Linux build for v99e does not work (syntax error).
However, it
should be running fine with Wine. Posting below the error messages in case you want to fix or investigate further ─ most issues seem to be with the plugins made specifically for the game, so this might be useful knowledge.
(Although I suspect RPGM is just giving you an older version of nwjs when you're building for Linux than for Windows, and you're relying in bleeding edge functionality which goes over my head as I don't speak JavaScript. If that's the case, it might be possible to run by upgrading nw.js manually which... I'm not going to do, at least not today).
Note: The 18+ warning actually displays; crash happens at the title menu (right before it is displayed).
It is not installed in /home/user ─ Personal data was stripped before posting.
As for actual
game bugs within the first 30 seconds (using Wine, obviously, you can't get that far on Linux), "Q" key (a default soft-skip key) is mapped to the menus ─ starting the game and holding "Q" will quickly cause a game over. "Ctrl" key (a default hard-skip key) works fine with menus, but when the dialog was split in two it will stop skipping (unlike "Q").
Thought in mentioning this as I'm already reporting a bug anyway.
PS. The new game also said something about the "saved game" not being compatible with current version... wtf? It is a new game? How can it not be compatible with itself??
Partly redacted, generic data from inxi for debugging purposes:
Actual debugger output (coredumpctl / partly redacted):