HTML - Completed - Arkham: The Dark Legacy [Sex&Glory]

  1. 2.00 star(s)


    Interesting and compelling story, Okay art. Very very simplistic animations. Best part of this game. Nothing taboo here for those looking for taboo.

    GAME OR MOD IS BROKEN. images and story jumps around just before your preparing for the big battle at the end. Had to bail. Too bad.

    Would be an awesome basis for a remake using modern tech. The story could be salvaged.
  2. 5.00 star(s)



    story (great)
    animation (great)
    render (great)
    decisions (great)
    voices (no)
    mini games (no)
    playtime (good)


    the story
    really deep story not just about sex and porn like other do (one of my best)

    about 3-4 hours

    the animation
    not just 2 frames not just boring animation (one of the best)

    the render
    okay nothing special just great like other games from sex and glory

    no minigames

    no voices

    really one of the best you can just choose one route
    you can just choose one woman and the story will continue
    no one force you to play just to increase game time

    should you play it ???
    hell yes and you will thank me later

    why 5 stars
    i didn't find any thing bad
    -great story (not just about porn)
    -great animation
    -great characters
    -no bugs
  3. 2.00 star(s)


    "Fap per played time" Rating only 2/5

    "Fap per played time" only rates how good the game is at giving you a good FAP. doesnt matter how good the art, gameplay, renders, model, Sound, writing, Story or anything like that is, if the game is good at giving you good and multiple faps in a decent amount of gametime, it will get a good rating, eles not. i rate games like this because in the end, i mainly play adult games for good faps...nothing eles

    played through the game once. and got 1 good fap and 1 average fap out of it. 1good fap with blonde Girl sleepover, average fap was some days later where i just checked cg harem ending.

    only worth playing with cheat! eles it would take too Long. Story pretty meh. writing pretty meh. chracters arent anything Special. mc is a bit of a bitch tbh, but good enough, doesnt annoye me too much. i only liked the blonde Girls model, but the other models are ok i guess. sex Scenes arent really good, not too fap friendly.

    i dont really recommend the game, i only gave it 2 stars instead of 1 because i kinda liked the blonde Girl.

    Other high rated "Fap per played time" games:
    -Milf's Villa
    -The Family Secret
    -My New Roommate
    -Dreams of Desire
    -GATE:The Opening
    -House Party
    -Pandora 1&2
    -The Gift Reloaded

    Good "Fap per played time" games, that aren't on the same level as the ones i mentioned because of lack of fap or too much grind:
    -Road trip
    -Kristies revenge
    -Big brother
    -Man of the house
    -Summertime saga
    -My legacy
    -Adventures of Willy D
    -Beach Party(terrible sex Scene gameplay, not fap friendly)
    -The Artifact
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    I thought this was a a good game from LOP/S+G. For once the story line is more interesting than "try to cheat on your spouse." I thought the background art was quite good, though the art in the sex scenes wasn't amazing, and the sex scenes overall weren't incredibly awesome.

    Gameplay-wise this was better than average. It's a stats-building game similar to Living with Temptation, and follows a similar pattern with a mix of "be in the right place at the right time" events and "raise your stats above X to do Y" events. Personally I like this kind of thing, though it's not everyone's cup of tea. There is some grinding involved, but there isn't a ton of time pressure and adding stuff like a save system and a "wait for night-time" option mitigates the grinding somewhat. You can unlock different characters and locations over the course of the game, and of your choices can have lasting consequences.

    I thought story was decent, it isn't War and Peace or anything but the bar for being an interesting story is pretty low for these kind of games. I liked the Lovecraftian setting, and the sanity mechanic was a nice touch, although my own sanity never got low enough to put me in danger (the game is overall a little bit easier than I would have liked).

    I found a few of the sex-scene renders to be borderline terrifying, there is one pose with the librarian where she seems to have a Barbie-style smooth plastic crotch, and one of the love interests, Hannah, has very weird breasts that must be held aloft by some sort of eldritch forces because they don't wind up looking anything like the breasts of a human being. That's kind of par for the course in the genre though.

    Anyways, overall a decent game with OK sex. Hey, at least it's finished.
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    Beautiful graphics, good writing, nice variety of characters.
    Didn't like the sex scene interface where you had to raise the bar by moving you mouse in different directions and I'm super glad it was removed.
    Big bonus for me - the sex scene sounds!
    Great game, I just wish it was longer... :)
  6. 2.00 star(s)


    Mediocre game by Sex And Glory (LOP) but hey, they added save system in 2017 woot. Let's be honest, the game is average at best with mediocre renders, below average writing, extremely short sex scenes, an interesting setting but poorly executed. They are re-using older poses from other games for the new renders and they even used the same ones multiple times here ... Honestly, the game is unbearable without hacking for money and items. The sex scenes are 10-60 seconds long at most, and at least 4 sex scenes (which is about half) were 4 -5 mouse clicks each with a tiny line of text with the generic "fuck me, oh god, yes harder...".
    Game's a bit buggy even in the fixed version. It's also like usual, focused on cheating, you cheat and get cheated on in every LoP/SnG game recently period.

    Don't bother playing it, if all you want to do is masturbate, because the scenes are extremely short. PS: Enjoy wet fapping noises and low quality moans that can't be turned off unless you turn the music and SFX off.

    • Animated Sex Scenes (poorly so but still).
    • Interesting Setting (executed poorly).
    • A Save System (In 2017 who knew).
    • Average Renders (Compared to some of the games around, LOP is falling way behind).

    • Bugs (minor ones on the fixed version).
    • Uninteresting Characters (They are all one dimensional).
    • Uninteresting Protagonist.
    • Low Quality Sounds Effects.
    • Wet Fapping Noises (Why? Just, Why?)
    • Generic Oversimplified Stats System.
    • Re-Used Character Poses.
    • Very Short Sex Scenes (All around, they last about 10-60 seconds if read slowly).
    • Poor Dialogue (Or lack thereof).

    • Moaning Sounds (Really shitty ones).
    • More Cheating (Like usual).
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    This is probably one of the better games made by "sex and glory" and "lesson of passion" as unlike the games submitted in the past in which from the get-go the story would seem to be about having sex in any way possible (preferably through Cheating according to the only fetish LOP seems to know about) this game is quite a bit more story driven as from the start it seems the target is to learn more about the occult mysteries surrounding this town showing that this game is not only about grabbing pussy the fastest way possible. This is extremely refreshing to watch as it is rare for the LOP and S&G team to focus on the story other than the sex itself (which in my opinion is important when you play such sex games). They have done it a few times before but in my opinion, not often enough.

    However, one great improvement has been made on the part of S&G and that is they have finally learned to program a saving system in their game (believe me this a big improvement).

    Now, the characters are nice and well modeled as expected from S&G and LOP and the sounds in this game are also on point because unlike their previous titles they now use multiple sounds of a person moaning instead of using only only one for every situation. The characters stories are also better than before as this is one of their few titles in which the characters with whom you will have sex with are not two dimensional but instead have motivations which may not necessarily be clear. This is great to see as quality is better than quantity in my opinion.

    However, there are some irritating negatives which usually come with LOP and S&G games and those are grinding and bugs. Grinding however may be perfectly enjoyable for other people however when it came to collecting resources and money it can get quite irritating of you do not want to give this game that much time, this is especially true if you are trying to collect resources from the graveyard (in which case I will recommend you to install the mod for this game) as it gives you only two attempts to get the resources you require at night.

    The problem with bugs include you not being able to achieve the harem end however it is not something I personally do not care for as I prefer being with one person (I mean do you honestly think that you can take care of more than one person with a high libido at once) but to each their own. This may be a problem for you and therefore I would urge you to wait for an update.

    Here is the summary:

    Great Character models (unless you hate large breasts in which case I feel sorry for you).
    Interesting overall story (rare from LOP and S&G)
    A save system (Finally)
    Better sounds (different moans for different scenes)
    Interesting characters (they are not as two dimensional any more. Yay!)

    Grinding (it can be a pain in the ass especially when you are collecting resources but this problem can be taken care of by using mods in this site).
    Bugs (you will not be able to get the harem end therefore if that really matters to you then wait for a fix).