Seeking Any games similar to H.H.WORKS games?


New Member
Jul 15, 2018
Everything I've seen from H.H.WORKS is really fuckin' good. The artwork, the themes, the medium, the fetishes involved..... But almost everything they have is exclusively Japanese. If there were translations for anything they've put out there (excluding FlashCycling, I know about and am excited for that one having been translated) I'd love to know. But are there any other games or any other developers that make something similar you would recommend?
May 31, 2018
I'd have to recommend Civilian Justice League 1 and 2 it has tags similar to FlashCycling like Exhibitionism,Outdoor exposure, and corruption.
(CJL 2)

(CJL 1)

You can also checkout Harem Hotel which has some focuses on exhibition.

One that hasn't been translated yet is Terrible Laboratory (Also going to be released on steam) has a large focus on rape,exhibition, and ruining ones reputation you can download an untranslated version with the link bellow.