RPGM - Completed - Anti-Futa Female Soldier Infiltration [Final] [SaltySai]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Bad scenes, broken gameplay (In .4 ver you randomly stopped doing dmage cus you atk and def went to 0) , random piss scene out of nowhere. Theres so much bad in this its unreal. The story makes NO SENSE, characters just appear and disappear for no reason.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This game is full of bad choices, broken triggers, spelling and grammar issues, and clipping on the models. It's not fun to play and I'm not sure I could recommend it, even for most futanari fans.

    But it has one thing that elevates it to 2-stars instead of 1.
    You automatically unlock the entire gallery when you beat it, so you don't have to repeatedly lose to get to see the scenes.
    Devs, take note. The opposite is so common that it actually brought a smile to my face at the end.