- The Children you can find and invite shouldn`t all be boys. Simply feels wrong.
- Definitely like the idea of people asking to stay with you!
- The Greenhouse should be complimented by fields etc. once you have more than a certain number of inhabitants, and the fields would require work - slaves shoulld be able to workhere, including male slaves - and then give a good harvest depending on crops.
- Also, something like a barn for hens providing food as long as people take care of them, such stuff. Only a Greenhouse on what is basically a farm isn`t enough.
And so events linked to that. Gangs who try to burn down your fields. Potentially mightier tribes/Gangs asking for tribute. Things like a leftover groupp of soldiers/rogues discovered nearby who have a storage of weapons and ammunitions, probably Strykers/Bradleys or something like that whcih can be an adversary/neutral/trade partner/ally, especially when working together? Something like bulding up a new sort of federation/basic statehood with e.g. the settlement, the tribe, nighttown, later on in the game the sanctuary possible to send emissarys to something like a common assembly to sort out basic stuff? Combined with possible threats both internal and external?
Also more possibilities to simply invite people.
And I would very much prefer more interactions with "random" characters based on previous things. Like guests leaving whom you can find later on. Or if you sold a slave who was - probably unbeknownst to you? pregnant from you before and tries to escape or you find her again in the companion of somebody? Probably like at some event where one of the babyeaters tries to then buy your child and you have to decide what to do?
And more trade-related stuff. Cultural events like the party to be established between the settlements who join the "federation" to bond people toogether with all the problems that might cause.
Probably really some route where a battle for the settlement might become inevitable ... Hm.
After all, I love the potential of this game.