This is the rare case of a game that I did enjoy, but can't really rate higher than three stars, because it does have a lot of flaws.
But let me start with the positives.
The girls are mostly great, pretty two-dimensional but sweet and often funny, with a lot of different body types and looks.
Emilie is partcicularly cute and sweet.
The game has a lot of content, lots of sex scenes and definitely a complete story.
That was the good, now for what is fine, but not great:
The graphics and animations. It's Honey Select and definitely not the higher end of it. Though I do think the quality does improve a bit over the course of the game.
The story is alright, it definitely stretches, but it works basically.
Now for the reasons why I can't give more than three stars.
There are a lot of sexscenes, but since they are all pretty standard HoneySelect stuff, it becomes repetitive very fast..
The story really does drag on. Not only is there a lot, A LOT of filler, the story also just moves really slow and it definitely overstays it's welcome.
After the main story arc ends, the game just goes on and on for what is basically just the epilogue. And for that it is just too long. I love that the game is complete and offers satisfying endings, but at some point it is enough.
The Harem is boring. All the girls just fall for the protagonist pretty fast, no hard work in conquering them, no decisions where you have to either let go of one girl or work really hard to keep her.
I love Harems, but IMO the harem needs to be earned to be interesting and in this case the game fails.
All girls are fine with sharing without any serious problems, they don't argue with each other constantly, there are no significant conflicts that aren't cleared up almost instantly.
And one major annoyance for me personally was the insane amount of single option "choices:"
Again and again devs insist on doing this, despite a lot of people hating it and the rest just tolerating it. I don't think there is a single person who actually LIKES that shit. Devs! Stop doing that!
When there is no choice, there is no reason to make me click an icon, I am not a trained monkey, I don't need that shit.
All in all, I liked the game and had a good time playing through it, but with the caveat that I started to speed through more and more content, just watching the renders and stopping here and there to catch up on the story.