RPGM - Completed - Arms Devicer!+ [Final] [Circlekame]

  1. 3.00 star(s)

    Golden Idiot

    Version: Final

    A pretty ancient RPGM that did not stand the test of time. Back when it was made, it would be no suprised if it was considered a great game, but now, its far too outdated and lacking to consider this anything more then average.

    There are no quality of life addition, no options setting, primitive progress and gameplay. It also doesnt help that the sexual scenes are very short and nothing more then a few pictures put together into one scene.

    Overall a really rough game by the standards of our time, but if you want to check out how this older game has inspired other modern RPGM, i would recommend you to try it out, purely for scientific and explorationist goals.
  2. 2.00 star(s)


    This game I could rate highly but first and foremost as a eroge... there are no damn sex scenes really. Bestiality always the same and humanoids always the same. If there are different images or actual scenes it ain't worth worth the effort not by a longshot. I am sadly disappointed with this one
  3. 3.00 star(s)


    Arms Devicer promises a lot but doesn't really end up delivering on much of that promise. Without a guide, you'll probably be as lost as I was. The reason I don't use guides and walkthroughs is because I want my game experience to be organic. The thrill is from not knowing what happens next and stumbling on to a scene that slowly ends up corrupting the character. If I wanted a dictated experience, I'd play one of the many "scene finding" games on this website. And if you're guideless and just follow the main story and do the side quests (hell, even interacting with all the characters doesn't help), you'll end up on the hero route with nary a H-Scene for your travails.

    The combat was good, however. It was fast-paced and 2 or 3 hits was all it took to knock someone out or get yourself knocked out. There are so many items to equip in this game but I don't think I needed 90% of them? The game doesn't really require heavy strategy or anything so you can just equip max attack + max defence related items and kill everything and everyone. Minor grinding needed to get to the level of each area so you don't get one-shotted to oblivion. Nothing too annoying. At the same time, the cut-in of the MC saying some stupid shit before every special attack grated so much. The game also didn't utilize the clothing ripping mechanic properly in my opinion. I think I was restrained maybe once in my entire two hour playthrough. A disappointment.

    I didn't encounter many scenes in my "organic" playthrough either. I was greeted by the same one or two on losing a couple of times, especially without companions. Can't comment too much on the CG quality if the game doesn't let me see them. It's strange because you do get to see one when opening a random chest in a city as the guards think you're thieving around. Why didn't the game have more instances of stuff like that instead of asking me to lose with a specific companion in tow?

    All in all, I am not too pleased about the experience. I know if I play again and this time carefully go scene-hunting, I will find them. And maybe they're great. IDK. However, it defeats the purpose of the game for me so this gets an average rating.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Short review:
    Do i recommend this game? Yes.
    It works as fetish fodder, as well as a mindless grindfest, and gives you all the tools you need to skip the grind if you want to.

    But do yourself a favor and use a guide from at least your second playthrough onward, to minimize the amount of restarts.
    Or just play the routes as you want and get a full save afterwards.
    Game and scenes are good, but not worth the time investment to attempt to fully complete.

    And just for those who can't stomach it, all NTR is avoidable.

    Full review:
    This game is close to great. Frustratingly close.

    The first few hours of gameplay, i was blown away. I actually had fun plaiyng a combat-focussed RPGM Game. The equipment system in this game is excellent. The idea of equippable teammembers that are tied to your equipment and can be swapped out as needed is excellent. Almost every enemy is just as much of a glass cannon as you, making combat fast paced and grinding a lot less tedious than it often is.

    The very first playthrough was some of the most fun i've had in an RPGM game.
    This all gets thrown out the window once you play through the game once and go for different endings.

    You see, H-scnes, as well as titles (basically achievements), are bound to your safe, not the game, meaning if you want a full gallery, you need to go into NG+ many times.
    And since route split is at about halfway through the game, I was getting Fire Emblem 3H flashbacks from all the replaying of the first half I had to do.

    You have the option before each restart to reset your stats, so you could make each playthrough like the first, which i did for the first restart, but after consulting a guide after the second, I realised how often I would have to replay the first half low-leveled just to have a good gameplay experience in the second.
    I stopped resetting my level at the third restart, and proceeded to one-shot every single enemy in the game from then on. All the fun i had with the gameplay was gone.

    There are 3 main routes, one of which splits into an alternate NTR route, two evil/corrupted routes, and one final/true ending route, that gets unlocked after you beat the others. That alone already means 6 full playthroughs. But once I went on H-Scene hunt the true horror of the save-based system hit me. Each of the 4 bad endings meant the a restart. two of which occured in the second half of the game, one of which behind the longest string of H-Scenes, locke dbehind wasting all your money. And that is also the one which has an alternative h-scene if you choose against the bad ending, mutually exclusive to the bad ending scene, meaning you have to go through that chain twice. Fun.

    I was hoping the restarts would be contextualised in the story, a bunch of little things made me think so, and I was really hyped for the final ending, Sadly, it was a weak link between the endings, not the meta-story I was hoping for. Still not a terrible story, there are little details in many routes tying things together, and they all involve some good fetish fuel.

    On the topic of H-Scenes, they range from ok to great. There's great variety, the issue is that it becomes very monotonous in each route. All but one NTR scene are on one route, most forced prostitution on another, etc.Tit gets repetetive fast.

    My personal opinion of the H-scenes:
    Overall pretty good.
    There's too little willing submission for my taste, to much aphrodisiac drugs, incense etc.
    Only one scene really stood out to me, because the MC is not under the influnece of drugs or hypnosis, but still submits, that's the shit that gets me off.
    Sadly, the route invovling it devolved into pure prostitution, which is really just NTR with extra steps (/S?)
    Still, there are some gems here, and nothing terrible.

    All in all, I'm glad I played the game. it's not amazing, and probably not worth the 15+ hours I spent on it, but the first 5 of those were really really fun, and the H-scenes are good enough to get a place in my gallery folder.
  5. 4.00 star(s)


    Note: My “review” is general overview of a game and with heavy weight on how much I enjoy it rather than “critical” rating. A.k.A more of a PERSONAL ENJOYMENT + a bit of “critical” rating/comments gamelist entry

    +hot FMC
    +lot of scenes
    +very well done kinks
    +enjoyable story and gameplay for the most part
    +solid art
    +easy grind method
    +some nice tense dialogue moments

    -gets too grindy at some point
    -some trigger flags are very annoying to find
    -lot of missable scenes

    It was all-around solid and fun RPGmaker game. I did enjoy a lot of scenes and even for the most part the boring grinding part wasn’t that bad. But biggest issue with this game are the events themselves. My first playthrough I missed a lot of things that I later on tried to achieve using walkthrough. Another little minus was that “route” selection part I simply couldn’t get. Never figured out why. But aside that sweet and innocent sexy FMC that slowly gets corrupted from being naive and in general unlucky.
    Likes: Ataly
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Arms Devicer aka Super Robot Wars OG: Lord of the Elemental porn parody... No really, I'm serious XD

    Basically the cast of good guys is like this:

    Rio - Lune/Ryune Zoldark
    Cecilia - Tytti Norbuck
    Lise - Mio Sasuga
    Meti - Masaki Andoh

    This is one of those RPGM games that heavily relies on multiple playthroughs to get everything (heck, the requirement for the True End is to do every other ending).

    The combat isn't exactly what I'd call deep, but it does it's job well enough.

    There are CGs aplenty so I doubt you can go wrong with that angle.

    That being said, it kinda helps that there's an "I Win" and "I Lose" skill to save your ass from the tedious grind.

    Also, I wish it was a bit more jokey in terms of using Lord of the Elemental characters... Come on XD
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    I would say its one of the top Prostitution, Bondage,Tentacles, Virgin,NTR game. You have many different ending. I enjoyed the game-play too. Heroine is a big boobed sexy chick. Specially her body is nice to look at. Give it a try