VN - Others - Completed - Amber Breaker [MorningStar]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    This is an older game with simple graphics and few pics. Also, there are hardly any choices at all to be made, making this much more of a kinetic novel than a visual one.

    The main protagonist is overly competent and is never really in any difficulty throughout the story. The MC fills a fairly standard trope. In fact, the three girls in the story remind me a bit of Magic Knight Rayearth (to the point that I wonder if that's intentional).

    As for the plot itself... it's pretty dark and *very* twisted. I'd rate its perversion factor as Very High, especially due to what happened to one of the secondary girls and her role in the events that took place.

    I never really felt any tension in the story, and nothing particularly surprising or unexpected happened. That isn't to say that it was a bad story, it's mainly a pretty simple (if perverted and twisted) story.

    Overall, I enjoyed this little story quite a bit. It did what it set out to do and I found the ending... satisfying.

    I recommend it for people who like dark, twisted, and straightforward stories.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This game in a nutshell:
    About 20 CGs + augmented with a fuckton of filler-dialogue nobody cares about = Amber Breaker.

    There's no game, no choices to make: It's just a slideshow of 20 CGs (none of them animated), and a fuckload of filler-dialogue to click through.

    Inferior to browsing rule34 for 3 minutes. Probably the best part of this "game" is the title tune, which is actually pretty good and worth downloading.
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