Are we no longer able to watch certain tags?


Sep 4, 2017
I used to be alerted whenever a game was uploaded or updated on the site with certain tags that I was watching. Are we no longer able to do that?

That was an amazing tool to find things that interested me and I haven't been able to do it for months. I thought at first that the feature was put on hold when they updated the site's UI, but its been months since thats happened and the feature hasn't returned. That was like 90% of the reason i've used this site. Now in order to find anything new that interests me I have to manually search through the Latest Updates section and check to see if I spot anything that wasn't there from the last time I looked through the section, which really isn't something i'm going to continue to do.

I would just like to know, are we still able to use that feature and maybe i'm just missing it? Or is the feature gone? Is it making a return, or is it being scrapped all together?

Thank you.