Unity - Apocalypse! Rise of the Sex Fiends! [v1.0] [RipeBananaGames]

  1. 1.00 star(s)


    Not adult in the least. PG at best. The gameplay is vague. The images are poor quality and not sexual in nature at all. There needs to be a no nudity, no sexual content tagged on this game. Overall I am not impressed.

    That being said, if you are looking to play something with very little gratification, annoying gameplay, confusing mechanics, and... no adult entertainment. Well give it whirl.
  2. 1.00 star(s)


    Resolution nightmare. Can't even see the main menu options. My entire game experience is summed up to "i can't fucking play it because the dev has no idea what the hell they're doing."
    I freaking googled "unity game window mode" and it gave me the official unity dev help page with proper screenshots and explanations on how to set the freaking resolution to the game I'm not planning on making.
    This dev clearly hasn't bothered to read it and probably doesn't even know it exists.
    So fuck this, fuck that, fuck everything because i was already angry when i tried to relax playing this game and even in my anger i managed to do something the dev has failed to accomplish: RTFM!!!
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    It's an interesting idea, butter suffers from a lot of smaller and larger flaws.

    It seemed to me the prologue's female protagonist doesn't actually appear to connect to the game. I gather from comments she apparently does, but it happens so late in the game the other issues have prevented me from seeing it.

    The game really needs a basic tutorial and/or some documentation on what's important to do early on. Still struggling to figure out how to keep happiness from tanking, which may be related to...

    The premise that military, cops and fireman holed up in an old station don't even have a vague city map, or recollection of what is where in their city, is silly even by C movie/porn game standards (and gets in the way of finding the right buildings - there are ones that help happiness, presumably?).

    The game suffers from the too-random implementation so common with simple base-building games: a few bad rolls early on, or in quick succession later, will completely ruin an attempted playthrough. (And at this time, it certainly looks like too many random events tanking happiness before the player can do anything about it are a must-axe bad feature of the game.)

    Most glaringly, because this is what should help get around the too randomness even if that itself isn't fixed, a game like this needs a properly tested, reliable save feature - entirely unlike the broken self-corrupting mess this build features.

    The author has now removed the false advertising [Completed] tag used in the original posting, so I don't feel compelled to call this terrible because of that.

    Still, it seems fair to call this a hitherto poor implementation that needs and hopefully will see improvement, with a properly functioning save feature that can elevate this to mediocrity at the very least - and maybe even addressing other issues more directly to create a legitimately good game.
  4. 3.00 star(s)


    Not great. Not terrible. The CGI's are pretty, but the writing that goes with the scenes is pretty forgettable and they're pretty thinly spread out. Also, in a game about sex fiends invading the world, the CGI is pretty lacking in any of those things I said. Which could be really annoying if you decided to play specifically because you like that fetish.

    The gameplay itself is fairly entertaining, but very RNG dependent. It holds the XCOM problem, that 95% never FEELS like it should fail. Like, obviously it will plenty of the time (95% is definitely not 100%), but when you have one of your best characters die from a 97% chance it gets pretty aggravating. And statistically, it's bound to happen to everyone at SOME point. Meaning everybody is going to have some point where they get pretty peeved.

    Also, you can get random events that kill off characters in between turns that you can't do much about other than rush the hospital as fast as you can and hope the deaths don't screw you too much before you get there.

    The game also has a bit of a snowballing problem. The beginning will often be a real struggle, but if you get ahead of the curve it can become very easy very quickly. Once you have a few dozen people and more food generation than you could ever want, the rest of the game is more of a technicality.

    Also the game is a BIT buggy. My first game the ending didn't trigger at all which was pretty annoying, and more than once I've had girls taken prisoner in locations with no enemies making them impossible to recover. Also some locations on the map are just hard to click on, sitting too far off to the side and being barely noticeable.

    All that being said, the writing can be funny and charming and when the game works and you don't just get terrible RNG it can actually be pretty fun. I enjoyed it enough to play through a second time to get the ending when my first game bugged out.
  5. 2.00 star(s)


    While other mechanics are ok, the RNG (which argurably is the core) is pretty frustrating-- such as 90+% can still have rather high chance to fail, your highest level character die from food poisoning when you planning on taking hospital (aka the building that prevent food poisoning)......

    Also, only one saving slot. Charming .

    I think it has (Had? Since it's tagged as completed) some potential, but current problems really makes this a rather frustrating experience.
    Likes: Hyped
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    It needs some work.

    Biggest problem is a resolution issue. Even after setting the resolution to max (1920x1080) on a modern windows 10 computer, some of the items aren't fully displayed on the screen. Alt-enter didn't fix the issue.

    What I could play was similar to those city control games with zombies on flash sites. Everything is RNG, and some of the mechanics are not obvious, such as what money is used for, impact of happiness, and how to recruit more soldiers. Some of these may be on the interface but as mentioned I have the resolution issue, so I can't tell. Another possible interface issue was that I couldn't do anything sexy with the girls, I'm assuming this is another resolution issue.

    There's also some balancing issues. Soldiers are the obvious MVPs in the beginning but you only get two, and the actual girls don't seem very useful, as all the ones I recruited had no fighting skill. There's a limited amount of room for survivors, and since all I could recruit was girls that couldn't fight well, I was doomed from the beginning.

    Its not terrible, and I'd like seeing actual games on the site rather then endless amounts of VNs. I just can't play it successfully.