VN - Ren'Py - Artemis [v0.5.1] [digi.B]

  1. 5.00 star(s)


    It's a real treat when you take a chance on a game and it turns out to be absolutely amazing. Artemis is one such game. Its character writing, design, and animation is excellent, and the evolution of the plot around the enigmatic android herself has been very intriguing. I can't wait to see more.

    Artemis takes the risky decision to make the MC a victim of emotional trauma. This can sometimes feel frustrating as you watch the MC cower to his trauma in early scenes, but it also serves as the foundation for deep reciprocal relationships between him and the main cast. A stark contrast to many other games in this genre where the MC is the stoic emotional rock that grounds everybody else. It's a nice breath of fresh air.

    As for the eponymous android, the game takes a slow burn with her over the first few chapters. However, this allows for these aforementioned bonds to form between the MC and the main cast. When we finally meet Artemis, the writer has established enough characterization that they're complex enough to properly handle "first contact" with a true AI being. So far, the developer has handled these first moments really well, and it has been enjoyable watching Artemis learn and understand the world around her. I'm keenly interested in seeing her story unfold and what kind of person she becomes, and how she interacts with the rest of the cast. I almost couldn't care less about future sex scenes with a sexy android lady, surprisingly enough.

    Speaking of sex, Artemis (the game) offers a nice collection of sex scenes with decent animations, ranging from casual flings to more significant moments with close friends / lovers. The girls all have their unique charms, and I'd say they're all attractive (especially in later scenes where the dev clearly develops more mastery of the 3d software). Things are developing a little slowly with some of the women, but I think that will pay off in future updates.

    My only real complaint is that two girls, Katy and Zelda, are seemingly exclusive from each other for some reason. I don't really see any narrative reason for this, and it seems like it wouldn't be too difficult to just incorporate both sets of scenes into the story if the player wishes. I guess the MC just doesn't have time for 1 extra girl while already spending time with 8 others (9 with Artemis), plus extras like Zoe? This also pops up again at the end of current update between Naomi and Kindra+Artemis. It's frustrating having to choose between these excellent scenes when they don't really clash with each other narratively. This is especially true with the game leaning more towards a harem situation anyways, with multiple ladies acknowledging and being ok with a lack of commitment / open relationship. Ah well, a relatively small blemish on an otherwise excellent game.
  2. 5.00 star(s)


    Such a great visual novel. Very well written. Can't wait for the next update to come out. I can tell you for sure that for the entire time I was going through this VN, I didn't want to shut it off. The story kept me engrossed the entire time.
  3. 1.00 star(s)


    I wanted to like this VN but the story is so stupid that I couldn't continue.
    be aware of spoilers!

    - he was with cassandra up to 3 years ago
    - a 3 year meltdown and therapy.
    - the day he was done with therapy he got kicked out from the rent-room.
    - somehow he had money up to that day. but that was it, now out.
    - and somehow he got this ex (I assume during this 3 years) that helps him find a job, the same day
    - and the same fk day he also meat with someone from school, that he didnt talk with 10+ years
    - and of course she get him a place to stay, and what a place in the middle of nowhere (and she was out running)
    - and now he get invited to do a blowjob contest. and other weird stuff.

    its ridiculous. impossible to enjoy such story without getting frustrated.
  4. 4.00 star(s)


    Overall - 8/10
    - GAME IS FAR FROM COMPLETE - Potential ceiling super high but currently its very short -> few major things happen but nothing concrete (maybe wait for more updates), also game story-line is pretty slow.
    - Story is alright - MC looks gigachad has biggest brain ever -> is homeless -> falls into biggest opportunity of life time -> SUPER CLICHE.
    - Characters - all have their own thing - good
    - Animations a lot of it and they are pleasing - smooth + often
    - Sounds - BGM + SFX - not much in voice/ moans etc - however themes are set well
    - Characters look great - very human mostly
    Story - 6/10
    MC fucked over by ex -> gets lucky falls into an opportunity for a new project -> focused on future technologies (not cyberpunk setting, just normal everyday setting with futuristic things)
    MC falls into so many opportunities feels kinda stupid/ cliche
    Short game - v0.5.1 - needs time
    Characters - 9/10
    MC - looks chad + super coding genius... yeah idk
    June - cool female that can emphasize and sympathize with the MC
    Rest - all have their own thing going
    Animations - 8/10
    A lot of animations - from blinking to simple cut-scenes to Hscenes
    Hscenes - not too many, they have very smooth animations, good enough gives you options what positions etc.
    Renders - 9/10
    Characters look human - realistic - some characters don't hit the mark -> look human but not quite sometimes creepy -> but most characters looks great
    Sound - 7/10
    Pretty much only BGM + sfx
    BGM - good, enjoyable sets the theme well
    SFX - nothing crazy - good immersion
    Needs more scenes feel empty without i.e. Hscenes with moans etc
    Playability - 8.5/10
    SHORT - uncompleted
    Dialogue - decent amount, good writing
    Choices do matter - girl path (leads to stopping other scenes from happening etc)
    Few mini-games - I prefer this
    A little bit of lag - probs from a lot of animations -> worth it tho
    Likes: LizaS
  5. 5.00 star(s)


    A gem in the rough.

    Artemis is one of those hidden treasures you stumble upon in the world of AVN. Even though it doesn't boast fancy graphics (sometimes the characters look wacky) or a huge following, this indie novel offers a story you won't forget.
  6. 5.00 star(s)


    Hands down, easiest greatest VN so far in terms of animation and fluidity in my opinion.
    The scenes feel... actually human rather than robotic. Theres still loops but the Devs took the time rather than just have a singular animation thats 0.02 seconds long repeating to make it a sequence of repeating animations but with various differences. Different expressions, a little extra movement, etc. Honestly, was really refreshing.

    Aside from animations, this has a giga-ton of potential for just story purposes. So many wholesome moments, Kindra kinda throws you back out of immersion at times because she's a little too much but everyone else is pretty genuine and expressive in various ways that work with their character. Theres ofcourse MC superpower of attracting everything around him, and (for lack of a better term) isekai logic but its granted with AVNs lol. No complaints, the intro just made me feel more strongly for the MC deserving it anyway. Was more focused on the chapter 5 mechanics and the story than actually caring about relationships which is a good thing.

    Only downside is LI. Some LI's "seem" okay with an open-relationship ordeal, but the reality is, its pretty narrow in terms of "harem" Two may be open to sharing, the rest seem pretty committed. Majority of the LI's are great, they're all very visually appealing. Didn't have a chance to get close to one of them because it seemed like there was only one present opportunity to have them around and I went with the other option because she was more my type. Otherwise, would say it seems its a single interest game that may have moments of shared experiences but gotta hunker down on one.

    I really hope to see alot more of this game, I noticed progress is slow, especially with dev's RL problems but I'm hopeful it stays for a conclusion. Best of luck.
  7. 5.00 star(s)


    It does everything so well. You get sucked right into that world. The characters all shine in their own way. Its hard to pick an LI. The ones you should relate to, you do.The humor presented is top notch
    The lewds are well placed and wholesome moments hit the right spot. The story is very compelling. The music is well placed.
  8. 5.00 star(s)



    Really specific game, but amazing nonetheless.

    In most of the games there is a LI that has some tragic history, emotional baggage. Being in a relationship with her seems impossible, she's got a big wall to destroy and being with someone like this, holding hands, discovering emotions is really satisfying. And here we have MC like this. MC that is affraid to trust, affraid to commit and we have a long road ahead of us if we want to have a happy relationship. And he knows it, he talks about it, with his therapist, with his friends, he's a smart guy and everything he does seems reasonable.

    So, this is not your standard game, this is a slow-burn, everything will take time. It's not a game for everyone, it's a different game, where you reach "kissing buddies" status with your maine LI after 4 chapters. This game is not for everyone - if you don't like it, just don't play it and move to something else. But it's worth giving this game a chance.

    Kindra. She's a main LI of this game and for a reason. She's really smart, intelligent. Her scenes are funny, humorous - the amount of teasing and innuendos is massive. She's beautiful, sexy. Seems almost perfect. It's not a surprise she's favourite LI of all games for some people, she also won "girl of the year" show on reddit I really want them to be together. I know they both have their stuff to work on and they're not exactly ready for "normal" relationship but we're getting closer and closer. It will be really great to see them together, they have amazing chemistry and Kindra is worth declining everyone else (I have 2 saves of this game: pure kindra and others)

    Ok, a little about standard game stuff. Animations, renders, story, dialogues - all on exceptional level.

    To sum up - amazing game, can't wait for more updates. Dev, keep up the great work.
  9. 5.00 star(s)


    By far the best story in a VN I have seen so far. The visuals are absolutely beautiful, too. I would prefer more scenes with the side characters, though, to make my choices feel more meaningful.

    Even if you're not normally a fan of VNs, I still recommend giving this one a shot. The level of quality is far above any of the generic ones I have read on this platform.
  10. 5.00 star(s)


    Dev could easily work at any tv series worth his writing. Like wtf the hole experience felt like watching a movie, but with imput.
    The renderes are insane, the facial expressions give so much personality.
    Writing is amazing , the feel like people.
    Top noch stuff my friends.
  11. 5.00 star(s)



    Do androids dream of electric sheep?

    Well except this game isn't close to Blade Runner or something, but still it's a game about androids... an android to be exact. When I started this game, its synopsis reminds me a little bit with that old movie called "The Count of Monte Cristo". In that movie, the protagonist .Basically Aiden Pearce Andrade, the main protagonist of Artemis, went into deep depression for three years because his former girlfriend Cassandra, fucked him over badly by signing a scummy contract while he was drunk. He should've been up in the moon with her if he hadn't sign that contract. Three years go by, he's still a broken but also a better man. Sadly after those many years, Cassandra is still doing him a dirty favor. But it all changes when he meet his former high school friend, Kindra Kappuletti (weird surname but I kinda dig it). She asks him to be her secret "coworker" to help her finish her late parents' super secret work, with the codename "Artemis". Just like the movie I just mentioned, it's all about a dude who got fucked over and then try to rise to the top by using a "hidden treasure" to get his revenge.

    Okay let's talk about something else this time. First, I want to talk about the graphics and animations in this game. All I can say is.. wow damn. I've been digging for games that has such aura as Being a DIK and Chasing Sunsets and this is one of them. The UI is also the most beautiful and unique compared to other AVNs.

    Second, the story. Since I just explained a brief summary about this game, I don't think I'm gonna talk about it further. This game is closer to Detroit: Being Human with some mix from the first Watch Dogs. You're probably fitter to be Raymond Kenney compared to Aiden Pearce because in this game, you're building a beginning for the future. Well, instead of building a digital information system like ctOS, you're bulding Artificial Intelligence for companies. The setting in this game is also a little bit futuristic but it also does not remove normalcies in this modern day era. So yeah, just like Watch Dogs and Detroit: Become Human, more advanced than us but everything else is still in place. To be honest, I love the fact that the dev made it like that instead of went full futuristic. Also, this game takes place in a fictional smart city called Central Pointe, located in California (ugh what's up with most AVNs nowadays? most of them take place in the West Coast). At least the dev didn't stray away from real life references, hell they even got the Californian vehicle plate right!

    Lastly, the choices and consequences. Artemis has a lot of choices and longlast consequences, so this game can be replayed as much as you want. "But hey, what about the women?" oh man, there's a lot of women in this game so don't worry about it. This game also has so many hours to play. I think I played it for more than 12 hours. By the way, If you're looking for quick sex in this game, you're in the wrong place my friend. Everything stars veeerrryyy sloooowww but don't worry, just like I said Artemis' story is very interesting and engaging so you won't get bored by it.

    So, five stars out of five for Artemis? JUSTIFIED (y)(y)(y)

    Oh by the way, I actually named my main character Aiden Pearce, very fitting with his line of work. Dude knows how to code, shoot, and fight, except this Aiden is goofier than his counterpart from Chicago (
  12. 4.00 star(s)


    This review will contain minor spoilers. I will keep them to a minimum, but there are things that kind of have to be said and it'll talk about the story.

    The developer can write. And they can animate. It's pretty great actually. The main menu, I wasn't fan of the opening animation but after you've completed enough of the content to see Artemis there, looking around. The model is great, but the way she looks around her surroundings, mirroring herself is just one of the great examples of the animations. You can see the curiosity in her eyes. Unfortunately, sometimes there are just too long animations or montages and you can't really fast forward them, just skip entirely. The story however, isn't for everyone. It's a slow burn and starts off depressing as hell. The main character shows trauma and it's not an easy read. It's well written, which is why it isn't easy. The humor, mostly is a miss for me. I do appreciate some of the jokes, but some of the memes are just plain boring. Also sometimes the girl's humor feels identical, lacking that personal flavor. They have their distinct personalities, but sometimes their humor just doesn't feel personal, but instead a developer self insert.

    Most of the characters are well fleshed. Sometimes I just feel that a character is there for sexy content. But the fleshed characters feel real and alive. June, who has her share of burdens and history with MC has a real human like feeling to her. She's really a person with her past and things. I'm not the biggest fan of her, but I love how the developer has approached her for example.

    Now for the "biggest" spoiler; the title of the game. Artemis. Absolutely adorable. Best girl, who you get to only meet later on in the game. Absolutely loving following her and she's the reason I will keep following this game.

    Speaking of sexy content. I am actually disappointed. The developer can animate beautifully. The renders are beautiful. And they can write well. But the sex scenes are basically a few animation loops and you get to click blowjob/cowgirl/cum basically. It's really rudimentary and not actually exciting. I feel like this game would be better with less or even no sexy content. It just doesn't really add much, except in case of June maybe. With her, the content serves a purpose. But the content itself is still boring and plain. Which is surprising, because there are other, great scenes where you go trough and the developer has it working beautifully. Characters talking, small movements in hands, blinking, it's really superb job. Some of the best you can find on this site. Which is exactly why the sex scenes are doubly disappointing.

    The game also features mini games and open world segments, both which serve basically no real purpose to the game. It also has easily missable content if you aren't paying attention during these. Getting into fight, picking Attack/Defend/Third-option isn't exciting or engaging in any way. And the result is that you either get the casino right and be rewarded, or you miss some stuff. Terrible design. The free roam sections at least are in reasonable places and they're okay, they're serving their purpose but they do not add to the experience, maybe even detract from it.

    That being said, the writing is seriously one of the better ones here. It's not perfect, I really don't like the whole corporate segments most of the time and the ooh big bad selfish capitalist assholes. But the developer has talent. Watching MC conquer his traumas, watching some of the relationships evolve, watching Artemis learn(!!!!) are exquisite. The areas where the dev is clearly comfortable and likes to write about are nothing short of excellent.

    In short, it's not for everyone or without it's flaws. But where the game shines, it shines brightly.

    - Mostly great writing
    - Most relationships feel organic and great.
    - Artemis is absolutely adorable. (And so is blushing Zelda)
    - Sex scenes are mediocre, at best, and sometimes feel like filler content.
    - Not a fan of some design choices, i.e. minigames.
    - The writing is seriously great when it hits.
    - Great, beautiful renders and animations. I wish they'd use this talent to expand on the sexy scenes more. The rest of the gameplay is beautiful.

    I wouldn't rate the game exactly at four stars but it's still way above three. 3,75 or so; so we'll have to go with four stars.
  13. 5.00 star(s)


    The best +18 games (personally, of course), are the ones where you are not playing a porn game. You are playing a game, with porn in it.

    And that's it. Besides, top notch humor, gorgeous art and cool concept.
  14. 5.00 star(s)


    "Artemis" is a hidden gem that took me by surprise with its captivating story, far exceeding my initial expectations. This game immediately grabs your attention not just with stunning visuals or polished animations, but through its compelling narrative delivery. The dialogues in "Artemis" are witty and will leave you chuckling more than a few times. It strikes a perfect balance between casual banter and deep conversations, blending humor, warmth, and heartache seamlessly.

    Each character introduced in the game comes with a rich backstory, making them feel refreshingly unique and avoiding the pitfalls of generic stereotypes. While I'd love to delve into each one, I believe it's best for you to discover them yourself and form your own opinions. However, I must mention the childhood friend and bartender, who are sure to win your affection.

    Speaking of characters, let's talk about the quality of the game's renders. While the first two chapters may suffer from some blurry or pixelated images, the creator provides a fair warning at the outset. Fortunately, this minor setback is overshadowed by the game's stellar storytelling. Moreover, the image and animation quality witness a significant improvement as you progress through the middle of the game.

    Don't let this deter you; the developer has done an exceptional job of bringing the game's visuals to life. Each scene feels vibrant, with characters expressing a myriad of emotions. "Artemis" sets itself apart from other visual novels by avoiding the use of repetitive images for scenes, creating a dynamic and cinematic experience akin to watching a movie or series.

    Another delightful surprise is the game's music. While it may not feature popular tracks, the soundtracks complement the game's atmosphere perfectly.

    So, why waste another moment reading reviews? Dive into "Artemis" and experience it for yourself. The only regret you'll have is not discovering this VN sooner.
  15. 5.00 star(s)


    Really awesome. Lighthearted humor but with a story that has some depth to it. There's clearly thought and passion in it. Emotion and reason for every action and reaction. Kind of silly at times but just enough to get a good laugh at it before the serious topics come in again. Easily one of the best AVN out there.
  16. 2.00 star(s)


    Pretty poor yet not the worst I've ever seen

    - Story 5/10 (way too slow and unrealistic)
    - Animations 3/10 (the few times they actually show up they're way too short and poorly done at that)
    - Characters 2/10 (the MC is a super ultra chad and the main love interest is a mary sue, that brings down the overall cast a ton)
    - Renders 4/10 (they get better later on but not much to be honest)
    - Music 5/10 (I don't think these music choices are the best for the scenes they're in)
    - Enjoyability 4/10(even if these points were higher it's still too slow to be enjoyable, get to the point)
  17. 5.00 star(s)


    MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAN!!!! This game is SOOOOO amazing! The animations are top notch! The writing.....oh god THE WRITING!!!!! One of the best games I've encountered in terms of dialogue and character development!! The humor is top notch! This game could literally be turned into an amazing series on Hulu or Netflix or w/e and I would renew my sub for both just to watch it lol. This game has few peers in its execution, dialogue, character development and animations. I tip my hat to the creator @digi.B . I don't WANT more updates............I NEED more updates! I can't wait to see where you take us on this journey!!
  18. 5.00 star(s)


    Amazing game.. The story is amazing, characters well developed, writing is nice. Probably a first game where i did not mindlessly skip through the text. Classic "came for the porn, stayed for the story".

    Choices actually matter which is a big plus for me.

    Not a lot porn content for my taste, but honestly doesnt matter. When you actually get to the porn content, expect amazing renders and pretty impressive animations, that are not just simple loops.

    Kindra is one of the best characters ever.

    Keep it up dev!
  19. 5.00 star(s)


    excellent, excellent game. one of the best on the platform, with a crazy amount of development for 5 chapters. The game pushes beyond the still-image based VN experience - there are a billion small animations, changes, and new renders to reflect changes where you'd see almost all other devs, including massively wealthy ones like BaDiK, recycle things. I can't believe I have missed this game for so long.
  20. 5.00 star(s)


    This amazing Artemis project just amazed me! :love:

    Beautiful and slightly life-like stories, the main character suffering from the past and how, with the help of old and new friends, you get back on your feet! A great life lesson, but that you shouldn’t give up. ;)

    The creation of each character's facial expressions is very cute, especially Kindra and her changes in behavior... all the characters are good in their own way, H-scene, I'm also a fan of sexual content, but this is the only game where sexual content didn't really bother me, but H-scenes really looks beautiful, especially if you take the latest updates, there was high-quality animation! :devilish:

    Training Artemis was very beautiful and watching her is like a cozy atmosphere :love: I give it a solid rating of 10!