RPGM - Onhold - Alterverse - Jade Shadow [Spring update 2024, part 1] [Suidakra]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Initial Thoughts:

    - Graphics are great, facial expressions I initially wasn't keen on but they seem to be getting better which is great
    - Glad it doesn't rush straight into f*ckfest. Other detective games (Manila/Officer Chloe) is slow corruption/exhibitionism and I like it this way
    - Map is big but this can only be a good thing, means there's lots of areas for choice
    - Nora quests are good
    - Alina quest might be good we'll see... you know like a school teacher undercover helping Nora...then in the school with Nora losing/winning indoor volleyball or something and then having forefit I dunno :p
    - I did struggle with the 'go back to police station and do the report' one as I didn't realise I was a Coroner. Just a suggestion change quest to say "Go to the Coroners Office at the station to do your report".
    - Outfits are sexy
    - Only a couple of battles so far but they're good.

    This game has a great basis for development and I wish the developer the very best with it!
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    I was playing your game and i see much potential. The Jade, Nora the agent are hot sexy girls. The artwork is great imao. I hope you are succesful and not stop your work . I know it is too early and you start just know but i think, i like your work.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    patch Day3

    im gonna be honest, i dont see much potential in this game unless many things are changed from the ground up.

    so far it's near unplayable. so it's a 1/5. i gave it +1 for possible potential.

    well the other fan-made greenshadow game was a huge disappointment. this has more interesting premise and story elements. but it's just implemented so badly.

    heroine has very ugly facial expressions.

    rape sex scenes so far are really really bad. (only forced blowjobs so far but the graphics/animation is terrible). my bet that those scenes probably would be expanded.

    1 critical bug so far in 10min of playing, if you get too drunk in pub and get faceraped by the guy then you cannot leave the toilet because you cannot open the door. lol.

    everything about this game is so low effort. maybe it's just because early release. i will change my vote later if it gets fixed in a couple of patches but i dont have much hope because so many things are badly implemented.

    at night you can barely see anything.

    maps are big and you have no idea where to go (although with bus you can get anywhere). very dated ways of quest following... but at least you have a questlog. but every map feels very empty.

    you have 4skills in beginning... 3 do 0dmg. yes. 0dmg. then you have stunning fist which... stuns.. it might be working, idk, it seems to reduce the real time "action bar" about when it's your turn like in final fantasy.. but i think it's bugged too, i think i reduced one of the enemies action bar to negative so he died from full hp even though stunning fist does 0dmg too.

    meh it's just extremely unpolished.

    and sex scenes are absolutely trash. graphics of it is not bad, so maybe if they are changed by a lot then it might be better. the other green shadow ripoff at least had decent sex scenes before it was changed to some total garbage game. this is the opposite. garbage sex scene but maybe...MAYBE good gampeplay in the future due to some unique elements. but so far it's bugged as fk and empty as fk so dont play and wait for more release.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    At the moment it is only a demo, but it promises a lot. Good graphics and different arcs and developments. A very big world, perhaps too big, the developer will have a hard time bringing it to life so that it doesn't look empty.