Others - Another Chance [M1] [AntCDev]

  1. 5.00 star(s)

    Cobalt (aka James)

    This looks to have loads of potential as it develops, so I'm looking forward to future updates. I've been seeing a lot of criticism about the current version (at the time of writing this), but here's to hoping that the dev can push past all that hate and negativity.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Not only is installing this game a pain in the ass, but starting the game is buggy and remarkably tedious. The "Character Maker" is the only decent thing about it, but even it leaves much to be desired. It overall just feels like a game that's trying too hard to be Lilith's Throne but failing spectacularly at it.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    Too much effort for too little game. The game consists of just going around, trying to find NPCs to talk to/have sex with. You have to get friendly enough with them to have any kind of sex, but guess what? They randomly move between the areas, making it significantly harder to do so! This would be fine, if the ui wasn't a mess to navigate. There's also absolutely NOTHING else to do. This game does seem to be quite early on in development, but you're supposed to have a game in the first place before you release it to the public in any way.

    Overall, don't waste your time. You can't even start the game easily, which shows the effort put into this.