Ren'Py - Amnesia [v0.100a] [Super Alex]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Ass Fan

    Wow, this game has no equal it's good in every way. For me it's the one with the best animation I've ever seen. The developer worked a lot on this part of the game That's right, well done animations and the unfolding of the story that's very interesting has a lot of mystery about the Mc's family, especially in my part. favorite girl to MC's mother

    Alexandra this character is very beautiful I'm looking forward to seeing scenes with her and knowing more about her story And also the secrets she hides from her children that it's more than obvious that she's already done some sensual work to earn money I'm very interested in the story then i highly recommend this game is awesome is deserving of more than five stars super Alex Thanks for the game that you devoted a lot of time to make wanted to ask something if not asking too much wanted much more story about the character Alexandra she is better for me at game I don't want to despise the other two are all beautiful But this is the one I liked the most because she is very mysterious dominant over Mc
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    though there are many lost memory games on here, this one is one of my favorites because it has a gripping story and good character growth. It also is a plus that the creator doesn't use the stock characters like so many others do. This Dev uses some that I haven't seen in other games.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    I can honestly say the animations totally blew me away. I recall telling friends of mine back when PCs first came about that at some point, it would be hard to tell real from animated...Looks like we're finally rounding that corner. Storylines good and characters are for the most part very
    believable. Only negatives are the same criticisms I have about a "lot" of these games. Everyone lives in million dollar homes instead of just average houses, that IMO takes a lot away from reality element. One more item...get some jeans for Mom and since we're on the subject what the hell is it with her eyes....they look a bit "creepy" (too bright)...aside from those items I think its a fun game....Id rate this 4 out of 5 stars...:) LOL...thought the Cities Skylines bit was pretty funny. (One of my favorite games) Keep up the great work friend...
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    For version 0.7a

    Graphics are amazing and the animations are wonderful. I seriously would give it 6 stars on graphics, if possible. Character models are wonderful

    The story is a slow burn, so if you are in for a quick fap, this game may not be for you. For me that is totally fine. There are plenty of ways, including stories for that.

    The story itself has started out very well. It has depth and intrigue with excellent story pacing. I find my self interested in what is going on and why things are happening as opposed to WTF on many adult VNs. If they can keep this story as interesting and deep throughout, it will be one of the best VNs out there. So I give the story, thus far 4.5/5.

    Characters are another strength. While you do have some of the typical cliché characters, the depth and mystery surrounding them is really good. No one is really as they seem from the fist meeting. Going to be fun going down the rabbit hole with them. They are an easy 5/5.

    Looking forward to future versions!!
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    The art is nice, the story is nice but... after a few hours of games I realized I was wasting my time. There is way too much text, and a very little fapping time. I have a job and a life, I can't afford to spend a day reading text for a mediocre and forced fap session at the end.
  6. 4.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 216358

    Great game with lots of potential.

    • Excellent renders and visuals
    • Excellent character models (some of the best on this site)
    • Beautiful character models (some of the best on this site)
    • Excellent animations (some of the best on this site)
    • Good lewd scenes with multiple views
    • Good story
    • Each character in the game has a unique and interesting personality (very rare)
    • Good character development (but slow)
    • Excellent writing

    • Slow evolving story (very slow burn)
    • As of version 0.7a there is no vaginal or anal sex in the game. You can get up to two handjobs, some breast play, and some vaginal fingering/massaging. If you are a pussy you can get a foot fetish scene also. There is one blowjob (sort of) but it is a memory only that occurred in the past.
    • At the current pace of the game, it will take a year or two worth of content in order to have sex with your mother and two sisters. Sex with them will likely be an end event than something that occurs mid-game.
    • Overall, the game has a low amount of lewd content
    • Not a fan of the constant nightmares which basically try to shame the player for any attempts at corrupting family members. The game is about corruption and incest, yet the player is constantly shamed for making any advances towards family members (mother and two sisters). Why? This is highly unnecessary! I'm not a fan of forced guilt trips! For some reason the author really wants to shame the player for making lewd/perv choices.
    The game is superb in many regards but since it is a porn game with a low amount of lewd content I just can't give it a 5 star rating like so many players have.

    The game does have some of the most beautiful character models that I've seen on this site and has some of the best animations that I've seen on this site.

    There are multiple opportunities that are lost throughout the game with corrupting family members. You come home from the hospital after being in a coma for a year and don't take advantage of that fact. I would convince my mother and older sister that I was all alone in a coma for a year and crave human touch and affection and that I need to sleep (not sex but cuddling) with one of them each night to help me sleep, feel loved, and help my recovery. That is one of many angles that could have been taken.

    The MC also has vivid nightmares which he could use to convince them that he needs to sleep with them at night also. He could also play up his memory loss to his advantage but never does. He could wake up with morning wood and play dumb and be really worried about it and ask for help.

    The corruption in the game is just really slow paced. Way too much emphasis is on story and not corruption. I'm not a fan of too much fantasy where you give your mother too much wine and she sleeps with you right away but the corruption element needs faster progression in my opinion. At the current game pace it may take up to a year or two of content updates before the MC has meaningful sex with his mother and two sisters.

    I recommend the game as long as you understand that it is a slow progressing story and that there isn't a lot of lewd content yet.

    Hopefully the game will be great in one to two years but currently it isn't a very good XXX game title.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Amnesia (ver 0.7a) is just very close to perfection so far. The story is interesting and intriguing and the cast of characters are quite different from eachother; of course they are a tad archetipical, but that's to be expected. The story flows in a rather natural way and has a decent amount of choices to make, which leads to replayability. And so far, MC isn't a total idiot, or an incoherent character, which to me is important. It doesn't have (at least yet) much gameplay besides taking some decisions, but it does hint that there will be some more with the design of the garage, the idea of work or the existance of an inventory.

    Technically, the game is a beast. Renders are of the highest quality and so are animations, which are also rather numerous. Sounds are pretty well done as well, both in sound effects and the occasional audio of a character (mostly a few moans and such). It does have a couple bugs though, like the last dream referring to something that actually didn't happen, or a few glitches in other places, but nothing terrible.

    So, overall, it is looking like this will probably be a masterpiece. 10/10 so far
  8. 5.00 star(s)

    Master Noda

    An ambitious project and, in my opinion, very well succeeded! It has the best animations I've seen so far. This game not only has what it takes to be big, it's already big. The renderings are amazing, the characters are beautiful, the mc started out really ugly, but it's improved a little bit. The only negative point that I see, until version 0.6b, is the expositivity in the dialogues, I think they are a little exaggerated. Very expository dialogues work in a literary work, because in a book, the reader needs as much detail as possible so that his imagination can create, in a game or movie, the excess of expositivity can make the plot tedious and tiring. For example: If the character is with his head down and sad, the image itself says it all, it is not necessary to comment the same, and that happens a lot up to this point in the game. There is no need to narrate everything, as the images say a lot of things very well. There is a popular saying that, "A picture is worth a thousand words", correct. So I think it's just a little more careful at this point, that this game will be perfect. Congratulations to the developer. Great!!!
  9. 3.00 star(s)


    In it's current state (0.7) the game is barely average.
    The last two updates, especially the 0.7 update, had so little contend they don't even deserve a new version number.

    The strong points of this game:
    The art is excellent and the girls are very beautiful (good job there).

    Sadly the dev is destroying the game himself/herself:
    Annoying sandbox, endless animations,

    Can't say much about the story because there isn't much progress so far.
    The game has great potential but the way it is going now it is not going anywhere.
    Honestly I feel more like giving a 2 stars rating but that wouldn't be fair on my part so it gets a carefully optimistic 3 star rating.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I absolutely like the realism of this game. It matches exactly how very beautiful high maintenance girls I met from Ukraine and Russia behave and what they idealize. The game is still in development, but as always its high quality by Super Alex with beautiful renders. Its nice to play, however there are slightly to many “roll ups” for may taste and there could be more jokes. I very much like the taste and the humor of the developer, so I guess there will be more to come. This games is among the best – if you like Caucasian woman with slightly over expressed features.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is super awesome. One of the best game I have ever played. Hope it will become far more better in the future.
    The storyline, graphics and everyother minor things everything is perfect.
    Thank you. Keep up the good work.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Holy shit, I am amazed to the balls. Where was this game simply hiding before. I do not even know where to start. The detail that the dev has put here is INSANE. From nail polish and styling to heels and everything. Before this, Midnight Paradise was easily the TOP #1 game for me, but after playing this, I am glad to say that this has blown my mind away and is not #1 on my list. The story, the memories part has literally blown me away. The best story of the game easily goes to this game hands down. I have also completed Lucky Mark before, but the only thing I didnt like about that game was the insane level of grind and complications that were added. In this game, its the best combination of FREE ROAM + VN. This makes the game playable without grind. I love that the dev has focused more on the story and dialogues here rather than grinding mini games and stuff etc.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This game felt so good. Choices are so interactive and usually connected with cool animations. Renders and appearence of the girls is something else. They look beautiful in all way. The plot is interesting I got engaged with story and characters. Lewd and sex scenes are really hot.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Game seems to be nowhere near finished (it's quite short) but what's there so far is really good.

    The characters are gorgeous (besides a sister/roommate which looks like an alien human/duck hybrid). The character's are interesting and realistic enough with dialogue that doesn't make you cringe.

    Because your character has amnesia and is slowly recovering his memories, there's a lot of mystery that always leaves you wanting to know what happens next. And, without spoilers, the author does a good job giving you a reason to care about the characters and wanting them to succeed or fail and giving them goals.

    Also, you get plenty of choices to make for the protagonist.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Great graphics, interesting characters with their own secrets, an intriguing plot, a lot of high-quality animation. This is a really new level. The only drawback: while the plot is not progressing as fast as everyone wants.
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    Renders are very well done and the story is good. Looking forward to how this progresses. The only downside I could possibly point out is in the scene where you clean the room while the blonde watches you is one of the items was very difficult to see due to the brightness of the bedroom. Other than that very impressive.
  17. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 1216335

    I don't care much about story in these games but regarding the 0.6a the first scene with sis is probably the best in all of these games.

    Certainly there was put a lot of effort to details to make it almost perfect which can't be said about other games (regarding lewd scenes). I prefer quality over quantity and this is certainly the case.

    Even better and more immersive than Being a DIK scenes. So certainly we can look forward to the next updates. GL

    *The only thing I can think of which would make the scene even better and more immersive would be to not see MCs face.
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Both its story and its rendered characters are very beautiful and great, very good work for the people who have made this game, I hope it is even more popular and so much the creator that motivates you to keep updating constantly
  19. 3.00 star(s)


    The renders and overall effort, including animations, are way above average, but the game desperately needs a good writer and a proofreader. None of the characters behave in a sensical way and it hurts the game a lot.

    If they fix their terrible writing the game has incredible potential.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    I am really just echoing other comments on here, but the quality of the renders in this VN are out of this world, the sheer detail that the dev has gone to when capturing the life of the characters (i.e. the movement, blinking, breathing etc..) is just staggering and shows that they really care about what they are doing and what to create the best. The story is intriguing and is setting things up for some interesting surprised along the way.