Any game with this mechanic?


New Member
Mar 5, 2023
So, I've been searching the listed games for a while and, while i've found many great games and enjoyed them like the degenerate i am, i haven't found anything of the likes of this.
Game where some public figure, News Host, Show Anchor, Public spokesperson or whatever is 'sexually teased' by some invisible / unknown entity that is the player. The goal would be to tease the person and pleasure them as much as possible without them "breaking character" and making the spectators notice.
Do you guys know of anything like this?
I've recently played the card game News Desk by Pyorgara and truly liked the setting, although that game seemed quite brutal and cruel and withoutt animation or 'real time consequence' for the cards was a shame..

Welp, if you guys know anything like this, with public teasing or whatever I'd greatly appreciate any suggestion.

Pretentious Goblin

Devoted Member
Nov 3, 2017
I think if you liked ND, you should love ioY. And it has some scenes with that theme, of the rival being teased/humiliated in plain sight and trying to hide it. And it's pretty much all animated.
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New Member
Mar 5, 2023
Thanks! will certainly look into it! There is something about defeating the rival that is so appealing.

Meaning Less

Engaged Member
Sep 13, 2016
Have a look into the free use kink, as that's the kink closest to what you describe as in someone not breaking character even after having someone do lewd things to them like this.
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