Others Anyone ever used Adventure game studio to make an adult game?

Jan 19, 2020
I'm very familiar with the engine, kind of like the idea of a point and click adventure adult game but honestly I find the community a bit... snobbish to say, and from what others told me they did make adult games but was quickly snubbed and ignored.

Just kind of curious though, had anyone else used Adventure game studio to create a game or their thoughts on using the engine?
Jan 19, 2020
Adventure game studio is new to me, I'll check it out.
I honestly think it's hard to use if you want to do more than a sierra/Lucasarts game, but it holds a very special place in my heart and I know of it's weird quirks. And it's free with a lot of documentation.

[EDIT: I forgot to state approach the community with caution, they are not mean just... I don't know, clique-ish.]
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