Ren'Py - Another Chance [v1.50] [TimeWizardStudios]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    This game has great art and probably some of the most unique game structure with how the choices you make build off each other. Some of the first choices you make has long reaching effects. That and the choices are more then do you want to bang this girl or not. (It still is to some extent but at least the choice has more impact then skip every sex scene with x character.

    The girls are also reasonably different each other and let me just say the anal scene where Isabelle was clearly not enjoying it was perhaps one of the most unique scene I ever came across. While the are just your cookie cutter sex scenes there are also scenes like this which really help differentiate the game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Very nice game, i have nothing to say about it that. i want this game full that's all. Only one think that will help a lot will be to be added a map in game for a faster travel, most of the clicks are for go back and forth between locations
  3. 4.00 star(s)


    + Really good game.
    + You had a lot to do.
    - How can I save my save file game for the lord of god. (Port yeah)
    + Nice variation of Girls and Styles.
    + Humor.
    + Creativity with the Environment.

    + HUD, Menus looks cool I don't know how to explain but It is.
    + X-ray filter a nice Easter Egg ;).
    + An option to see Next quests a Main guide to explore that is awesome, finally!
    Will I replay It again?...mmh we'll see.
  4. 5.00 star(s)


    I normally can't get into the story of these porn games but I love this one. There's a lot of different choices you can choose that make the game very replayable. I can't wait for more to be released, love this game.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    The game is so interesting. I sit here writing this review 5:40 in the morning after having been up all night playing it. The story just sucked me in and to be honest I'd say the game needs a horror tag.

    There's so much branching story (it seems like to me anyways) that I keep second guessing my choices, wondering what changes what. And I haven't even finished the game yet.

    I can't jerk off even if the art gets better further into the game, there's a huge mystery here with horrifying implications! It's a horror mystery more than an erotic game. Even in the situations I should be finding extremely arousing, I can't enjoy the porn because my mind's still stuck on the mystery!

    I'm so close to just skipping the porn so I can get back to solving the mystery. Which is insane to me because this -is- a porn game, with lots of it with hot scenarios!

    The story is making me question if I'm crazy or the world the story takes place in is crazy. Huge dramatic things happen, only thing I can say without spoilers, and to me they're absolutely -devastating-, things that would consume my every waking moment thinking about trying to figure out. But the characters move on seemingly so easy! Perhaps it's good storytelling, people rationalising things and finding simple solutions, but to me it would drive me nuts.

    Okay fine, the characters in the story hasn't seen the things I have, but the very fact the main character can continue on without going mad at all the horrific implications of what's going on... Jesus, it makes my head spin, in a great way, a horrific way, an intriguing way and I just want more. It has completely entranced me.

    TLDR: Story is FANTASTIC.

    Porn okay, very erotic situations but mediocre art (which to be fair improves slightly throughout the game, referring to the porn scenes.).

    OLD ADVENTURE GAME LEVELS OF PUZZLES, don't bother trying to solve puzzles yourself. You'll go mad wasting your time trying ridiculous combinations.
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    IT NEEDS A HORROR TAG, the implications of what happens in the story is terrifying.

    I came for the porn, stayed for the story, started ignoring the porn to get more of the story. I need more! Don't start this game up if you're looking for a quick wank.
  6. 5.00 star(s)

    Beyond Kawaii

    Sure, this game has problems. It's hard to play without using the tips.
    But I love the characters. I love the variety of interactions for the protagonist. I love the art.
    All in all, I just genuinely enjoy it and look forward to every update.
  7. 2.00 star(s)


    Imagine you go to a five-star restaurant. You take one look at the menu, and you know they've got to have the juiciest steak in town. So you ask the nice waitress for one of their pristine steaks. She leaves and then quickly returns to inform you that the chef says in order to actually eat the steak, first you need to go do the dishes, clean the tables, change the lightbulbs, chase the wild ostrich out of the kitchen, and lick the shoes of every customer there; then, and ONLY then, will the chef give you a single bite of steak. Oh, and you have to pay for all of this in advance, by the way.

    That is Another Chance.

    It's quite ironic how Another Chance's plot kind of revolves around the concept of time, because this entire game is a gigantic waste of it.

    What's that? You want to just skip all the bullshit and talk to the LI's and progress their routes? Nah, screw that. Why don't you go chase a beaver around for another five minutes? Isn't that way more fun?

    This game should be the primary example as to why (most) adult games with sandbox simply don't work. You spend more time fucking around hiding in vents, growing plants, and sending letters in cardboard boxes than actually spending valuable time with the girls or getting to see sex scenes. It's for this very reason that the game has been in development for so long. It's a mile wide and an inch deep.

    And don't even get me started on the branching paths. The game does have an in-game walkthrough for quests, but the game tells you jack shit about what quest affects another and what order you should progress them in, what secrets you need to find in the sandbox, or which choices actually matter in the grand scheme of things. Playing this game without a walkthrough is a death sentence, and you WILL have to play through the game multiple times to unlock everything; which, again, wouldn't be so bad if the gameplay wasn't so mind-numbingly boring.

    The only reason Another Chance doesn't get a one-star is because the art is fantastic and the writing itself is pretty solid (ignoring all the lazy time-wasting bullshit, of course). I wouldn't recommend playing this until someone makes a walkthrough mod that actually tells you everything you need to know, but even then, still be prepared for a lot of time-wasting bullshit.
  8. 1.00 star(s)


    Buggy. get soft locked a lot. I didn't enjoy my time. the quest can be a bit confusing without pointer and there is an ingame guide for that. but it's a mess. you don't know which quests is which by the end and the game can end up bugged out.. in my case, the guide only leads to buggy mess.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Good characters, a lot of variety, very enjoyable and good for playing if you are looking for something different. I am looking foward for more content to be released , and I am hoping the devs will keep the good work they are doing with this game. Hope you guys aso enjoy the game as much as I enoyed it.
  10. 3.00 star(s)


    The story is a mess. Sometime it like i play chapter 3 of the storyline first before playing chapter 2. And stop talking about chad (there always compare the MC to chad such as of how Chad has huge junk than the MC) the first time time is funny now it annoying. The art style and music is amazing. There are no animation right now. The character some of them are good (transfer student, sister and sport girl) and some of them are unlikeable (mom and all of the cheerleader). And if you can just cut the dialogue about the nurse of how she being force to suck everyone by the cheerleader then the nurse might be like able
  11. 3.00 star(s)


    I'm really mixed for words right now.

    I really enjoyed the first season, the art style is nice, all the girls are unique, and aren't boring like a few other games I've seen. I really enjoyed the ability to flirt with all the girls, it made it feel like I could build a harem.
    The downsides I had with the first season, was how specific the choices you had to make were, in order to unlock the good content. This lead me to replaying the first season. So. Many. Freaking. Times! To this day, I still don't know how to get Maxine's number, As for Lindsey I'm guessing I have to choose her route instead of Maxine's, and instead of Siding wit Isabel, Kate's number is in Kate's route, which sucks ass.

    After playing for hours on end, I had finally done it, I made what I believed to be the best choices to get all the girls...and then season 2 comes in.
    Like hurricane Katrina, it came in like a bitch, and left a pile of shit in my mouth.
    So, season 2, there's more sex scenes from what I see, but Lo, and behold I can't see a lot of them because of the choices in season 1, and now I'm also being forced/pushed to choose a character, and let go of another. At this point, I felt like I was playing just to get it over with. The time it takes for these events/quests are too long. Wait a fucking week in game to receive something is insane. I was tempted to just stop playing halfway through MrsL quest, and just go to bed.

    In conclusion:
    Season 1 = really good.
    Negatives: Takes waaay too long for a game where you need to replay over, and over to discover everything. Making sex event condition strict was annoying as hell. Wish there was a way to get everything.
    Season 2 = okay.
    Negatives: Less freedom, plus all the negatives from season 1, near impossible to fix mistakes without restarting the whole game.
    Last opinion: Not sure if I want to just drop it like that, but I may just wait until the season's completely finished to see if anything changes.
  12. 5.00 star(s)


    I LIVE for Kate's story line. One of the best femdom stories I've played so far. Love her character, her bullying, her confidence and the way she treats MC. Don't let her become too nice. I would love her to have an option to cuck MC and get more into the extreme side of domination.

    Stories like these have me addicted to lewd gaming.

    PLEASE more of Kate!!
  13. 1.00 star(s)


    This game is all over the place, gameplay loop is for the most part boring. You go to a woman, she tells you what to do and get. You get the thing, you proceed. Least some mini-games could be there but not even that.
    The stories and characters are too, all over the place. They try to come off as super deep and complex but are extremely shallow. They're more like caricatures of characters.
    Then the game tries to get more serious but most of the game is essentially just comedy, so its really out of place.
    The way the character talks is extremely stupid, some of the quests are extremely stupid almost childish. It feels completely chaotic and makes little sense.
    The H-scenes are also king of meh at best, the artstyle on its own feels a bit too tame and boring. I mean maybe if you're female you might like this. But otherwise stay away its boring.
  14. 4.00 star(s)


    We need some more Kate content, currently instead of Kate dominating you, paradoxically you have to go around demanding she doms you like some kind of power bottom and instead of the route being mainly about MC and Kate, the devs for some god forsaken reason started introducing Isabelle into the Kate path, pretty sure the point of choosing the path was to choose who MC will romance (or get romanced by I guess). Although the scenes Kate is in are really fucking hot so I guess the route is good.
  15. 3.00 star(s)


    Positives: Beautiful 2D art that's mostly consistent. Sex scenes look great and are loosely animated, overall setting is aesthetically rich to the eyes, even the backgrounds are detailed to the bone.

    Body proportions are great and varied from another.

    Kate is the standout character from the cast, regardless of how people feel about her it's clear why she has more focus in the game compared to other characters.

    Negatives: the game is unfortunately, structurally terrible. I also think Kate's route has been handled in a bizarre way. Let's talk about the first point.

    There is far too much "you need to do x to unlock y" to the extent it becomes grating and is a common complaint among other players.

    Selecting a specific character and wanting to explore their specific route is highly tedious and convoluted, because of how much you need to sidetrack yourself with other characters to return to their route.

    Now Kate. This includes spoilers. Kate's Route: I'm left confused at what the writer was trying to do with her character in the end.

    They made her get way too sexually focused on Isabella while the relationship between you as the player and Kate gets completely lost and muddy to the degree that the overarching message conveyed is toothless.

    You having to demand Kate to dominate you and saying "it should have been me, not her!" is a off-putting dynamic where the sub is having to take expressed control of making Kate dominate him, instead of her. It's very weird and I'm not a fan of it.

    Instead of seeing Kate get with the player, we watch Kate fawn and fall in love with Isabella. Sorry, but things that don't involve the player are uninteresting and defeats the point of pursuing her route.

    Additionally, the scene where Kate fucks Isabella with a strap-on while wearing the mask on was a turn off. The mask is ugly and distorts the quality of the scene.

    Extra: the gallery is quite inconvenient. You have to scroll down repeatedly to get access to scenes you want, which does get laborious.

    I think it would be a lot better if it was horizontally designed where you can click to go the next page than having to use a phone to mimic that experience.

    Overall: this is a strange one. The art in the game is brilliant and there are wonderful personalities. I'm a fan of the atmosphere and mood of Another Chance.

    But the game needs a structural revamp so you're not swamped with dealing with other characters when you're exploring a specific character's route.

    And lastly I'm not a fan of how Kate was handled, who is the one of the most important characters in the series.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    This could have easily been a 4 or a 5 star.

    The art is really good and characters looks cool and interesting.


    All the good things that the game can offer are killed by the grind. And above all, by how convoluted are the solutions to progress through character events,. Making it almost mandatory to use the walkthrough with this game.

    It is not fun, it's a chore.

    And it's a shame. The game has a good potential.
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    I enjoyed this game since the dawn of time. and it was one of few unique games on here. It has unique plot nice stories diversity of characters. And even some heart break. I like that game a lot really.
  18. 3.00 star(s)


    Definitely one of the most grindiest game I've ever played along with Academy34 and Innocent witches. Good art though! I hope they just reduce the amount of grinding and nerf the energy drain, that way this game would definitely become one of the best game in this platform.
  19. 4.00 star(s)


    I have mixed feeling from this game like a Lot of it, This is A GAME and a very good one it was pretty fun and interesting to play trying to solve the puzzles and that then THAT SCENE just make my willy just stay off all the rest of the playtrough (DEAR GOD I WA SLIKE :O when that shit happened) Still very lovely charchters with an very fun story ond not even boring juuuust in some part when you get stuck and dont know how to continue but you had an option to make it on automatic(Dont do it its just for pussies) still kinda a sahme it not has moreanimated scenes and i hope they add more in the future.
    Very good game and Confused wank? (Sorry for my bad english)
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    One of the best games on f95zone. The only thing missing is more sexy scenes. Like looking down a girls shirt etc.

    The animations, character designs and writing are all some of the best in adult games. I've played a lot of these games and this ranks among the best.