Anime School Life Fantasy, My humble little game project.


Mar 18, 2018
So first of all this thread is actually started at another place however im moving it to here.

Simply put, this game is about living the anime highschool life that you will never be able to live irl.

The concept is basic. You, a young fellow (who could be male or female) go to your school, hang out with your friends, attend to your classes, go out to the town after school and go back to your home. That's the lifecycle you are in, no crazy things are happening. Just like a love/comedy/slice-of-life anime that you can play instead of watch.

The genre and gameplay vise the game is a text based, multi optional and non linear simulation.

The non-linear simulation part is a specially important part because it kind of explains what is this game as a bare boned state. There is no one story line the game is random event based, meaning the plan is to have over 40 random events that can happen at any given major moment (not like a random event mid random event unless its a part of an event). What i mean by that can be seen in the "AFSL Example Char Chart" i drew. Going from the examples there, as you can see there are hexagons that has the template text of "Random ... event #..." now think all of those parts as random event starts. There can be variety of 40 or so events that can start in one of those hexagons. Of course the event system is at early concept stage at this moment.

As for sexuality in the game go.. Well personally speaking i'd be quite fine with non-sexual content however sex sells, especially in this forum :LOL: so there will be sexual content however at least for the start i want it to be light hearted as sex can be, so.. not by much but at least vanilla (more on me ranting about this can be seen in the game "AFSL Plans Chart" link)
As for the visuals go, i don't think on adding stock photos over the context unless i acquire art that is specifically made for the game (which i don't think there will ever be).

Wanna be a part of the development?

Oh yeah also, feedback on the idea is always appreciated.
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Mar 18, 2018
Update: I made the settings saving and loading system, a stupidly simple yet that much stupidly hard to code thing.
It literally saves your settings then loads it the next time you open the game (i know there is a way easier way that wouldn't waste my last 4 hours (or more actually i forgot to look up the clock when i started) but i wanted to do it as a text file because they are easier to debug)

Good news is, just with some minor modifications this code can be used for the savegame system as well. Thaat.. requires me to make the game first though :LOL: