HTML - Aphrodisia [Ch.3.9.9] [Dr.Wolfman]

  1. 3.00 star(s)


    I find this game to be a tad overrated, it just plays like a worse version of some other HTML and real porn games on F95. Worse grammar, worse systems, worse humour, worse UI, worse story... The only thing I found better is the degree of control you get during sex.

    Ultimately, I file this game under the "more" category of these types of games. If you haven't gotten enough of the HTML/real porn games on here, this one is certainly serviceable, though not amazing in any way.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    It's a VN with some choices, definitely not a sandbox game here. Though you do get some sandbox moments.

    The Story is pretty much what you'd expect, mysterious something gave you powers and you use it to fuck. Nothing ground breaking here, the writing can be a little rough sometimes, and a couple of minor spelling mistakes, but this is not MTL trash. So that's a bonus. Some of the dialogue is just too long, I don't need 3 pages of dialogue boxes with Adonis to hear about his life in Greece. Just give me the story and move on.

    I find it annoying that the way stats are gained change pretty much every chapter, wish the dev would go back and just refactor things from the beginning instead of changing the system.

    It does have a different sex mechanic than most other games, and lets you feel a little more in control. But it probably needs a minor re-balance.

    I'm not a fan of all the videos being used, the options are too short to choose, and the videos are longer than they need to be.

    Grind5None - Visual Novel
    Story3Pretty Standard Fare, Whores, Sluts, Magical Beings, and Mafia.
    UI2It's just plain ugly, and trying to figure out where you are with a girl sucks, and the power page needs image resizing
    Gameplay4We use the same type of mechanic for any goal achievement system (sex, fighting, porn shooting) but the balance is a little off.
  3. 5.00 star(s)


    Great Real Porn game with what is to me, the single most important feature in this type of game - sound from the clips. If I wanted to crank it to soundless gifs I'd hop in the time machine from Ripples and go back to 2007, but this game is living in the future on that front. This game gets an A+ for "the reason we play these games" with a decent variety of girls and a fun story to boot. If I had a single complaint it would be the fact that some scenes are locked behind high skill ceilings that you may not know about in advance, but playing with a save editor means you can cheat your way to $15,000 and high skills right off the bat - highly recommended for those who aren't planning on multiple playthroughs.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Minor spelling and grammar aside the writing is good. The main thing I have as criticism is that it feels like a tutorial that's gone on way too long, and that the ideas are too diffuse.

    It feels like too many stats and too unclear what I'm going to need and when. There's the basic MC character stats, then there's the callings, then there's relationship stats, then there's skill stats, then the system for character stats change. Meanwhile you're managing energy, arche points, and trying to figure out what's going to be useful. Is combat going to be a big deal? Is hacking? Then you get mini-games like the bdsm scene where it doesn't really matter at all anyway aside from to lock you out of some clips.

    I started typing this as a comment for feedback and then thought I'll make it a review. For that reason I'm going to focus on my major concern about the game for a while.

    I'm finding it hard to keep track of what I've done with each character. Do I need love, or lust, or submission, or does that not really matter anyway if I'm dominant/charismatic enough?

    It's not like any of the systems are bad, but it all seems like it could be a lot simpler without losing any gameplay. Is there a need for a hacking skill AND intelligence checks, both trained in unconnected ways? It just seems unnecessary.

    None of that makes the game actually hard to play so far, only mildly frustrating. How it functions is as a very simple set of options. What concerns me is these are the sort of overly convoluted systems that devs regret later and stall games.

    Otherwise it's a solid start, fun set up, and Dee Williams as a MILF-next-door earns it a fourth star. Plenty to sink your teeth into.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    This is a seriously good game. It stays interesting, has a good amount of content, and has hot mind control action. There are some misspellings and grammar errors, especially at first, but it's not indicative of the quality of the game. My only other complaint is my tastes in porn stars isn't quite the same as the dev's, but the ones the dev has chosen are fine.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    This is the best HTML game ever made, point blank. It's very creative and different than any other game I have ever played and I feel like it almost can't be long enough and I wish the Dev the best. Thanks for sharing your creative imagination with us and keep up the good work. :cool:
  7. 3.00 star(s)


    + I genuinely enjoyed the story
    + The bros are great.
    - the hoes are just that.
    - real porn
    + some of the best real porn picks I have seen. Actually managed to fap, which is very rare for 3DPG porn.

    - porn is both too interactive yet missing choices.
    -- Dev note specifically states the goal was to make highly interactive porn. So it is snipped into many pieces to give you lots of options. But eventually it gets tedious to go "vaginal, harder, back to main menu, vaginal, harder, back to main menu". Some scenes have the covetted "more" button that just does more of the same without wasting clicks. but still tedious to click "more more more more".
    -- almost every scene ends with a moneyshot, or rarely a cum on tits/face option. I have yet to come across a single creampie option
    -- MC appearance changes every single sex scene.

    - You lose energy way way way too fast during sex. spend 2 minutes fingering a girl to orgasm and you lose 52 energy and it just gets worse from there. meanwhile 8 hours of working hard doing physical labor costs 40 energy (20 per shift). Or half that if you slack off. This makes it very difficult to have enough energy to even finish a sex scene without using energy restorers (such as energy calling spell). Or cheats
    - if you cum even once the scene ends. if you run out of energy without cumming the scene FAILS.

    - punishing skill checks. you need to super focus your specialization or you will fail almost all skill checks. And if you super focus you will fail every skill other than the one you focused.
    -- You are warned that specializing will kill you. In retrospect that was explicitly for magic power not for stats, you were explicitly told to use your stats INSTEAD of magic to achieve your goals to stay safe and grow powerful. So that was my faul for not specializing enough on my stats. However magic is necessary and far more rewarding. At the moment you cannot actually overuse magic. So I don't know what the deal is with that warning.

    edit: dev clarified in discord that you are allowed to use magic
    dev said:
    It's just for the rage calling and you're not gonna die, just some interesting things that may happen in the future
    this is good. but also explicitly not what you are told in the game. So the game dialog need to be changed to not scare people away from using magic.

    - Game pumps the breaks. It is a visual novel with a sandbox's grinding and stats. The story is going FAST, massive amount of stuf happens in under a week. Then the game just hits the breaks and stops you on day 12 with "that is all for now". Which is really annoying since I haven't even seen most content yet (because it is gated on hyper focused checks or making mutually exclusive time picks), yet vast majority of that gate content felt like it should have been easily accessible with just minor changes to how time is handled.
    -- To see all that massive amount of content you missed requires replaying the game making difference choices. which... it was ok the first time but is very tedious when you repeat it (mainly the sex minigames and the grinding). Unless you replay the game several times then vast majority of HDD space is wasted on sex clips for characters you won't even fuck due to the significant amount of mutually exclusive choices that really have no business being mutually exclusive. (as in "pick 1 of those 2 or 3 girls to fuck now" choices)
    - Too many under used systems. There is BDSM system, used only once. There is combat system, used only once. There is a thief interrogation system, only used once. there is a sleep sex system, only used once. etc
    - choices seem to focus mostly on the dross (you get to pick which rando porn actress you fuck today) instead of the important things (you do NOT get to pick important plot dialog with adonis).

    I honestly wish there was a way to skip porn scenes (as in "instantly succeed and get rewards", not "refuse sex") with a single click to make replaying smoother when you try some different choices and watch only the new scenes.
    I did end up replaying with heavy use of cheats and it was far better experience. Still overall a flawed one. There needs to be some rework to the game systems
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    The premise for the story is pretty typical. The writing is occasionally funny but for the most part it's pretty much mediocre porn script level, including the characters. There aren't that many meaningful choices in the game yet, and the game mechanics during the "interactive" bits aren't particularly inspired or engaging, although they get the job done. The one redeeming quality is that a good amount of effort has gone into cutting clips for the scenes, so for the more involved scenes, pretty much every action has its own clip. Overall this could be a lot more polished but as it stands, it doesn't really stand out in any way.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    Real good Idea(s). Mr. Richard Dick ist the best!!! :cool:
    Game mechanics are very good. Girls are top. Not too much grinding.
    It is good, that also men are populating this 'world' as side characters. In many porn games no men exist at all (besides you of course).
    I am looking forward to any update of the game that may come!
  10. 4.00 star(s)

    Dr. Ronald Leopold

    Version Ch.3 v0.5.0

    You're a mediocre man with a small penis. Magically, a bond forms between you and something divine, granting you powers and enlarging your penis. These powers will assist you in your daily life as you begin a part-time career as a porn actor. But beware, all of this will unleash the wrath of a Greek goddess. While the initial plot might not seem original, the mechanics of the powers are being constructed well for now, as there are various constraints. Probably in future updates, ties to organized crime will develop, potentially leading to something interesting.
    Characters: Games of this type don't leave much room for original personalities; you'll find what you usually find. Though the content is currently sparse, perhaps something in future updates could prove interesting.
    Gameplay and Scenes: Here, the game has a strong point: the scenes will almost always feature a mini-game, where you have to choose which position to perform to increase a pink bar. If this bar reaches the maximum, you'll succeed in your endeavor ;). But be careful, as you'll have to manage your energy and your bar. Regarding the quality of the scenes themselves, HTML games can't be heavily criticized, as all the content is non-original. The choice is generally good; there are different ethnicities, different ages, there's enough content, and you'll need to acquire it using charisma or various powers.

    Final score using weighted average: 3.6

    In my opinion, the game is overall mediocre, but slightly better than HTML games, which tend to symbolize laziness. I can give it 4 stars.
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    What a fantastic and engaging game. I was a little hesitant about this one because it is so easy to fail on the execution but I saw the play online while downloading something else and i completely forgot about the game i was downloading.

    The humour is good, the storyline is engaging. The gameplay is very well thought out and i have had a blast playing it.

    The only downside is its only chapter3! would love for there to be more of this. I Hope the developer keeps up with this because it really is shaping up to be a special game.
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    A really nice game, I don't like too much branching but so far it has been balanced quite well. I love the interactivity of the porn scenes, where you need to balance your energy on the right activities, and I also love that so far, as amateur porn actors, we only managed to perform with unknown models (to me at least). Keep up the good work, I hope the next releas would be out soon.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    Great game, pretty interesting story and well polished. Good selection of girls, no bimbos. Looking forward to more updates. The interactive sex scenes are pretty cool. I like how you have to earn things but it's not grindy at all.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Aphrodisia is a wild example where the porn is so hot and well integrated into the story, that you don't really mind that it takes three chapters for the dev to zero in on settled game mechanics. There is still some unsettled friction in the game play (like sex shop items that impact mini-games, but that you've only had one chance to buy them so far), but you won't mind as this is a capital F A P - fap game and the sex scenes just keep coming.

    As an aside, I would search the comments for the cheat codes, as the experience mechanic doesn't yet feel balanced, so you may want to cheese past it.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Simply wow, I have a high standard on what I put my time into, but boy did I just push through the game!

    I finished Ch3 and am interested in more! The story is engaging for what it is and the choosen scenes are great. I like the cast and diversity, even though I'd like it if Dolly Little would be described as more beautiful by the actor (I like her a lot)

    Definitively a good choice of time!
  16. 5.00 star(s)


    This may rank among the top three HTML games for real porn, if not the best. It has so many moving parts that makes the game good and I love all of it.
    The scenes chosen are ideal, each one appears to have been created around the plot and the various sex meters, making the sex scene fun and interactive to play as well.
    The story is well paced and well made.
    The magic element doesn't seem forced; rather, it's a useful skill that simply improves gameplay.
    I genuinely enjoyed it, and it satisfied all of my kinks. I also adored the use of a diverse group of girls of various sizes and shapes, rather than limiting it to white blondies because it is simpler to find realporn scenes with them.

    The only problem is that there is never enough energy, but the maker has tried everything to make it right by using timely placed energy refills or simply using magic, but this can tax your other resources.

    I'm hoping the upcoming updates will add more girls, more kinks, and more fun.
  17. 4.00 star(s)


    This is a very impressive HTML game. The story and writing are actually interesting. The H content is very hot. There seem to be lots of paths and choices available. There is no grind, the gameplay is quite linear, yet it still feels like a game.
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    So yeah - idk about you but that sounds super fun and enjoyable to me. Why not 5 stars? Well, often times I felt I wasn't given full opportunity to have the stats I needed to make certain decisions. I think this is because there are just too many damn stats lol (dominance, fitness, intelligence, handyman skill, sneak skill, hacking skill, massage skill, fighting skill, etc.), and you do not have the luxury of growing them all. Like, I kinda focused on dominance and had lvl 9 by a late scene that wanted lvl 12! Felt kinda robbed, even making it a primary focus I couldn't get the content... And this kinda feels bad once you reach the end and realize that most of these stats aren't even used (so putting time into ones like intelligence is a waste). So yeah, I'd give this 4.5 stars today due to the balancing issue. Also, it does kinda feel like dev is changing his mind on how he wants the gameplay to work as the game progresses. It's fine most of the time, it's just a bit distracting.

    I do recommend it highly, but it's not quite 5 stars yet imo.

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  18. 5.00 star(s)


    This is by far one of the best quality and most interesting HTML games i've seen on here or any where. The game actually has interesting "mechanics" that affect how the game plays. If your bored and want something thats pretty to the point and has a fairly wide variety of what it has to offer and needs multiple play throughs give it a shot.
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    This is an amazing game. The story is cool and keeps you entertained while also having some mystery to keep you wanting to see where it will go. The best part though is the interactive sex scenes as they are incredibly well built and offer great variety. I can not wait to see where this game goes as the base is set for a truly one of a kind awesome game.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    Finally a refreshing HTML/ & Real Porn game!

    What I liked about the game:

    >No grueling grind unlike other HTML games

    >Variety of characters & superb pornstars to play them!

    >Ample of sex scenes with audio

    >Best of it's kind interactive sex choices (biggest differentiator for this game)

    >Different choices lead to different outcomes (MC can choose from different powers, kinda like Bioshock lol)