Seeking Any games that have similar style as Game of Hearts?


Dec 11, 2022
I'm trying to find games that are similar to Game of Hearts in the way of style. Style meaning lighting and design/models? I'm not quite sure how to explain it other than giving examples.

First example is obviously Game of hearts
Another one is Demon Boy
Haven't played it but based on the preview pictures Eruption Imminent seems to be roughly the same as well
City of Broken Dreamers seems to be another one? I have not played in a LONG time but plan to do so again soon.
Possibly Race of Life as well it seems. That's another one I haven't played yet but im planning on it.

I'm not sure how to explain the style other than HD? Maybe better lighting and just overall design. I hope with those examples people understand what I'm trying to explain.

The setting/story I don't have a huge preference for. Milf models are always good of course, I'll never turn those down. I don't really tend to play the sandbox games that are pretty much "real life simulators" if you know what I mean. Being a Dik is a good examples of sandbox games I tend to typically play.

So with all that being said, does anyone have good reccomendations?