Ren'Py - Amnesia [v0.99a Standard] [Super Alex]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is called Amnesia which is ironic because after getting to the end of the latest update you'll wish you could forget you'd ever played it.

    4 years in and with the latest update you whack off, watch someone else whack off and spend 3 seconds whacking them off; it should change it's name to Edging Simulator.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This game is not trash but it is far from good. Everything works and the renders are very attractive. The art team is doing a great job.

    The bad about this game is easy. The STORY is so boring and so dull and is going nowhere very fast. It's just a tedious slog of bad dialogue to try and get through. It's a shame because the premise of the game is very good.

    Also the MC is just so damned unlikable as his character is written. Now that I think about it every single character in this game as they are written are just plain unlikeable with the exception of Iris and maybe Kate.

    It's a shame because you can tell a lot of work has gone into this game but the writing team needs to add someone who can tell a story much better than this.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    All over the place adding silly revelations that ruin the characters the game was trying to sell you from the beginning, even if there were hints it is a shit decision.
    Writing is trash, like absolutely terrible, the actions of certain characters dont make any fucking sense. Like some woman will say she loves some dude and yet doesn't give a fuck about him lmao, and theres no reason why she would love him either. Its like the story got made with an outdated version of ChatGPT, dialogs are stupid and extremely cringe, renders rather outdated and theres not even any action with the supposed main LI, just boring stuff and no progress, on the contrary actually. Also MC is such an unlikeable lil shit, but tbh, thats most of the characters here.
    Not worth playing at all, I wish I hadnt wasted my time with this.
  4. 1.00 star(s)


    Fantastic renders, but everything else is bad.

    Awful story. Terrible dialogue. The characters repeat themselves several times, even in the same scenes. Way too much dialogue. The MC gets raped out of nowhere, there's surprise NTR, it's almost version 1.0 and the actual sex in the game is basically non-existent except with 1 random side character, not even a handy or blowjob from the main girls. Ridiculous lack of progress anywhere. One if the biggest letdowns I've ever played.
  5. 1.00 star(s)


    4 years in development :/
    we still don't know anything about the Main characters
    annoying MC
    almost zero content with the important characters. (except all that jerkoff we're jerkoff to an mc that is fapping to some photos)
    the only good thing about this game is the renders and at this point, it is not a good enough reason to play it, because there is a lot of another game that has this level of renders if not better.
    (Btw, sorry for the bad English.)
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Although the pace of this game is a bit slow and the erotic relationships with female characters are relatively basic, the excellent animation rendering shows the potential for the future, and the modeling of the female protagonist is very attractive!
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Review of 0.98 (spoiler tag added, but idk why I bother)
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    You don't have permission to view the spoiler content. Log in or register now.

    My mind boggles that I spent 45 minutes playing this game. There are plenty of games where I can say "not for me, but I see the effort the dev put in". Here? It legitimately feels like this was meant to be an exercise in frustration.
  8. 2.00 star(s)


    Decent Renders and a fair share of different women. The freeroam is ok for the most part and the story itself is intriguing.
    The poor review has two components:
    1. MC is quite unlikeable. Even when given a choice, he acts like a 14 year old horny creepy teenager in every available option.
    2. Girlfriend cheats on him and admits it to him. MC has now two options, rape her or forgive her and have conventional sex with her. The option to just leave her and never touch her again is not available. That's what most people would do after being cheated on. That scene alone made me delete the game and regret to have ever given money to the dev...
    So it's another NTR game without the NTR tag. If the developer is so eager to let one of the main li cheat on the mc, why not being honest about it and add the proper tag. 2 Stars for the girls and the idea of the story. The rest is just bait with hidden NTR halfway through the story and a horrible written mc.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Well, what can i say. This game is a rare gem, one of the very few instances, that provides some kind of subtlety in its approach to the erotic content. I love the slow tempo and i wish it would drag on forever, with hundred different scenes for every tiny step of progression.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I've been backing this game on Patreon sporadically, and I believe it's underrated. I've had my frustrations with it too. Initially, updates were slow, then there was a lengthy hiatus while Alex revamped the code and introduced the sandbox feature. As a Russian developer, events in Europe caused more slowdowns, but with a newly formed team and move to another country, updates are now consistent every 2-3 months.

    I prefer waiting for at least 3 updates, which translates to a six to nine-month interval. Alex seems to follow cycles with the LIs; if you're waiting for scenes with a particular LI, expect to wait a year. Alex recently mentioned that the supporting character arcs have completed for now, so maybe the LI cycle will be faster.

    While there are full penetration scenes with secondary characters, the main LIs have none. Plenty of other really erotic, detailed, and steamy scenes with the LIs, but it's definitely a slow walk with them.

    The storyline is gripping, with an intriguing mystery surrounding the MC's memory loss and coma. Each LI has a distinct personality and relationship dynamic with the MC.

    The game has the best renders and animations I've seen, they're clearly talented.

    Navigating the sandbox and completing quests can be challenging, but nothing a quick forum search will won't solve (though I worry about some of you with your search abilities.)

    In summary, despite past frustrations, I've grown to appreciate the game's progress over the last year. It offers an engaging story, satisfying fetishes, and as an intermittent paying supporter, it's a full 5 stars from me.
  11. 1.00 star(s)


    I usually rate games while keeping in mind 'amount of time worked on game/content available'.

    In "Amnesia"'s case, development has been active for 4 whole years.

    4 whole years, and the only actual sex the MC has, isn't even sex, but a rape scene.

    Now, the animation is above most of the games out there, I'll give the game that. But 4 years for the content the game has right now is a no no. Because that means that the game, at this rate, won't be completed for the next 10 years.

    Now, another thing I actually like, and I find this weird that more people didn't notice this; both roommates have psychological issues, that are actually well represented. One has depression, and the other, whilst not exactly mentionned in game, is clearly bipolar.

    But yeah, all the game has for itself right now, is the amazing animation. For the rest, it's empty. And after 4 years, again, no bueno...
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    Just became a Patreon of Super Alex after a single play of this game. It's excellent, particularly the "Free Roam" sections, which are brilliantly done.

    The graphics and animations are pure hotness, and the character, dialog are great and witty. The story isn't super-compelling, however -- it's more of a sequence of events and tasks to unlock progressively lewder scenes and bakcstory exposition. Without fixing the relationships between the MC and his "landlady" and "friend" properly to make them what they're obviously are, "mother" and "sister", the game doesn't make any sense at all. Unfortunately there are lots of mistakes in the dialog -- I haven't tried the incest patch, having rolled my own (fixing the numerous places where the relationship is hard-coded wrongly). After doing that, I could get into the game a lot better.
    I play pretty much exclusively femdom games, and despite the MC's pretty dominant behaviour, the few femdom aspects of the game were so good that I enjoyed it a lot.

    There's not much branching narrative in this game -- the DOMINANCE flag is basically unused. That's a shame, because I'd like to be able to steer the MC into submission (like in Karlsson's Gambit or Boring Days, for example).

    The MC doesn't really have much character transformation, you're basically just solving puzzles and unlocking scenes (amazingly hot scenes). So, althougheven though there's a risk of combinatorial explosion, I think making a dom and sub path for the game would have improved it a lot for me. I'd actually prefer it if scenes were determined more by the DOMINANCE flag.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    *spoiler* that belly dancing scene was the best visual novel animation i've ever seen. best looking mother i've seen in visual novel. it's a shame i have to wait for an update i'm excited. bookmarked.
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    Its pretty alright for a non english dev.
    Grammar and language bugs are consistent.
    Random scenes just have Russian subtitles instead of English, and last the entire scene.. Sometimes you have to make choices based on what you learn from the renders themselves, cus like me, you probably don't understand Russian.
    Its a hooptie hoop, trying to figure out what to do next in this sandbox game. I believe if the Walkthrough mod was better, it could pass as a game to check out.
    Models are great, renders are great, the plot is great, the writing is a bit off, but the banter is nice.

    I have yet to finish this game, since it just seems more of a hassle to play than to fully enjoy.

    How to fix this (for dev):
    Get yourself a proof reader, and translator.
    Either get the guy who made the Walkthrough to polish it, or make a walkthrough yourself.

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  15. 4.00 star(s)


    Good models, decent game. A bit on the usual tropes, but the girls are hot, so it's worth playing. Play with Mods to make it easier to know what to do next and avoid the random clicking around to figure out what to do.
  16. 1.00 star(s)

    Queen Carmel

    i am not sure what to even say about this game, it is so bad i can not believe this even came out, let alone how steam ever allowed it to be on there.
    first the MC gets raped, what if you reverse those roles and teh MC raped a female, all hell would break loose, but guess when it's the male getting raped it's fine. the fact that some sickos even give this 5 stars is even more disturbing than the scene itself.
    and the funny (ironic type funny) thing here is the rape scene isn't even the worst part of the writing. amnesia is an adult visual novel without very much actual adult content, what the actual fuck. the story reads like it was written by a child who just figured out that their dick is not just for pssing out of. considering the amount of jerking scenes in this game, that is highly likely the case, not much sex, so again it adds up.
    free roam is in this game, and like every other vn that has free roam, it is tedious pointless, and should not be part of the game, normally I would say the characters are a saving grace, but that isn't the case here, the look very generic and boring, and every other vn i have played, even the shit ones have better looking characters than this.
    I haven't even mentioned yet how each update that takes an era by the way, adds very little content. this game is a lost cause, I hate to say it, but the best thing the dev can do with this game is abandon it and move on.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    There is so much to like with this game. The graphics are great, animation is great and the story is pretty good. Okay... so there is the overdone amnesia trope, but it holds it's own.

    The problem for me are all the free roams. I just hate them. I don't mind an occasional one but every time the story starts to take off, you have to stop and wander aimlessly around with only a few vague hints to help you. I kind of like finding the images, but you don't need free roam to do that and I like the physical mini game interactions so I don't mind some gamification, but f the free roaming or reduce the number of them.

    If you can get past the roaming, underneath it is a solid story with great animation and renders.

    It's worth a download.
  18. 1.00 star(s)

    Brok TheDog

    Test carried out on version 0.97a. After 4 years of development, the game is still as poor in events on the 3 main women. One only has blowjob on sleeping, and the other has a masturbation scene and the other has absolutely nothing. Honestly, I expected it a bit, this designer never finished 100% of his first games.
    So why would he progress correctly on that if, or he will probably also abandon the secondary quests in the middle. I therefore advise future players not to waste their time on a game that will most certainly never be finished, or perhaps it will be in 50 years.
  19. 1.00 star(s)


    I skipped a year worth of update to realize, from its management to its execution; That "game" suck balls (lol i wish)
    It never delivers, seems to go nowhere and the more it goes on the less there is to it. To this day it amount to a staggering 6 gigabits of "Almost There" and fluffs.
    When does that game gets good?
    His last game was a model of how kill any kind of commitment from the player and that one isn't different.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Strong story, some of the hottest models for characters I have ever seen, and the sex animations are top tier. The game however is the very definition of a slow burn. As of 97a hes had three real sex scenes, one having two variations, and a handful of almost sex with one of the two sisters and the mom and after 4 years its getting a bit slow. However, not knowing this dudes life or his financial situation, I'm not here to judge, because hes still releasing some of the best looking stuff.

    This last update is probably the best so far with not only a full arc for a girl, but more than one sexual scene with her. Once again though, these updates come slow and since its one guy its understandable with the quality. I'm glad he's still trying to push through and make great stuff.