An idea for a rape-centered game


Nov 20, 2017
Disclaimer: I have no experience in programming or using graphical programs. I am just a girl with a strong rape fetish and this is the game I would create if by some magic I was suddenly able to snap my fingers and deliver it.

Premise: the MC is a boy / young man who lives with his mother and his sister. He sometimes suffers from nervous breakdowns and panic attacks, and for this reason he is undergoing therapy with a female psychologist.

During these sessions, the psychologist gives him some tasks to enforce his personality, to improve his relationships with women and to recover his self-esteem. But, unbeknowst to her, our MC interprets these tasks in a very wicked way.

For example: "find the courage to speak to the barmaid" becomes in his mind "find the way to rape the barmaid". "Try to go to the gym and interact with other people" becomes "go to the gym and rape the instructor" and so on.

The game would be a series of rapes, each one more difficult than the previous one, with some puzzle elements, requiring not just strength but also intelligence and intuition. And the funny thing is that the "therapy" actually works: at the end the MC would find enough self-esteem to interact (rape!) even his relatives and the psychologist herself.

I repeat: this is just an idea. But if someone wants to realize it, be my guest!



Feb 1, 2020
I like it, and I'll add a few ideas. I'll preface this by saying that I like a good story and well made characters with nuanced choices.

Here's an idea for your MC:
The MC is a young man who live with his sister and mother. His relationship is not overly great with either of them however. His self-esteem is fairly low at the beginning of the game. Essentially, at the start of the game he is a loser. Showing some initiative, his mother decide that her son shouldn't be like that, and she encourage him to seek help at the local psychologist.

The MC has following personality traits that he will stick to:
- Callous, the MC is calculating and manipulative.
- Friendly, but only to those that he care about and respect.
- Assertive and risk-taking, the MC grows ever more bold.

At some point the MC realize that if cannot have something, then he will take it. This will start with small, innocent acts. This will sooth his desire to control. Quickly these small acts won't do it anymore, and he wants to do more.
The sorts of acts come in many variations, and the MC is a smart guy. He shouldn't always go directly for the physical approach. Sometimes it might be enough for him to do things that still is way over the line.

The Victims:
I think it would be very interesting with a system where the MC has to be smart. I.E. he cannot just rape away with impunity. Instead he must be smart with the choice of victim. Sure, getting physical with that slim girl that run during nighttime might work, but it may also backfire. Playing too risky will start a police investigation. Slowly but surely the MC might risk getting caught - which actually would be a rather interesting way of ending the game. But then again, it depends on how you play the game - careful or risky.

That said, I think it would be very interesting if the MC is a nuanced character who is given choices. Perhaps give him a best-friend of sorts. His best friend is a nice and supportive guy who also happens to have a stunning girlfriend. Will the MC go for her as well, or is she off limits because, well, she is with his best friend?
This could also be with a female friend, whom he for whatever reason is not willing to rape. Perhaps she understands him, sympathize or something else entirely. This will help make the MC a nuanced person and not merely a rapist.

Example 1: The Instructor
The psychologist tells the MC that he should go to the gym. The MC wants to be with the Gym instructor. He follow her for a couple of days, but quickly realize that firstly she is actually pretty good at martial arts, more concerning, so is her boyfriend. She also rarely go anywhere alone. The MC still wants her. One day he hide in the women's shower. He figured that few people was there in the (insert time of day). As she went into the shower, the MC watched her, masturbating.
Choice 1: drugs in the water bottle, some shower sex will do her good.
Choice 2:it has to be in a slightly different way. He then quickly went to her to clothes, picked up her panties and came on the insides. Hopefully the gym instructor won't notice as she pulls up her panties.
Choice 3: Maybe she is out of reach.

Example 2: The sisters friend
The psychologist tells the MC that he should be more helpful to her sister and friendly with her friends. One day the sister brings over one of her girl friends. They intend to watch a movie. They quickly get bored and decide to head out for a drink. They get home fairly wasted. The MC decides to help out:
Choice 1: They should both drink some water.
Choice 2: I need to be friendly with my sisters friends. Perhaps I'll help that a long. He gives water for her sister, but then mixes some alcoholic drink for the friend who essentially black out. The MC takes advantage of this.
Choice 3: Maybe I can "friendly" with both?

Example 3: The queen bitch
The queen bee of the college/work/wherever has for a long time treated him poorly because she think that he creeps on her friends. Admittedly, that isn't entirely wrong. The psychologist suggest that he try to mend relations.
At this point the MC has turned completely into an abusive rapist. One day while at college/work/wherever he notice her birth control in her bag. Having turned completely, he decides to remove her birth control and put in similar looking vitamin pills. Then he decides to go for her. At a party, he notice that she is close with one of the other guys. They try to slip away and go into a dark room. The dark quickly go the bathroom telling the Queen Bee that "I'll be back in a second." The MC somehow trap the guy inside and sneak into the room with the Queen Bee. She is ready, though not for the MC, but she can't tell in the darkness.

The Ending:
There should be consequences for the MC depending on how he played it. Obviously there is no way to blackmail everybody into not reporting him to the authorities no matter what he holds against them. However, with proper preparation and wits he can *perhaps* avoid the investigation.


Well-Known Member
Jan 20, 2018
sounds like a good compact idea.

I'd make a tiny change in making the MC not understand the assignments as rape-goals, but being taken over by the moment and in feverish haze forcing it. because him knowingly going straight towards raping them flattens the character a bit. where as making him delusional and thinking he's a good guy who just happens to end up raping gives him conflicting sides.

like he'd have all these excuses why his innocent well-meaning chat turned into raping, and he'd try to explain his argument in a veiled way to the shrink who shoots his arguments down instantly. and over time you could have the shrink starting to suspect the truth so there would be this added layer of suspense in their relationship. like talking to a vampire but not in the beginning knowing it.
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