Unity - Completed - Anime Spa [Final] [KK2Oven]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    The games is good BUT has 2 main problems:

    1. You can't use Chika for whatever reason
    2. After day 12 the game bugs and you can't play, you have to restart again...

    The scenes are good tbh, so its worthy playingit, it literally takes less than 15 minutes to finish it.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    Very short, but not a bad game. Animations are good and getting the girls to do their job for less by (lightly) humiliating them during sex is a fun idea. One thing I really missed was more interaction with the girls. Maybe being able to take them on a date (where you can talk with them about their past / their job / other stuff) would have made me a bit more invested in the girls and the game in general.