Any nsfw animation tutorial?


Jun 19, 2019
at this point i've completed about 7 animations on blender, but my animations always feel like they miss something, it's a really hard task to make a sex animation look right. On the web i was only able to find a guide by an sfm user named kawaiidetective but it's fairly old.
Is the only way to learn animations experience? 60% of the time i start a project and not being able to finish it because the movements just don't feel right and i give up.
There was a guy that did good animation and even posted his behind the scenes work but unfortunatly it all got deleted.
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Game Developer
Aug 27, 2019
If you know how to rotate bones and put keys, you are halfway there :) There are so many tutorials and classes about 3d animation, you don’t need sex animation tutorial. You can watch any 3d animation tut online. Are you using references? If not, find a short video or gif of real porn. Analyze it, play it in slow motion see what happens at what frame. What is moving what’s not moving, what is soft... For most sex scenes all you need to know is easing in and out, and squash and stretch. If you don’t know these terms, just google it, they are one of the basic principles of animation, and if you use them, you will see improvement right away, I think. And keep it simple at the start. Use 2 or 3 keyframes and poses, try playing with interpolation between them. One more thing, if you don’t know about “blocking” in 3d animation, google that too. Basically its a concept of rough posing, just with hips, spine, arms, and working down to details.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2018
Are you just animating the base skeleton, or do you use any automation?
What types of animations, long, loops, partial (mixed together to make more complex loops)?

I find the mistake a lot of new animators make is that they try to animate ONLY the base skeleton, not realizing that is probably the worst way to animate. That is like trying to draw characters straight to paper, not using any techniques to make your work easier or more reliable.

One technique that I live by to solve every problem is: abstraction. Abstraction is to break down a problem into its key simple parts. For example, a walking animation. What you can do is add more bones (or another skeleton), and use these bones to automate some key behaviors. One behavior that is very important, a key thing in walking, is balance. When you take a step, your hip shoots out to the side, your spine makes a curve, and you actually move the center of the body so that it is balanced over the foot (it helps to have your character start out in a standing pose). What you can do is use either use the copy rotation modifier on the bones of the character skeleton, or I prefere to use the more complex Transform modifier, and what you want to do is first get a rough idea of how you want your character posed (ie rotate each bone, get an idea of how much each bone should be rotate, with respect to their local/parent local cordinate system). After you have an idea of want to do, you determine or create a control bone that will represent this abstraction (ie I like to move a bone 1ft to the left of the character to represent the character shifting their weight to the left), and then for each bone of the skeleton that you need to move to get the shape you want, you add a modifier and adjust the numbers so that you are able to generate the pose you wanted using the control bone. You then repeat this proces for other different aspects of the animation (ie twisting the bodie, used for energy efficientcy while walking). The only issue is that you need to understand the mechanics of locomotion of the human body, which is the key to figuring out how to break down an animation into it's basic parts. You can then add another layer of complexity, using control bones to control other control bones. ie if you make custom shape keys for the breasts so that they look correct for when they go up down left right, you can use one bone to control the boob and the left right keyframes, and another bone for up down stuff, and then a boob bone that controls the previous control bones, so that you can use one boob bone to move the boob in all directions. Similarly I use such multi layer complexity to automate a lot of animations, such as walking, and deing effects like, the way the body shifts it weight to turn or make quick turns.

Having bones that control various abstract ideas about an animation (weight distribution, breathing, looking down, facerig/moaning effects) makes it easy not only to make looping animations, but to make longer animations where you can add in new effects later on without having to make any modifications to your animation. IE you can make a fuck up and down control pose. you can make a lean forward backwards control pose, you can then latter add on a rotate the hip side to side, forward backwards, so that you can first animate the fuck control bone, and then part way through the animation you can animate the hip rotate bones so that it looks like the character is gyrating their hips to make the sex more pleasurable.