Sorry, don't hold your breath (or well, you'll prob have to wait a while since it's only been a few weeks since I started). Progress is slow, but I'm really enjoying the dialogue and rather humorous scenes. I'm not a big fan of MTLs, which is exactly why I do fan-translations, though if that works for anyone, whatever floats their boat, haha.
I know, right? A harem is supposed to be "your" girls. While I can understand the danger of them "potentially" being raped as ever-present in the game, I don't enjoy being forced to watch my harem being banging without being able to do anything about it (which is like, the main point of NTR, I suppose).
If you're okay with one-time banging ... well, there are mandatory scenes of people/things other than the MC banging the "harem", so it happens more than once, but not with the same people/things. The original Japanese has the MC semi-turned on by his harem getting banged in a scene or two, but I haven't finished the game yet. I can't address your other concerns, but I'll say there's hinting of that happening - I'm working in RPGMaker to make all of that optional by branching and adding scenes/choices/dialogue to allow those who WANT NTR to have it, and those who don't to avoid it. And for those of you who are purists or who actually like NOT having a choice (NTR fans), I'll translate the scenes as they are and keep copies of the map files so you can use those and maintain the game experience you want.