A lot of the premade poses for high heels are done in a kind of "model on the catwalk" sort of style. They are not necessarily normal walking poses, but more high fashion "vogue" style stuff, to show off the calves I think. Some artists just kind of exaggerate that stuff, lol.
Many of the large pose packs come with both flat foot and high heel versions of the poses, so look at the descriptors closely. Also, some characters have foot poses included in their content library. I have a few of them and i find it easier sometimes to just open the content library and click on those to set my character's feet then looking up the specific pose under the POSE tab.
When a character is raised up in the Y axis for high heels, you can bring them down easy by just going to Edit --> Object --> Move to Floor (CTRL + D)
Finally, when you run into those cases where reset doesn't seem to want to move your bones back into place, try inputting 0 (zero) instead. For example, when I have a messed up hand, I normally just select the hand in the scene tab and chose "Select all children". Then in the Parameter tab, I select all the bones now listed and then I reset X,Y and Z to make the hand flat. Takes like 20 seconds. You can also select the hand and look under the hand poses, but I just find it faster doing it manually most times. Sometimes though, the reset doesn't work, so I just input 0's instead and that does the trick.
Another issue you might run into is when you reset a pose or an expression and yet your sliders seem to be off or not have the normal range of motion. I run into this a lot with eye movements. Normally, I do all my eye movements via the Paramaters Tab using Pose --> Head --> Eyes. But sometimes I find I can't move the eyes all the way one way or the other. I then have to select the eye "bone" itself in the scene tab and reset it. Some pose or morph changed the default position I think. But resetting it at the bone level usually fixes the Pose function.