Good! Sometimes feels little rushed, but I guess you need something to catch attention of the player. I like MC's personality and the way he is, it was quite entertaining reading of his dialogue. Story and premise itself seems interesting, will follow that. Gameplay is involving, so that's that. Props for it, good job.
Girls and sex scenes look GOOD, even if little rough on the edges. Btw, don't listen to that c*** from below, Holly is THE MOST unique thing you have in your game. Her looks, her character and her interactions with MC is the most interisting and unique thing you have in your game right now. Thank you that you didn't rush her plot line and developed her more slowly than the others. She is the star of the show, the thing that will catch your eye when you scroll through all these "Honey games" and all other generic sh**. Britt, Sam, Amber look good, but generic asf and can't hold candle to her. Her design feels fresh.
ANyWay, it's good sandbox VN, check it out and support the dev if you liked it. Cheers!