Seeking any wholesome game at all


New Member
Mar 15, 2020
i know i asked about this months ago but i'm in another slump so anyone got anything remotely wholesome even if it isn't on here but on steam or something as rn i just need anything.
ive played things like mnf, once in a lifetime and teaching feelings and the more popular ones so if anyone has any smaller/ unappreciated ones can you please tell me. however if you just think a game is generally even if i may of played it it won't hurt to send as i haven't played everything here. I'm fine with any type 2d, 3d on rpgmaker or renpy or anything else.


New Member
Jul 23, 2020
I found Light of My Life to be fairly wholesome. As long as incest isn't a deal breaker for you. You can change how the characters refer to each other but its still implied, you know how these games work.

Another thing to note about LOML is the character models. Lets just say they aren't conventional. I'm not saying they're ugly, the opposite in fact. I found them to be quite refreshing. A good break from the standard of "every girl is a super model with massive tits." Not that "that" is an issue either but you know what I mean, right?

Point being, don't be put off by the character designs. You'll miss out on a great story.
Feb 26, 2018
You may enjoy my games, , , , and .

In you take command of the pirate ship Harpy in this open world swashbuckling adventure. Sail from island to island while you fight enemy ships, impress local women, and win the hearts of your crew. Lots of 3D scenes and some animation with a variety of characters in many shapes and sizes.

focuses on a trio of friends out to save some princesses. Turn from hometown hero to universal savior overnight! Fully animated and voice acted sex scenes with 2D hand drawn art. Your choices matter in this game, depending on what you do you can wind up with up to seven different girls.

. It is about an alien that crashes on a small planet, and you have to protect her from evil forces trying to get her back while hiding her from your provincial neighbors. Text based sex with some pixel images. Plenty of exploring and side quests. Runs a couple hours.

In it's election day, and you're on the ballot! The citizens of Fethishville need a new mayor. Could it be you? Running for mayor isn't easy though. There are six contrasting demographics that you need to win over to secure victory. Master photo ops, rallies, talk shows, and win the debate to become the next mayor elect. Great for politics junkies who want a funny spin without resembling reality too much.



New Member
Mar 15, 2020
Incest by definition is the most wholesome of all. It's heart warming stuff (y)
it depends but alot of wholesome games have incest and as long as its not like weird predatory incest like manipulating to do it with someone then its fine 99.9% of the time


Active Member
Feb 16, 2022
I love this game, it's one of my favourites but it's most definitely NOT wholesome and i wouldn't recommend it to anyone who's feeling down. Some of the other games on your list don't fit what the OP is looking for either, like One Day at a Time, that VN is literally about drug addiction.

I suggest:

Triangle - A nice romance story between three people that love each other. It's one of the very few games that does the "throuple" relationship well in my opinion. There's a bit of cheating from the MC's side early on but everything works out in the end.
My Sister & I - Another nice romance story, this time between the MC and his younger sister.
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