Others - Anomalous Coffee Machine [v0.9.00 Deluxe] [HoruBrain]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    Less of a game, more of a convoluted art/scene viewer/toy. The loop is pretty simple and straightforward. It can be amusing. There are NSFW scenes, weird art, and weird art in NSFW scenes. It's not terrible. It can be frustrating because you don't always know if you're on the right track.
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    This game works but has zero quality of life features outside being able to skip the coffe dispensing animation and the sound effects it makes. Clicking through the text by mouse will become tedious rather fast, especially when is needed to see alternative forms of certain transformations. Personal worst being the varitations of slime. You give her slime once, to her disgust, then a second time with her transforming. Then you pick one of five or so colors that work to get a new form and to obtain the sex scene by using a cup of lust or similar wording. So getting to see them all requires giving slime twice in a row each time pluse the color and then the cup of lust. This gets old fast.

    The art is decent but the lackluster sex scenes and rigid exploration and limits to wording is so dull. I also hate shit like transformation being looked behind giving the same thing twice with the same wording or having transformations being arbitary restricted by other transformation such as slime with the other forms being unable to turn to each other or revert to the base form in order to promote experimentation. Since turning off sound effects impacts the sex scenes, it means having to fidget with the settings from when you get a cup to when you watch a scene or having to bare with the droaning sounds of machinery before hearing the girl moan.

    If the game ever introduces more complex sentaces leading to results (such as using blue slime for blue slime form instead of having to get three cups two of which being the same word) and the flavor text being more complex than her asking to use the machine in each form once clicked. I'll consider giving this game a new review.
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    v0.7.00 Deluxe

    This was an amusing game. If you like the concept of a potion combination changing the girl you will like this most likely.

    My only complaint is that there was too much clicking. Should have some kind of quick reuse of known combinations (especially the reset one) to lessen clicks.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I love this game, I don't know why I like the game honestly, it is, how can I say it, entertaining to see how it can react to everything you do with drinks, keep it up, by the way, there is a small problem with the gallery and that is that when it is about to load the gallery it crashes at least in the android version
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Not much in the way of gameplay, but this is still a solid demo. The UI is a bit annoying to navigate as you can't use your keyboard for everything, and using the mouse requires to zip across the screen very often which gets pretty tiring after a while.

    Content wise, there's not a lot or originality here. There are many possible drinks you can make, but very little have an actual effect on the girl. Most of them are just bland, winded flavour descriptions, while some others are pretty obnoxious to find, requiring you at times to combine different drinks in a certain order to unlock the transformation, or spam the same drink over and over, with nothing indicating you that you need to do it in order to progress.

    Although this is an adult game, it seems the devs are more interested in the "body horror" aspect of the game rather than the porn. There are very few sex scenes available, and they look pretty amateurish. The transformations look pretty cool for the monstruous ones, and alluring for the sexy ones, but they don't alter the dialogues very much if at all.

    Overall, it's a nice premice for what the game could become. It's clearly a demo, so I expected those kind of problems, but they don't ruin the experience either. I could complain a bit about the lack of creativity here, but that's a minor gripe. I'd be definitely interested to see what the game could become in the future.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Simple but generally good.

    The gameplay isn't super in depth or engaging but i find it fun, sorting through the different transformations and finding new animations is pretty neat. It can feel like a suped up scene viewer at times but the dialog and variety makes up for it

    Art is also good. I probably wouldn't buy it but it's very enjoyable for what it is
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    Lol I made an account on this website just so I could be in the thread. One of my few games that are favorited on itchio.

    For now it's unfinished, and I did pay the $20 for the deluxe version, but it's a monster fucker dream (hah). I can't wait for more updates.
  8. 5.00 star(s)


    Type random words and see what kinda of effect your creation has on the girl. That's the gameplay and it's actualy kinda fun. I just wish there were more hints towards how many you have to give to make a change occur. Also, I wish there was a way to skip hints that I just don't get. I was stuck with the chaotic thoughts one until the end.

    Scenes are nice! The girl quotes are fun. And the horror aspect of the game (with some F-up transformations) works well.

    I just wish there were more player interraction with the drinks.
  9. 4.00 star(s)


    There is a good amount of content now.

    It is a simple concept and unique. It was a mostly favorable experience at the start. Toward the end however I was just throwing shit together to see what sticks, often failing. That got boring. There really should just be a reset button after a certain point; I was tired of making cups of human. I ended up looking up the rest of the words/combos I was missing. Cool concept but at some point it gets frustrating to 'progress' without basically cheating. You can get stuck on hints for words and hints don't cover combos.
  10. 4.00 star(s)


    This game is essential a scene hunting game, and despite its flaws, is still a charming game. For a porn game, it has a unique gameplay loop with decent art direction, animation, and attention to detail especially in the character dialogue and designs. It will be confusing at first especially with the hint system, but if you are not using guide, just enter things that are associated with fetishes (except NTR) then enter sex to get a sex scene.

    The game definitely has a lot of room for improvement like improving the sex scenes player (splitting the sex scenes into controllable presets rather than just a video), UI, better hint system, better chatting system. But the most important part is that this game has charm despite its unpolished nature and doesn't deserve that much criticism.
  11. 2.00 star(s)


    This is not a bad proof of concept. I gave this a solid try. There is potential but currently it seems to only have two or three scenes as far as i can tell (i only have about 1/3rd of the 150 ish drinks) and while the character models aren't bad the scenes are pretty meh single stills that move. Think Queen bee animation.

    The soundtrack is also a little annoying but thanksfully you can mute. The game becomes a bit grindy and drinks even seem to be inconsistent. With some polish and additional scenes. i'd be wiling to change my score
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    The premise of the game is simple, but it executes well on it. If you played Little Alchemy and wished you could fuck the elements you created, then this is the game for you. It's not much more than a scene viewer with extra steps, but the art is nice, unique, and has a lot of variety. The dev probably could have gotten away with using the same animation 50 times with slight alterations for each transformation, but they chose to make most of the animations unique, which is nice.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Good Game. Inspired by the SPC Coffee Machine. Nice one. Hope this will get Regular Updates and won't be Abondoned Just Like that. Its nice to Have someone Generate A game Like this, or better said Create a Game Like this. I Truly Enjoy Playing it, and it has some Nice Lewd scenes. Just a Bother That its not on German Steam yk?
  14. 2.00 star(s)


    0.2.38 Review
    It's just a game of guessing.
    Your only task here is to type some words into the machine and see what it makes out of it. There are over 100 of possible words, but most of them result in 2 sentences from the girl, so not even a dialogue with player.

    Most of the sex scenes are combination of transforming her by making her drink some weird stuff and making her lustful.

    There is a hint mechanic, but most of the time the girl say she's not in the mood to give you hint. Seriously, if you are stuck then it's easier to just look up the cheat table. It's on this forum somewhere in discussion section.

    The CGI are nice looking, average, and there aren't much of them. I'd say it's a pretty poor ratio considering the fact that most of them are just a different variants of what the girl will look like.

    In conclusion. The game is shallow, monotonous, and even if you are here just for the scenes, it's not worth the effort. The game is supposed to come out in the second half of the next year, but I really can't see how the developer wants to make something actually good out of what we have now.
  15. 1.00 star(s)


    I tried every combo on the full version and my final conclusion is I wasted my time.

    It's 3 scenes in total, 5 variants in total (and the variants are basically just her clothes), and most of the words are just uninteresting filler from the NSFW point of view.

    The little dialogue for every drink is pretty boring too, super super generic SCP stuff, it's fun when that's a bonus in a completely full game like using it in other SCP games, but as a stand-alone thing it's just "hey that was neat i guess."

    The total number of working words is also 34 and the only one that actually triggers anything of value is "sex", everything else is flavor or setting up for a different sex position or clothes choice. The fact it was released with that little content is a massive red flag to me because like, it wouldn't take much time to easily throw in a hundred words and like 20 variant scenes (considering it's all basically reused scenes you could easily just slap a small cosmetic change, not some whole big ordeal to reanimate).

    Plus the change from the demo version to the 0.1.1 is 4 words. It went from 30 to 34. The updates better be twice a day at that rate, why would you even update a game like this to add 4 words. I'm not sure what the words were but best case scenario it was like, one variant and a few boxes of flavor text.

    And as a final verdict, this initial release was so bad I think it killed any interest I would have in a properly fleshed out version of a game like this. You could have thousands of unique sex scenes and hundreds of thousands of words and I don't think I'd give a fuck because the around an hour I spent on this (exclusively because I already knew all the words, would've wasted even more time of I had to guess constantly) was so bad the entire concept was burnt for me. Seriously you couldn't get me to play this again, even if every obscure and difficult to find kink I had was added and hand drawn by someone like Derpixion.

    TL:DR, don't waste your time, maybe in multiple years when it has a 1.0 release it would be a 2 star at best. (I had a colon D but this is too funny to me it's staying)