- May 6, 2017
- 3,988
- 30,554
Q: Why do some people actively and repeatedly seek out troll bait to swallow?
Example: Some rando hops on a thread for a game whose art, tags, and sometimes even title clearly indicate it contains M/M content, and they post some riveting insight like "miss me with this gay shit". Or perhaps it's a furry game, or an incest game, whatever. Our brave would-be troll posts "eww, fucking sick, whats wrong with you furfags?" or some dumb meme with the same sentiment, etc.
As someone who enjoys this content, your choices are as follows: a) roll your eyes, report the fucktard, add them to your ignore list, and then get on with your day like a goddamn adult, or b) take personal umbrage, gather all your indignation and respond to their post with "wHaT's wRoNg wItH bEiNg gAy/fUrRy/etc, hUh?!?!?!?!!" and proceed to go full retard yourself.
The correct answer is "a". Kink-shaming is against the rules, and moderators delete it when it's reported. But if you said "b", you're being a proper dumbass and I'd respectfully request that you take a breath, slow your roll, and think this shit through.
Not at all surprisingly, the numbnuts posting is either trolling or just a willfully ignorant and/or hateful twat. If they're trolling, you just gave them exactly what they wanted on a gilded platter. If they're not, then gg, you're now arguing with an idiot (psst, which also makes you an idiot too). Either way, you have exactly zero chance to ever ever ever change anyone's mind this way. You are accomplishing absolutely nothing beyond making a spectacle of yourself for others to giggle at your pointless rage. You are shouting at the wind.
Seriously; if you feel compelled to justify your life choices to every fuckwit who questions them on the goddamn internet, maybe you need to work through your own shit? Perhaps your problem is not with said fuckwits, but with yourself and being comfortable living in your own skin. As a life-long self-loather, I speak from experience.
TL;DR - A: The only way to win this game is to not play it. Don't engage with these idiots. J u s t. F u c k i n g. Q u i t. I t.
Example: Some rando hops on a thread for a game whose art, tags, and sometimes even title clearly indicate it contains M/M content, and they post some riveting insight like "miss me with this gay shit". Or perhaps it's a furry game, or an incest game, whatever. Our brave would-be troll posts "eww, fucking sick, whats wrong with you furfags?" or some dumb meme with the same sentiment, etc.
As someone who enjoys this content, your choices are as follows: a) roll your eyes, report the fucktard, add them to your ignore list, and then get on with your day like a goddamn adult, or b) take personal umbrage, gather all your indignation and respond to their post with "wHaT's wRoNg wItH bEiNg gAy/fUrRy/etc, hUh?!?!?!?!!" and proceed to go full retard yourself.
The correct answer is "a". Kink-shaming is against the rules, and moderators delete it when it's reported. But if you said "b", you're being a proper dumbass and I'd respectfully request that you take a breath, slow your roll, and think this shit through.
Not at all surprisingly, the numbnuts posting is either trolling or just a willfully ignorant and/or hateful twat. If they're trolling, you just gave them exactly what they wanted on a gilded platter. If they're not, then gg, you're now arguing with an idiot (psst, which also makes you an idiot too). Either way, you have exactly zero chance to ever ever ever change anyone's mind this way. You are accomplishing absolutely nothing beyond making a spectacle of yourself for others to giggle at your pointless rage. You are shouting at the wind.
Seriously; if you feel compelled to justify your life choices to every fuckwit who questions them on the goddamn internet, maybe you need to work through your own shit? Perhaps your problem is not with said fuckwits, but with yourself and being comfortable living in your own skin. As a life-long self-loather, I speak from experience.
TL;DR - A: The only way to win this game is to not play it. Don't engage with these idiots. J u s t. F u c k i n g. Q u i t. I t.