Collection - Video - Añosluz Collection [2023-01-06] [ANOSLUZ/ANO]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    Very underrated!

    +Great animation quality
    +Great model quality
    +Short videos, doesn't waste space repeating a 10 second loop
    -Anatomy can be wack, especially at the intersection of thighs and waist
    -Variable video quality
    -Don't always have sound
  2. 3.00 star(s)


    +excellent animation quality
    -way too short. most are 4 seconds long. the longest is 20 seconds.

    seriously 4 seconds is not enough time to appreciate a clip
    he goes into so much effort of creating a model. and then after finally having it done only gets 4 seconds out of it before finishing the vid? what madness is this?