HTML - Abandoned - Ark City [v1.50.0 Alpha] [Genevieva]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: Abandoned

    In all honesty, this game has one of the best UI design out of any HTML game i have seen. The story and gameplay also seem like they have great potential, considering i had fun playing with the bare minimum.

    Too bad its been abandoned, look elsewhere.
  2. 4.00 star(s)


    Great concept and opening, with a hefty amount of world building to really ground it. Too bad it fell to being abandoned. While not anywhere finished I'd recommend this if you're someone who likes looking at concept art for unfinished games & imagining what could've been.
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    Enjoyable game for what it is, the structure itself is solid and I personally enjoy the presentation although the porn imgs are sometimes jarring / against the text description in the game. Otherwise I'd love to see this game developed more, it could really develop into a more character-focused Free Cities (another amazing HTML game)

    As it is right now, it's more of a 3-4 stars, but I'm voting it 5 because I really want it to get more attention, cus with some extra content it could be a real standout.

    EDIT: Aight, realised the games abandoned. The foundations here were solid, but alas. I'm bumping the rating down so people know not to waste their time.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I liked it but I wondering if there customization on what else the elder can do:
    Pro: Captured felons can transformed into concubines/ or mercenaries.
    Other upgrades the elder can do to city. Better defenses from outside.

    I realize its not only city in this game. there 11 other cities.

    Are there other females recruit.

    Cons: limited to do base build.

    I think there should more to do.
  5. 5.00 star(s)

    Deleted member 2077289

    This game is REALLY well made, I definitely wasn't expecting what I saw. I've enjoyed the story, the events, the managing, everything.
    I really want to see where this goes, specially knowing it's in alpha.
    Just something to take note: the game is fairly simple, in the way ALL html games are, but you should expect something really beautiful and smooth.
    Good job so far, dev!
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    So far it seems like it has the potential to be a one of a kind HTML game. This kind of polish and attention to details especially for such an early release is very impressive to say the least. I think im not the only one who can say i often dream of a game like that where actually fun rpg mechanics are mixed with sex gameplay elements that work together to make a unique game. We'll have to see if the update keep on rolling to build on this great basis the game already has but im super excite to see what the dev can bring next. An obvious recommendation as i feel like this might become one of my favorite games.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This game shows great promise. Keep it up - I personally like the pron images/gifs.
    I don't take the time to write reviews since I don't know a lot about HTML games and I don't think that my review is informational. I liked this game and it shows a lot of promise. Looking forward to future updates.
  8. 3.00 star(s)


    Ark City is obviously inspired by Free Cities and attempts to expand on the formula and make it more of a personal, crafted experience than a sandbox. However, I have doubts if these expansions are meaningful additions instead of just bloat.

    One thing that I do think is a genuine improvement is the addition of "guests" that have manually-crafted storylines and interactions.

    For my concerns, one of the big differences is that the player has to navigate to specific locations in order to take actions there. While you can say that this creates more of a sense of place, it also makes it clunkier to do anything. Then there's the combat minigame that is basically just about having significantly more stuff than your enemy so you don't take too many losses. Then there are all the unused upgrades, trophy items that serve no purpose, and what seems like a command center that's actually a long-winded tutorial center. Theoretically, these could be all filled out and refined to be meaningful, but the sheer number of half-baked ideas has me less than confident that they'll reach that state.

    Somewhat related: Why is there an option to go suck dicks in a bar? The setup is that the player is the owner of a super advanced cyber castle with legions of fighting bots and is generally above the law. Isn't this supposed to be a power fantasy setup? Or does throwing that setup away make it better for people who are into that? Even then, I think there's a lot of potential for disappointment when trying to pander to radically different fetishes in the same game.

    Ark City the potential to be something interesting and I'll keep an eye on it, but there are just a few too many ways I can see it getting off track to set my expectations high.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    This game is very promising, especially when considering the planned features.

    Right now it has around half an hour to an hour of gameplay (which is the only negative, but it is an alpha so really minor). The coding aswell as the mechanics are some of the most well written ive seen on this site, very outstanding from the otherwise known twine games. There arent too many sex scenes, but the existing ones are good.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    I normally never vote, but this game is fantastic. I really enjoyed it. The setting was great. I like the story. Nikki is good! I like Aiden a lot. I really hope there is content planned for the boy in the pub restroom and its not a one off scene! I like that pub restroom scene a lot and hope to see more of him! That would be awesome!
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    Definitely supporting it on patreon! (We'll already am before this review!) Keep up the great work. This is a great game!
  11. 5.00 star(s)


    Good game so far with good potential, the setting is good and i like the fact that it caters to bisexual players. The foundations are ther the only thing left is to add characters and things to do in the city
  12. 5.00 star(s)

    Old Dirty Dog

    Very strong start, the presentation of the game is excellent and the coding is flawless with a lot of cool systems in place. Really like the world being established here, too, I'm definitely interested in how everything unfolds.

    If it proceeds the way it is, I think this will be one of the most polished and legitimate games on this website. The only pitfalls I can think of are:

    1) The dev makes the "guests" in your tower carbon copies of each other all written in the same voice and all hungry for your dick, as is often the case with harem games.

    2) The lore of the story becomes winding and overly-complex ("let me tell you about your grandfather, and your great-grandfather, and the Titans of Old and blah blah blah") instead of a clean, streamlined story that focuses around the themes of sex.

    If the developer can avoid those two potential issues, this is going to be one of the standout games of the genre.
  13. 4.00 star(s)


    the game is really and I mean REALLY making me hopeful about it's future, the world is nicely introduced to us without shoving a hundred pages of exposition down our throats, the systems that are in place work, the scenes are pretty good if you like real porn (and that's saying a lot when looking at the average real porn game scenes), and the basic skeleton of this whole thing is there and looks good, especially since I haven't encountered bugs and that the menus and event are nice to look at and read (especially the research menu even tho the system in and of itself doesn't work yet).

    But it lacks content, like a lot of it. the game is interesting and appealing but it doesn't have much past a few tens of minutes. of course it is it's first release so a lack of content is to be excepected but still, the game could be actually pretty damn good and I want more of it, good job blueballing me lmao.

    TL.DR: game has a really good concept and skeleton making it very interesting to follow but doesn't have much beyond that.

    good luck to the developer he did some good job on the coding, writing and presentation imo. I'll be following each release with the hope it's not getting dropped instantly.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    Love the setting, graphics design, use of 2d graphics with real porn. Wish there were more interactions a-la slave trainer, or strive for power combined with current mechanics. Looking forward to playing the full game. Thank you
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Very promising start. Great systems in place for strategy and management lovers.

    The real-porn element doesn't bother me as much as some comentators and I understand why it is there. Really hope that is doesn't get abandoned.