of different angle/position and animations for them.
    + Its harem game, there is a lot of girl you can have sex and most of them looks hot. And as the story goes your harem number keeps growing, its funny and enjoyable same time.

    Bad Points
    - Yes i told MC'S journey to became himself again feels kind of interesting but his prologue was cringy ASF... First of all in prologue he looks like trap with that body and body form... Oh god espacily his little tits... Even Grynesha tells him ''You are very weak and you look like a girl!!'' and ''Wait... Those are breasts?!'' (refering to MC's little tits...) which is quite odd since Grynesha writed by DEV himself and not actualy existent... So DEV insults his own creation with his own other creation... (And before forget he didn't even got better body after a lot of thing happened, fight with demon soldiers etc... Seriously? Change him someone little bit mascular dude, he have all those powers, its not logical him to be like this: his current look) Secondly he acts like biggest loser/beta/coward you can see in your life... Oh god i cant even describe how annoying prologue version of MC was... Charlotte giving MC orders like: ''Clean bathroom with toothbrush'' or ''Give me foot massage with your mouth.'' etc, and you cant even choice not to do... Or she kicking MC from his face, or from his balls etc whenever she wants, like he is some kind of animal or object... Seriously who said its good idea to make prologue like this? He didn't need to be beta loser with futa body for our story, its totaly nonsense but thats not worse part...
    - Worse part is things not quite stop even after prologue, there are still couple of girls gives you problem like Holly trying to blackmail you. Or Alessa accusing you with trying to harass her etc... I can even understand prologue part having cringy things like that but god... Even in chapter 2 we are still strugling with this shits... Why he is trying to help girl who accuse him with harassing her without i can make any choice?! Or while im thinking Holly got quite sad story she using Alfred and tie us to some kind of sex toy and slapped our dick with whip... You should have stopped this kind of shits after prologue... Its still contines after hours! I'm serious even after hours its still same! With chapter 2 finale things changed for better but until that part its cringy ASF! And thats biggest reason why a lot of people stop playing this game before actual game starts, which is pretty understandable and totaly because of bad decision of DEV.
    - Game IU and menu needs some changes, i can understand you are trying to have inique menu and IU but instead of having hard to use annoying inique menu and IU players would love to have easy to use standart Renpy menu and IU. I dont care its same with all other games, i care about how usefull it is and save-load menu looks terrible, its not useable at all. Placing menus bottom of screen is pretty bad decision and not usefull at all, you should place them left side like all other classic Renpy games...
    - You cant name your character which is totaly takes away RP feeling from you, while its about having certain story still its someting some people mind and thats why im telling this in bad points.
    - Game starts with Spanish language and like you can understand english is not main language of this game, and our game english version is not good. For example we have dialogues like: ''I know she exists, but we don't know each other'' or ''I even cook for her, it costs her nothing to be kind'' etc. I know english is not my strong suit either (English is not my mother language) but even i can clearly see how bad English of this game is.
    - Dont know the reason but couple of girls/women have some weird dot (like this one or this one) around their areolas which totaly unnecesary and it looks bad.
    - While it looks like choices matter in big events like choising who lives and die in normal situtations they actualy dont matter, for example you can say ''No'' to Holly while she is torturing you but in the end you gonna agree with her like a loser again... Yeah... Amazing...
    - Animation and render quality needs improve for quality and physics.
    - There is a lot of wasted oppurtunity in story: for example MC takes a lot of girl first time and he is Incubus we didn't get any different dialogue nor power up notification for them, as a Incubus he should have taken more and permanent power up for taking girls virginity but its pretty much wasted...
    - Game dont have galery mod or any way to open galery scenes (which can be given by DEV itself like save game or codes etc..) so if you want see some scenes you gotta play game literay from begining, some scenes needs you be nearly in fully pervery route and some wants you be nearly in fully kind route and even you alter those numbers via unren its not gonna work because game look your choices not how many point you have which is quite annoying...
    - Oh BTW who choiced these names? Zellynore? Najtrax? Viliness? Grynesha? And more importantly... Mlaxsewl... Seriously? LMAO

    For The End
    Well... This game could have 4 star quality (for its own style of course) if it wasn't made poory (Prologue and first two chapter precisely) I already told all bad points, but just basicaly making prologue and first two chapter less cringy could/should save this game, literaly things happened in prologue and first two chapter is probably why this game deserves 2 star poor rating instead of 4 star... What can i say? Things getting better after chapter 2 and MC becames more like a man, but that doesn't change you gotta bear a lot of cringy story part and MC's act for hours... I'm telling again for ''hours'' not just 1 hour or someting... I didn't look clock how much time i spend until reaching MC became non-loser (not fully still...) but i can say 3 or 5 hour at least... Its literaly wasted a lot of empty time for poorly writed things... DEV should have stopped doing this after prologue and should have give us better choices... Well thats how game is now, if you can bear first 3-5 hour you gotta see enjoyable game maybe worth 3-4 star rate for its own style, but is it worth it? I'm not sure... I'm alredy past that point so im gonna contine playing but if someone told me: ''First 3-5 hour gonna be like hell, you gotta bear a lot of cringy story part incluse loser MC but after that game will be enjoyable.'' i wouldn't play this game at first place. And unless DEV makes remake and chance those scenes this game don't deserve more than 2 star. When i consider parts after chapter 2 and chapter 3 i realy want to give this game more rating but i cant just ignore how bad prologue and first two chapter is... I gues i should say good job? Because its pretty hard to messed potencial like this one, good job DEV...
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is visually great, the graphics are nice, and the women are attractive with an original design. The dynamics of the game is not that of a graphic adventure, it shows you a sequence and at some point a path is chosen. Personally, I prefer that the game demands more from the player than simply choosing an option.
  18. 1.00 star(s)


    This is a "harem" game for folks who enjoy themes involving NTR, rape, femdom, shota, and a weak useless main character.

    You can't avoid any of this either.

    I don't enjoy/care for any of those themes and wouldn't have wasted any time on this game if it was tagged accurately.

    This is not a traditional harem game, the introduction is far more like a NTR only game.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    If you like a game where the male? MC gets kicked around and treated like a stupid bitch this is the game for you. The MC is totally spineless and even looks like a young girl. On top of all that the game has a so call harem tag which I don't agree with because other men get involved with the girls that I would presume will be yours. So you wont have the normal harem experience in this game. Over all playing this game made my balls disappear and I couldn't delete this fast enough. Total trap game in my opinion.