Allowing Yourself to Be Trolled; Please Just Fucking Quit It


Respected User
Former Staff
May 6, 2017
Q: Why do some people actively and repeatedly seek out troll bait to swallow?

Example: Some rando hops on a thread for a game whose art, tags, and sometimes even title clearly indicate it contains M/M content, and they post some riveting insight like "miss me with this gay shit". Or perhaps it's a furry game, or an incest game, whatever. Our brave would-be troll posts "eww, fucking sick, whats wrong with you furfags?" or some dumb meme with the same sentiment, etc.

As someone who enjoys this content, your choices are as follows: a) roll your eyes, report the fucktard, add them to your ignore list, and then get on with your day like a goddamn adult, or b) take personal umbrage, gather all your indignation and respond to their post with "wHaT's wRoNg wItH bEiNg gAy/fUrRy/etc, hUh?!?!?!?!!" and proceed to go full retard yourself.

The correct answer is "a". Kink-shaming is against the rules, and moderators delete it when it's reported. But if you said "b", you're being a proper dumbass and I'd respectfully request that you take a breath, slow your roll, and think this shit through.

Not at all surprisingly, the numbnuts posting is either trolling or just a willfully ignorant and/or hateful twat. If they're trolling, you just gave them exactly what they wanted on a gilded platter. If they're not, then gg, you're now arguing with an idiot (psst, which also makes you an idiot too). Either way, you have exactly zero chance to ever ever ever change anyone's mind this way. You are accomplishing absolutely nothing beyond making a spectacle of yourself for others to giggle at your pointless rage. You are shouting at the wind.

Seriously; if you feel compelled to justify your life choices to every fuckwit who questions them on the goddamn internet, maybe you need to work through your own shit? Perhaps your problem is not with said fuckwits, but with yourself and being comfortable living in your own skin. As a life-long self-loather, I speak from experience.

TL;DR - A: The only way to win this game is to not play it. Don't engage with these idiots. J u s t. F u c k i n g. Q u i t. I t.

Detective Cancer

Deep Cunt
Aug 28, 2018
The people who can't help those kneejerk defensive reactions are a problem for their own communities.
What they end up doing is giving the trolls, and by extension everyone reading the angry ranting, the exact opposite image they're trying to push by defending their kinks. In essence, instead of looking righteous and asserting how separated from the stereotypes furry/gay/etc. people are, the ranting and arguing comes through as the opposite, further cementing the tainted image the fandom might already have been given.

anne O'nymous

I'm not grumpy, I'm just coded that way.
Respected User
Jun 10, 2017
At first I wanted to make a joke based on the fact that trolls are an endangered specie that need to be feed, else it will go extinguish... Then I though, "who care ?", and the answer make me wrote a serious reply for once, because the answer is obvious: them, and only them.

Trolls are people who don't care what can be said about them. You can pass two seconds on your "go fuck yourself" answer, or two hours on a metaphysical answer demonstrating point by point why he's stupid, it will have exactly the same impact for him ; a totally null impact.
Oh yes, if you pass two hours on your answer, you'll feel so smart, but don't expect him to care about this ; don't expect him to change his view, attitude or habit because of this. Even if he reply to your comment, he'll not read it, and even less thought about what you said.

The only thing that interest a troll is that you replied, because you gave him what he wanted, your attention.
No, seriously, it's the only thing that matter for them. They aren't here to communicate, they are here to fill the emptiness of their life. And the only way they know to achieve this is to irritate people, because there's always one that will notice it, always one that will give him the attention he can't have otherwise, not even in real life ; because in real life, nobody would care what this guy have to say.
That's why the saying is, "don't feed the troll". Simply because if no one answer, if he don't get what he search so desperately, in the end he'll starve to death ; which mean that he'll go on another place.
Take a better look at them, not to just one of their message, but to their succession, especially when nobody answered at first. Look how they change with the time, how he end almost begging someone to notice what he said, how he beg for someone to finally give him some attention...

So, next time you want to answer to a troll (which is tempting I know, we are just human after all), stop for a second and remember why this guy is writing. Remember that you are facing someone so pathetic that if you ignore him for too long, he will beg for some attention... and he will do this on an internet forum... I mean, he could go outside, on a bar or on a place where there's people who share the same interest than him, and try to talk to someone ; it's not always easy, the introvert I am know this, but after few months of regular tries, if it's not you who goes to someone, it's someone that will come to you. But no, even this don't works for them, they need internet to have some attention...
And it's someone so insignificant that have so much impact on you ? Really ?

TL;DR: If you feed a troll, you are the one who loose, all of the time.


The Freakiest of Lemons
Oct 24, 2018
While it's true that the troll only wants a reaction and will never be persueded by your well thought out deconstruction of their fuckwittery, it is untrue that your response has zero value. Some trolls can be quite effective at an impression of a rational, intelligent human being and can fool people who are simply skimming comments on a subject they are not well versed in.

Your response to the fucktard might stop someone who has never thought about trans people (as an example) from turning into someone who thinks the desire for bathroom rights is just a thinly veiled excuse for pedophiles to have easy access to kids and instead turn them into, if not campaigners, then at least someone who call out such bullshit when they hear it in the pub.

Or just block them.


Resident Head-Patters
May 5, 2017
:KEK: I thought that is the whole point, win over an Internet argument so we can inflate our ego PP?


Nov 11, 2017
While it's true that the troll only wants a reaction and will never be persueded by your well thought out deconstruction of their fuckwittery, it is untrue that your response has zero value. Some trolls can be quite effective at an impression of a rational, intelligent human being and can fool people who are simply skimming comments on a subject they are not well versed in.

Your response to the fucktard might stop someone who has never thought about trans people (as an example) from turning into someone who thinks the desire for bathroom rights is just a thinly veiled excuse for pedophiles to have easy access to kids and instead turn them into, if not campaigners, then at least someone who call out such bullshit when they hear it in the pub.

Or just block them.
I'd offer that the learning example you offer here would seem dependent upon the tone and intent of those responding to troll posts. If there is more enlightenment vs "base reflex" (i.e., throw a gotcha back to the trolling poster) then maybe it can be a learning experience for other readers. And even if a response that seeks to quelch a troll thread seems reasonable and complete, trolls might double down if they see their impact might be waning. It's regrettable, but sometimes we need to cut out the cancer because it's spreading too fast after conservative treatments only partially slowed it down.
Sep 8, 2021
Q: Why do some people actively and repeatedly seek out troll bait to swallow?

Example: Some rando hops on a thread for a game whose art, tags, and sometimes even title clearly indicate it contains M/M content, and they post some riveting insight like "miss me with this gay shit". Or perhaps it's a furry game, or an incest game, whatever. Our brave would-be troll posts "eww, fucking sick, whats wrong with you furfags?" or some dumb meme with the same sentiment, etc.

As someone who enjoys this content, your choices are as follows: a) roll your eyes, report the fucktard, add them to your ignore list, and then get on with your day like a goddamn adult, or b) take personal umbrage, gather all your indignation and respond to their post with "wHaT's wRoNg wItH bEiNg gAy/fUrRy/etc, hUh?!?!?!?!!" and proceed to go full retard yourself.

The correct answer is "a". Kink-shaming is against the rules, and moderators delete it when it's reported. But if you said "b", you're being a proper dumbass and I'd respectfully request that you take a breath, slow your roll, and think this shit through.

Not at all surprisingly, the numbnuts posting is either trolling or just a willfully ignorant and/or hateful twat. If they're trolling, you just gave them exactly what they wanted on a gilded platter. If they're not, then gg, you're now arguing with an idiot (psst, which also makes you an idiot too). Either way, you have exactly zero chance to ever ever ever change anyone's mind this way. You are accomplishing absolutely nothing beyond making a spectacle of yourself for others to giggle at your pointless rage. You are shouting at the wind.

Seriously; if you feel compelled to justify your life choices to every fuckwit who questions them on the goddamn internet, maybe you need to work through your own shit? Perhaps your problem is not with said fuckwits, but with yourself and being comfortable living in your own skin. As a life-long self-loather, I speak from experience.

TL;DR - A: The only way to win this game is to not play it. Don't engage with these idiots. J u s t. F u c k i n g. Q u i t. I t.
I'm ngl typing "miss me with that gay shit" on a m/m thread sounds fucking hilarious.

If you get trolled by that you still a Level 1 internet inhabitant fr. Me personally? I've learned to co-exist with and understand trolls.

Trolls are better then actual idiots who can't comprehend wtf they're saying afterall. Trolls just pretend to be braindead, and under circumstances can actually be reasoned with. Your run of the mill slack-jaw cross-eyed buck-toothed keyboard warrior cannot be.
  • Thinking Face
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Death Panda

May 8, 2023
Trolls are better then actual idiots who can't comprehend wtf they're saying afterall. Trolls just pretend to be braindead, and under circumstances can actually be reasoned with. Your run of the mill slack-jaw cross-eyed buck-toothed keyboard warrior cannot be.