Unity - Completed - Angel's Awakening [Final] [HFTGames]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I just tried this game recently, but despite my attraction to the mostly netorase games I stopped after about 15 minutes. I've never had too high expectations on this forum, but I think the NTR genre without any buildup or corruption buildup is pretty pointless.
    Detective stories aren't really my favorite anyway, but when an innocent shy girl immediately deep throats a wild stranger's cock, then the question arises whether the actors in this game have any kind of personality at all, or they just an empty porn puppets..
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    It's an alright kinetic novel(?) although it rather quickly lost my interest. There aren't choices, there aren't diverging paths, it might as well be on rails. A couple sliders and lights/on/off options just don't keep it interesting. The story is predictable, uninspiring and the writing is porn quality. All in all it seems like a solid foundation but the follow through is lacking.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    NTR Warning no tag for it either....

    Couldent get into the story, right from the start a classic girl turns into a whore and sucks a gangster, dident really make any sense to me and you have 0 options to do anything about it, i guess its not NTR since shes a FC but also someone MC has a crush on so i dunno, and you have 0 controle over FC or MCs actions, other then walking them around and what text you say first, nothing of mening what so ever and all you can do is watch her turning into a whore, which feels stupid and it truely is all the game is about turning your crush into a whore to suck and fuck strangers, yet no NTR tag i dont get it really.

    MC dosent get any kind of sex action for a looong time, all he does is watch a girl he likes fuck everyone else but him, its just to weird since most players are male and would put them self in MCs shoes not the FC.
    And even after he sees all that MC still wants her and fucks her also knowing she will go on doing shit with eveyone else how the hell is that not NTR, you dont even get the option to say fuck that shes a whore, no you get the option to make love to her or fuck her, like said kinetic and no tag for that either.

    The writing feels stupid and childish as well with FC keep saying shes doing all the sex stuff to help cindy or saying she dont know why shes doing all the stuff she would never do, but she just wants to be a whore and also becoming a lesbian even though she dident need to and yet again you got no options even though shes an FC, and your forced to watch multiple lesbian scenes (3) and as always all with a stupid sandbox game crap, that takes to long to finish.

    FC is pretty much brainless and just say yes to do anything, like shes been a hooker for 20 years, i just dident see the fun in that at all, proberly one of the worst stories ive seen, and when they cum it takes forever to finish, its like everything is drawn out making it boring to play.

    The animations are so poor so you cant see anything no matter how much you turn the lights up, like the 3 lesbian scenes the pussy area is always just darkness.

    Also alot of times your asked to click a text but there is only a single text to pick so dunno why they made it into an option when there is none.

    The sandbox part is boring at best, pointless when its just a kinetic story.
    Sex scenes are also sandbox style and extreemly boring.

    In the start it says you can skip scenes but thats rarely the case, you cant skip sex scenes like FC sucking the gangster even though she tells MC he can go outside if he dosent want to see it, but thats not an option.

    And as the MC you cant even speake your mind about what happened so you really arent in controle of anything and should see this as a 100% kinetic novel without any meaningfull choices, it truely should have the kinetic tag.

    The voices and lipsink is cool and rare to see but with a really poor story it dosent really make any diffrens.

    Doing the same scenes multiple times arent fun either and you have to do sandbox game where you just watch a line slowly fill up, it just makes you tierd.

    Music is just background stuff, dosent set any mood and could be alot better.

    Overall graphics in game arent bad but far from great as well.
  4. 2.00 star(s)


    I thought the game hadn't been finished yet, but it turns out it's finished... 3D is certainly cool... Someone likes this game, someone is delighted... I didn't like this game... There is no choice, first the woman sucks the man then fucks with another woman 3 times, then masturbates... And you can't miss it, you just sit and look at it... Then they talk more... The voice acting is of course cool, but if the "game" itself is so-so, then why should it to voice it?.. I could not endure all this and deleted this "game"...
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    this is a really good story and well telling one I really enjoy it a lot and everything step of corrupt the female MC and easy and amazing everything in level there combat or something complex to enjoy whats next just story and finding whats next I hope there will be second game or another game form theses dev well done
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    I'm always excited when I see a 3D game.
    The game had a good start, it was refreshing to see a voiced and lip synced game, to move around the scene with the camera and to see the first few H-scenes.
    But my excitement didn't stay for long.
    I encountered some bugs and some immersion breaking stuff like obviously the 0 collision and that you can just go through other characters and objects while in walking mode. The mouse disappeared for me at the points of the dialogue options, which left me with pressing "space" to progress instead of making a choice (which was meaningless anyway).

    The dialogue felt really slow and with no point overall, you can summarize it by "the next place to go is X". I was just putting the game in the background and doing other stuff when I couldn't skip the scene.
    The game had variety with the H-scenes, I can give it that, and even voiced pretty good, with ability to control the lighting if its too dark or to create some atmosphere.
    But except that, you have 0 choice and player agency, nothing you do, see, hear matters in the game, it just felt empty. What was the point of being able to walk? you can't interact with the world in any way while you walk slowly to the other edge of the corridor to progress the game.
    A good design tip told by many designers is, if the mechanic doesn't add to the game, remove it (especially when its not fun and tedious).

    This idea could be cool for a game... you can leave the detective in, make each scene as a clues container which you can move and collect and derive some ideas and thoughts of what's going on.

    Not sure I can recommend the game.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Would like to see more games from this dev... This is by far one of the best erotic games Ive ever seen. Erotic scenarios, great voice acting, interesting story! Probably the sexiest game I have ever played!
  8. 4.00 star(s)


    Angel’s Awakening is just shy of excellent.

    To start, the noire themed ambience and backdrop are portrayed quite well, with quality voice acting and narrative, in which one can tell, some work was put in to further its immersion.

    The lighting is superb, surprisingly, and seems well optimized.
    H scenes’ camera control are free or fixed at different selectable camera angles and include dynamic options for each respective ‘scene’, including different light source slider bars and even moonlight, in a lot of the scenes.
    I found the H content stimulating, but was more intrigued with story, which I cant normally say for an adult themed game by most standards.
    To me this is testament, to the great work and effort put in to this game.

    As mentioned before, I felt the only thing detrimental was some odd walking animations, when controlling both characters simultaneously, as well as, the walk speed options, as it can become tedious walking up and down stairs repeatedly, at such a snails pace.

    However, this is an excellent title and think anybody should try this one. - 4.5/5
  9. 1.00 star(s)


    Very very very very very slow progression (most conversations and events can not be skipped, not mention that the skip button works so slowly)...

    There are no interesting dialogs.

    The character movements are so slow and frustrating
  10. 2.00 star(s)


    TLDR: Graphics are OK, game is not. Main characters are boring, voice acting is OK, but no subtitles. Most scenes are boring and not skippable. Game is slow, plot and scenarios lack any emotional or substantive quality. Orgasms are not animated.

    What's the point of her orgasming if she doesn't lose conscious control, her body doesn't spasm and contort wildly as she momentarily loses her mind in a flood of pleasure, becoming purely subjective transcendence? There is none of that. Just "I'm about to cum. I'm cumming. Oh. Oh. Ahh." :rolleyes:
    If that was how sex was, I wouldn't touch it with a long pole.

    Had to alt+enter, start resize-enable, resize and click the buttons to change resolution (not widescreen friendly). When not fullscreen, in windowed mode, the mouse should be restricted to the game window while the game has focus. Otherwise, as with this game, you end up scrolling, clicking, right clicking other windows with no idea where the mouse is.

    The audio isn't very good in that I only want to wear one headphone, but voices tend to come from the wrong one because of the uninhibited free camera that doesn't direct to any particular subject. So you end up having to move and rotate all around in order to hear.
    The audio wouldn't be a big deal if there were subtitles. There are not. And most of the dialog is uninteresting, slow and unskippable. How many times is the cuk of a detective going to check that his obviously slutty client is "sleeping"?

    The game insists that what's-her-name is so innocent, but she is a straight up slut. Just goes around volunteering to suck dick, take nude photos, etc. No coercion or coaxing required, just "I'm so innocent so I would like to suck this guy I just met's dick because he offered me 'information'". Doesn't sound all that innocent, more like just repressed urges due to societal expectations, which are never explored.

    And the main character (cuk detective) just stands there and watches (or listens) like the regular mouth-breathing beta he looks like. What a loser. There is no feeling in this game, just pretenses to ideas of masculinity and femininity from a bygone era; all of them toxic, none of them explored.
  11. 4.00 star(s)


    It was certainly a different experience than your usual game on F95. It's more like an interactive movie. It took me a bit to understand the controls, but once I did it was a nice feature. The story is decent, but the plot of an innocent librarian shedding her virtue at the drop of a hat in order to find her BFF Cindy strains belief (I know it's porn). It's worth a go. I'm not sure if there are multiple endings but the one I got was enjoyable.
  12. 2.00 star(s)


    TLDR: Good visuals and audio (full voice acting), but horrible writing, seemingly ignoring their own setup.

    It's supposed to be about corruption, but the story is more about a girl that discovered her inner slut already and now uses every excuse to grab a dick that she can find.


    I would love to like this, but it just disappoints.

    As i said, the visuals are great. Good graphics and a free camera during most scenes and dialogues. The full voice acting is a great thing, that sticks out from most other porngames. The production value really is great.

    That being said, the writing is shit. The voice actors aren't doing bad, but they can only be as good as the script allows and that really isn't good.
    The core problem that i see here is that the characters dia- and monologues just don't fit their actions or what they are witnessing.
    It's like in the new Star Wars movies when Kylo Ren throws a hissy fit like a toddler and one minute later everybody is acting like he is the most badass and intimidating guy in the universe. It just feels like voices and visuals come from two different dimensions.

    My Experience:

    Reading the description and freaking title, you would expect a corruption game. Listening to the first conversation, that believe will be reinforced as the main character literally tells you that she is a good and innocent girl. (Ever heard of "show, don't tell"?) Then comes a flashback which shows a very weirdly intimate relationship between her and her best friend. It was innocent enough that i still believed in the corruption plot, like, maybe this is just a special bond between them? Maybe her friends presence makes her more open? No. None of the above.

    The first real scene shows that the MC is already a total slut. She meets a guy, first thing she does is tell him, that he is very attractive and nice, while he talks about her ass. Then she just sucks his dick, because she feels like it. No pressure, no second thoughts.

    Where is the innocent shy girl with supressed desires that was promised? Definitely not in this game.
  13. 3.00 star(s)


    For those who haven't play any other HFTGames:
    It's a fun little game where you just move your character and listen to quality voice-acted dialogues. Overall it's pretty vanilla however there is some emphasis on exhibitionism and there is one F/ MMMMM scene. Try it. If you like it go play (possibly buy even) other HFT games. There are better ones imo.

    For those who have played other games from HFT:
    Imo it's the part of the latest trend in their games when developers add unnecesassary things in their games rather then doing something hot and new. In Wanderlust (which is a great game) it was combat. In Pleasure Party - it was the whole game. Here - it's constant "heart to heart" dialogues and "detective mystery". No. It doesn't work. At all. I don't care. Nobody will. Corruption aspect is there - but it isn't flashed out properly. It supposed to be a journey from "OMG is that a penis?" to "Fuck me like a slut I am!". Mia Sloane (main VA) can do it. I've seen it. And it is there. To a degree, kinda. But it is very thin and unenthusiastic and for me personally - anticlimactic. BTW Mia's lines here are kinda lifeless imo. Maybe HFT instructed her that her character suppose to be cute and innocent and follow the lines of corruption, but the problem here is that, again, plot for corruption was not written properly so VA didn't have much to work with. Average. Developers promised that their next game will be more along the lines of Lily Knight and Wanderlust. Good to hear.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    I generally avoid downloading games I haven't paid for if they've had some money sunk into them, and the models and voice-acting here do look like there was an investment. But I wasn't paying attention and was already playing before I realized, so off we go. I enjoyed the game enough that I actually went back to check the price, and I'm not sure I'd pay $17 for it, but I'm leaning toward the dev's Patreon retroactively.

    • The female character is extremely cute and realistic.
    • The settings/graphics are serviceable, especially the interiors; landscapes (esp outdoors) get distractingly bland from time to time.
    • The setting successfully evokes the 40s and noir, although I felt like the setting wasn't used to its full effect. The detective is introduced as the classic hardboiled PI, but then he's basically a lifeless observer for the entire game. Aside from a gangster character who shows up for a minute, there's nothing else about the story or world that is noir.
    • The "interactive" sex scenes really aren't; it's just a matter of waiting for the nervousness bar to drop, then doing whatever you want, which usually just amounts to animation speed.
    • It's weird how often people keep their hats on.
    • The dialogue is -- as others have pointed out -- slow-paced, but that fits the genre (of noir, not porn).
    • I had a bigger issue with how goofy/porn-esque the dialogue was. The female character verbalizes every single second of her mental journey, which got a bit monotonous. And nobody but porn stars uses vocabulary like this, never mind some "innocent angel." That, combined with the voice actress's extremely cheerful delivery, made her come across much more as "hardened sorority girl" than "innocent angel with secret desires." I think that made the lack of a corruption arc feel much more obvious.
    Speaking of which, unlike others, I actually didn't find the lack of a corruption arc a deal-breaker, plot-wise. It's believable that the female character might have been gunning to be like her friend from the start (and in fact, curiosity about her friend's adventures might have motivated her as much as fear that anything actually bad happened to her friend).

    BUT I do think it would have been a stronger story if the detective or the cult had manipulated her a bit more. For example, if the detective had started out bitter and skeptical about her innocence, laid it on a bit thick about what she'd have to do to find her friend, then been surprised when she called his bluff and did it. Then the cult picks up where he left off with daring her to do more, leading him to step in and be her guardian angel (pun on game name?) to keep things from getting too extreme, giving him a redemption/character arc. I wonder if this is enough of a departure from the current story that the devs would consider releasing a second version, or layering in choices. (Hey devs, contact me if you want help writing it!)

    Anyway, in sum, I was more charmed by this game than most, even if I can't quite put my finger on why. The female main character was definitely above-average, having voice acting was unique, who doesn't love noir, and the "infiltrate a sex cult" story could have been much more cringey but actually worked out well. However, the dialogue was jarringly porn-esque, and I think it would have been fun to see the noir elements explored more.

    P.S. I'm surprised I haven't heard anyone compare this to Depraved Awakening, given the setting and the name. The plots are totally different, and DA is far more in-depth. That said, DA feels more like your classic porn game, while this game -- despite being barely more than a layer of narration over a string of sex scenes -- did somehow feel more like a story with plot elements that happened to be erotic.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Three stars for the graphics, voice acting and production value that is of higher quality than one would expect for a porn game. No higher due to the atrocious and cumbersome writing that feels dialogue by an autist who only read about human interactions.
  16. 3.00 star(s)


    Hope the developers read it. The game as a whole is not interesting, yes it is a visual novel, but the dialogues are too long, the scenes last for ages and you want to quickly rewind everything. The game "WanderLust" was better and more interesting, but everything was easy with the depraved princess, it would be cool if she, on the contrary, was modest and everyone would seduce her. The fact that you guys are sculpting such projects is respect, but something is missing, probably a strategist who fumbles in such games. Easily accessible scenes, no corruption, no spicy conversations and all that, that's what needs to be done. Make a game where a neighbor seduces a married girl with a slow pace of events, or how a girl lives in a village and a new life begins for her (work in a tavern, seduction by a mayor, etc.). I hope you read, I believe in you. I am sure this vector of development will bring you success. Better hire me, I'm good at such stories ahah.
  17. 3.00 star(s)


    I am a fan of Noir style in both video game and movies, but the writing in this one leaves a lot to be desired.

    Let's get the good things out of the way: the production value seems much higher than your typical porn game, scenario setup is pretty nice, character models are sufficient, and the dialogue lines are voice acted.

    The script and writing however, kind of hitting all the wrong trope, instead of using event and dialogue to show you who Angela is, she just bust in your office and tell you she's a good girl, literally.

    Anyway, it's your typical good-girl-gone-bad story line, the game keep telling you how beautiful and what a good girl she is, but 20 minutes in, she's sucking a stranger's eggplant right in the public, willingly I might add, there is no threat and no urgency, she just did it for no particular reason. This detective guy(you?) just keep monologuing how he cannot believe this innocent girl is doing this, and I was like:"Dude you fucking known her for less than an hour, what makes you think she's innocent at all? Because she told you she's good girl from the beginning? If you just believe every word a stranger told you, I think you are more innocent than she is.."

    The story is too cringe for me to play any further, but the game does have some good things going for it, give it a try if you had the time.
  18. 5.00 star(s)

    Joe Steel

    A very professional-looking (within the limitations of the graphics engine used) and professional-sounding game. Music, voices, sounds are all as good as you could ask for (although not all of the voice acting is as natural-sounding as I'd like). The story goes a little too fast, in terms of the "corruption" of the main female character, but not so fast that the whole game seems like just a setup for sex scenes. As a mystery, it is straightforward detective-fiction following the breadcrumbs.

    I had a few minor quibbles with some elements of the game, but it's as clearly a five-star game as I've ever seen here. I'm going to toss some bucks at these guys on Steam just to encourage them to expand this game or do another one.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    Game in the style of the 19th-20th century. I really like everything, the game came out immediately completely and without updating.
    At first I did not understand how to play, then I understood
    Super graphics, dialogues, voice acting, animations.
    I won't spoil the plot, but it's really interesting. :cool:
    This project is now in my top 3 for games in this genre.
    On old laptops, the game lags, but I made the resolution on a small screen and everything is fine, I set the graphics to a minimum and I feel 100 fps
    I put 5 stars:sneaky: