Most platformers are usually Unity design PC only. Its probably the easiest platform to make 2d platformers with all the tutorials and plugins available. As you've seen though -> hardly anyone makes it mac compatable. Used to be able to run a few of them through wine however not possible anymore with no wine support on new mac.
Only platformers that come to mind are the old flash games that still run ok through Elmedia player
Divine Arms
Koooonsoft series (Like witch girl)
Otherwise if not going for purely platformer but want RPG elements + female protag. There are a few good RPGM games that you can port through; just follow the link below on how to do this -> helps in the long run:
Highly recommend - Karryn's Prison (or anything by Remitary is good)
On Edge
Crystal Fantasy
Slice of Venture 2
If you want 2d side to side type games idk:
Goons Raid Her