VN - Others - Completed - Amy's Fantasies [Final] [C's Ware]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This and True Love 95 were the two first VNs I'd ever played, and this is the first time playing this one since way back in the day on my Windows 95 PC. Huge thanks to ayuanx for patching the game to work properly on a modern OS.

    Three different story lines, and each plays more or less like a kinetic VN without much in the way of stats or significant player choice-directed progression like in TL. 90s 2D CGI and MIDI are pretty much exactly what you'd expect, though personally I kind of prefer the art direction from this era over the busier modern stuff. Having so few pixels to play with made for a cleaner, more focused visual style.

    This is a classic, and it really holds up well. Highly recommended.