Current version is 0.0.1. You all know what this means - no gameplay, no story, no tits, just a pathetic excuse for a game in order to make some sweet, sweet Patreon money.
Well, think again! While the demo might be short, it more than makes up for it with style - what little content there is is given in small doses, just enough to suggest the full beauty of the art and the characters, but leave you wanting more.
The story starts off a bit cliche, but the writing is so good that I forgot any grievances I might have had. From the start you are suckered in by the verbose writing and it gets weirder and better the more you read. Add in a hint of mystery to keep the plot going and you get a great combination.
The character designs are another thing I want to bring your attention to. Such variety and quality is seldom seen these days, and here we have 5 girls that are sure to make you look twice.
Give this demo a try. The content as of now might not be much, but you would not want to miss out on this.