Wolf RPG - Completed - An Obedient Childhood Friend Is Easily Cucked [Final] [Udagame]

  1. 4.00 star(s)


    Very short NTR game that has a lot of potential.
    The gameplay loop doesn't extend past its welcome. Multiple endings encourage experimentation, and a purity run is possible. The girl can be corrupted very early on, as the premise is in the title. You are given an opportunity to easily get a decent item by sacrificing your friend's dignity to another man, and she is willing to do it for you. Something similar occurs when your friend is given powerful bikini armor, but wearing it causes some NPCs to remark on it or molest her. This is something that I feel could have been utilized more. I don't consider the length of the game a downside, as the amount of grinding required to comfortably deal with the stages is negligible in regards to the average run a person would attempt. The morality system influencing the danger of an area is a very interesting concept. If you decide to rob wounded adventurers, areas will become dangerous and roaming rapists will target the party. The game being monochromatic isn't really a downside, as all of the art is quality.
    This game is a fun experience for a quick nut.

    1. Solid gameplay loop.
    2. Corruption mechanic influencing multiple endings.
    3. Super-cute, shy, rape-bait.
    4. Girl will remark on sexual encounters differently depending on how corrupted she is.
    1. Too easy (combat provides little challenge no matter the playstyle.)
    2. Certain sex encounters can get repetitive.
    3. Little variety between stages.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    A fun little time waster.
    Don't expect a gigantic, epic adventure, but what you do have is an hour or two of fun that's dense with fairly simplistic content with an NTR theme.

    I've deducted one star because the game is shallow and nothing about it particularly stands out as remarkable. The music and sound effects are limited, bland, and repetitive. The art is often reused, and there are only one or two standout images.

    I've also deducted a second star because I ran into a game-breaking bug on multiple occasions that wouldn't let me sleep at any inn except the first.

    It's also worth pointing out that the gameplay is just filler content. You could turn off encounters using a cheat client, and the game is pretty much exactly the same. But the combat is not particularly annoying and goes by relatively fast if you hold enter, lmao.

    What would have really elevated this game is a stronger narrative and relationship between the male and female lead, because frankly it's hard to call a game "NTR", or "Cuckoldry" when I have no relation or bond to the random chick I'm hanging out with.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Ridiculously overrated game. It's short as hell, all the sex scenes are just like 3 lines each, it reuses CG a lot, the music gets repetitive, and it's all in black and white.

    There's seriously nothing special about it, and it feels like the only reason people like it is because it gives you the content without a hassle. Problem is the content is just bland and there's hardly any of it.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Although i like monochrome aesthetic this one is a little bit disappointing. Most scenes are just same 5 sprites overused again and again with different text. Music is average. Art's average. Gameplay is average, but I liked the public order rising for stealing. That's a cool mechanic.
    Art 3/5
    Story - 2.5/5
    Gameplay 3/5
    Fapability 2/5
    Music/SFX 2.5/5
    Originality 3.5/5
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    It's not just a good NTR game, it's an example for all H games to follow. There's no annoying mechanics or anything locking you away from sex scenes, you are in complete control. But it also doesn't just throw sex scenes at you, it has a lot of different situations, scenarios and prompts to keep things interesting.
    Granted there isn't much, it's a very short game but it's definitely worth your while. Wish the dev went on to make something else i'd def pay for that.
  6. 3.00 star(s)


    A short simple game that gets straight to the point. Make a certain amount of points and choose how you earn it. Make the points yourself through fighting and scavenging in the forest or pimp out the girl in the portrait. The sex scenes are OK and the fighting is simple, nothing to complain about. This is probably a hour or two long game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is one of the best games I've played in this site. Despite my initial reluctance given that the graphics are black and white, the story is superb, and you control the NTR stuff all you want. Is more of a pimping game than a NTR one, but is good nontheless.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    I think this game is heavily overrated. 3/5.
    The events are very short and basic and there are very little of them. An event that has only a several lines of text is too short to enjoy.
    Visuals are actually good, way above average, while remaining simple and nice. Both animations and illustrations are more that good enough.
    Text is translated well, but there is very little of it, so you won't enjoy the scenes if you like games with lots of text.
    NTR is there, but very mild, as Male MC is perfectly fine with his girl sleeping around. Not sure if having NTR at all in such a game changes anything. At least it is not annoying and you can just ignore it.
    You will finish it in half an hour and then just watch the scenes you missed in recollection room. No gameplay there, which is good, as I hate those games that force you to farm for hours before you see your first erotic scene. Scenes are easily accessible from the very beginning.
    It is definitely worth downloading and playing it, because it will take less than an hour to completely finish the game, but you won't be able to jerk off to the game if that's what you are here for. As a game itself, it's too short and the scenes are too simple and vanilla.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Honestly great. You have a choice on whether to 'loan' your childhood friend out as well as a solid gallery at the end. I played this through with a solid vanilla run but at the end I was still able to see the scenes I'd missed out on. Overall just a lot of fun imo.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    This was my favorite game I've played so far due to a few reasons. Great visuals, small story but aside from ending shortly honestly a great game.
    My favorite systems were the slow corrupt.
    Avoidable NTR for those that always ask.
    The harassment ability.
    The ability to earn money by either H or Combat.
    It felt rather original to me how all the systems worked and interlaced. I encountered no bugs personally so far though I have heard others having bugs.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    The best NTR RPG game I've played so far. I personally can't stomach long grinds, but this game was short and sweet.

    (Heads up, I couldn't be arsed to play Amor Magic Academy and Sword Princess Cistina, I'm the kind of guy that goes straight for the gallery. So if you wanted a full experience akin to those, this may or may not hit it depending on the points listed below.)

    + Easy to play and understand. Basic RPG, get into the thick of it asap. It never felt bad for me even though I personally loathe RPGs. Levelling is super fast and you can escape at any time if you find it a chore. You can even get an item to avoid all random encounters entirely.

    + I LOVE the NTR in this game. I'm personally sick and tired of seeing the repeated neglected wife tropes or simple sharing with 2d anime art styles. The monochrome style in addition to having your gal on the right at all times in her outfit gives the game a very different feel.

    + The best part about the fetishes in this game are that they are AVOIDABLE! That's right! NTR is avoidable! For all you lover boys. Although, it's one of the BEST parts of it. Seriously. You'll be missing out. IF you're okay with the grey area fetishes like prostitution or getting your girlfriend groped but not fucked, this might still be great for you. (Basically don't whore your gf out 10 times or lose the game more than twice while at high public danger.)

    + You jump into the gallery straight away just by withdrawing from the quest. If you're like me and prefer to peruse the game before playing, this. Is. Sick.

    + Your girlfriend is such a sweet thing. So obedient and eager to please. Which is part of why NTR works. You have to get attached to the girl somehow. You, as the player, not your character.

    - Some things are really easy to miss. Apparently there were some spots I could have used but I never encountered them in my playthrough (I reached the boss). I completely missed out on the prostitution segment and thought that was simply letting your girl get raped by the wandering bandits.
    - Slightly buggy. Save often.
    - Not enough outfits!
    (- Not sure if I missed it, but I wish I could have had more interactions with her being groped/ groping her in public myself and taking her with some audience reactions. Public sex fetish basically.)

    I love the hell out this game. Hits all the right spots for me. 10/10 would recommend. Flaws are too minor to bother me at all.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    i almost skipped this game because of the black and white screen but i saw the well done design of the characters so i stayed and... i loved it.
    is a short but well done game.
    is not too difficult or easy and if you wanted to pass it just like a H game they give you a item at the beginning to just go (almost) straight to the H scenes and they have a (always essential)gallery too:love:.
    if you want to play the full experience(H+rpg)you also will love it, the battles are just large enough to keep playing without getting bored and well...they do not have a large variety of lot but have enough for a game of this length.
    Have different conversations and scenes depending of the world order status and different ends.
    *Cons:i think it is impossible to kill the last boss i killed monsters for like 2 hours and that f*****g boss still killed me with 2 hits (T-T)
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    This is undeniably one of the greatest games on this site.

    You have the choice between NTR or your classic love story. A choice between being an adventuring scavenger or a badass knight. A choice between playing this as a porn game or your classic RPG game.

    The girl is cute and submissive. The guy is your silent self insert character. The NPCS all have personality and are enjoyable to talk to.

    There's multiple zones to fight in and level up while getting enemy loot drops to sell for new equipment and potions. Add in a variety of spells and interesting scenery and you have an insta-classic.

    I highly recommend this game. It has pretty much zero flaws.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    NTR IS OPTIONAL (FREE USE ENTHUSIASTS APPLY HERE) - Despite what the game would have you believe, you can actually avoid most of the NTR aspects if you do not wish to view it. However, if you hate NTR, you'll miss out on about half the game. If you like NTR, you will probably enjoy this game regardless.

    Second most important tidbit- if you just want to watch the scenes, rush to finish the game and it will unlock the gallery. You can easily accumulate the points for the certificate (goal of the game) in under 10 minutes by just stealing from everyone and selling farmed items. If you're some strange alien creature harvesting Earth's erotic knowledge and you want to play the game through- there is a special ring you can get in the very first rest stop that stops 99% of random encounters.

    I went in with absurdly low expectations as I'm not a tremendous fan of NTR, though I can stomach it. However, this game had a surprising amount of neat features that just so happen to correspond to what I like. For example, if you like:

    - Sleep Sex - Free Use Sex - Hidden/Public Sex

    Then you're in luck! One of the menu commands literally lets you grope your very amicable female adventuring mate and after you degrade her morals a bit, you can immediately fuck her after groping. You can toss her down in every rest stop bed and plow her, Momo just smiles and nods, telling you to just let it go and that she's at your service. Wake up energetic with morning wood? Have a go at her while she's still sleeping and wake her up with a creampie.

    As for the monochrome black and white, obviously that's pretty hit or miss. If that ruins it for you, that's a shame, but I doubt anyone is going to be coloring in this game anytime soon. I honestly thought it was really interesting- I'm not sure if the developer composed the very basic music just for this game, but the whole retro ambiance was appreciated.

    Lastly, the dev has the game out for freakin' $2.00 USD. Honestly, I think this game is worth at least $5.00, maybe even $10.00. I hope this guy goes far with his work and keeps on chugging. (y)
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    [Rev @'Full'] Worth the ~80mb diskspace.

    Drawing lineart is nice, but the *entire* game is in black & white. B&W RPG Maker/Wolf Editor games make me go cross-eyed.

    Writing is rote. Google 'Japanese NTR RPG' and you'll get the synopsis for this and a dozen other games. The mechanics in this version are actually pretty good for that tier; cleverly giving control of the NTR to the player helps some of pacing (and allows the PC to avoid it, if that's your thing). That said, pacing is fucked as the story starts with the girl already willing to fuck the MC with only token resistance to fucking others. Misses out on the sweet corrupting-the-innocent elements that makes good NTR great.

    Nothing in the porn bothered me. The encounter rate of the random RPG battles is fuck-all annoying, but there's a reason for it even if it's dumb; a point or two higher score than the hacks that think a fight every 2 steps is content.

    TLDR; more here than the filesize would have you believe, good enough that I hope to see more from this dev as soon as the neighbor kids return their crayons.